I am currently studying a Masters in Health Psychology and for my thesis I am looking at the characteristics of IBS sufferers and the effect IBS can have on a person’s quality of life, pain severity and stress levels.
I believe IBS is a significantly underappreciated condition by many GP’s and health professionals, needing further research to understand who suffers from it and how this can help with the management and treatment of IBS.
I would therefore greatly appreciate you taking 10-15 minutes of your time to complete my questionnaire, as your response could provide valuable data that could contribute to improved treatment of IBS in the future. If you are 18 years or older then you can complete the questionnaire online using the link below. Please read the attached participant information sheet before completing the questionnaire.
If you have any more questions about the study please feel free to message me.
Many thanks
Participant information sheet:
<iframe src="onedrive.live.com/embed?cid... width="476" height="288" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>