More IBS Research: Hi All I was contacted this... - IBS Network

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More IBS Research

17 Replies

Hi All

I was contacted this morning by email by another doctor at the same university as the other one I've been liaising with.

If you'd like to take part in the research please could you email her whereupon she will respond back with a couple of documents for you to read and she will also organise a Zoom call if you'd like to take part in the study. Her details are (it was a personal email just to me):

Dear Alicia

I understand you recently contacted my colleague, Dr. Rabia Lalani, for involvement in an IBS research study.

I work in the same institute as Dr. Rabia Lalani and have been advised that you may be interested in participating in further IBS research.

The current study assess the possible causes of IBS and IBS related symptoms in different groups of patients with IBS (Please see information sheet for more details).

The study consists of:

1.A video call to go through our inclusion/exclusion criteria (conducted via zoom)

2.A series of online questionnaires.

I have attached two participant information sheets to this email.

1.If you suffer with IBS, constipation type, please open the document named ‘IBS with constipation symptoms’

2.If you suffer with IBS, diarrhoea, or mixed bowel habit , please open the document named ‘IBS with mixed symptoms’

If this study is of interest to you and you would like to participate please respond to this email with a convenient date and time for a zoom call.

If you would like further information about this study before making a decision, please feel free to respond to this email or call me on 07506002972 (Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm).

Kind Regards,

Anisa Choudhary

Anisa Choudhary

PhD Researcher

The Wingate Institute for Neurogastroenterology

Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry

Queen Mary University

26 Ashfield Street

London E1 2AJ

Anisa will send the documents to you once you have responded. She did say that it would be better to email her rather than phone.

Best of luck if you take part.


17 Replies
Maureen1958 profile image

Hi Alicia, looks like you have a job for life. :) I think I have already done this one as I remember the young lady's name.

in reply to Maureen1958

Maybe I have LOL. Funny I remember her name as well but maybe not this one, I'm pretty sure I've done something similar. She would have my bane on her records if I've done it before.

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply to

Perhaps it's a different one like you say. I believe, if I remember correctly, the one I did had some connection with Ehlers -Danlos Syndrome.

in reply to Maureen1958

Yes this one does as well funnily enough. I kind of had a moment where I thought I recognise this but pretty sure I didnt go through to the end.

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply to

Perhaps that's just the area that they deal with in their department!

in reply to Maureen1958

Could well be Maureen 🤗

Kitten-whiskers profile image

Great job Alicia 😁

in reply to Kitten-whiskers

Thank you Debs xx

Kitten-whiskers profile image
Kitten-whiskers in reply to


edwangy profile image

Have you had any benefit from these studies?

in reply to edwangy

The research is looking into IBS, what symptoms people get etc, it's so the condition can be understood more so that treatments etc can be created. It's for the future, not for the individual. I'm hoping that taking part it will help those younger than me and for future generations. It's not to benefit me.

Hi how do I find the email address please?

in reply to

Apologies, I hadn't realised it hadn't been included in the sign off.

Here it is

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in reply to

You're welcome👍

Cote88 profile image

Same... thanks

in reply to Cote88

Here it is

Not what you're looking for?