Does anyone ever get weird back pains?
The pain is hard to describe it's kind of in my right hand side and then settling underneath the ribs? I woke up with slight cramps this morning but then the pain has shifted to the side and back? Thanks
Does anyone ever get weird back pains?
The pain is hard to describe it's kind of in my right hand side and then settling underneath the ribs? I woke up with slight cramps this morning but then the pain has shifted to the side and back? Thanks
hi there, yes I get this too, it comes and goes, its dull but very much there
Kinda sounds like kidney pain.
Have you been tested for gallstones? They produce pain which can travel round to your back between shoulder blades. They can be really really painful
Hi thanks for the reply I was recently in hospital with suspected appendicitis they did do a scan and said I had a small stone but nurse said that it's quite normal and apparently if they scanned most people they would have them? Woke up this morning with similar pain but on the opposite side it's a weird feeling
If you have a stone it could well be giving you trouble. Most people do have them, I was told that when they saw mine during a scan for something else. Years later they started moving around and giving me pain. I ended up in hospital several times, really quite poorly as one had got stuck in a bile duct, and having my gall bladder removed. Gall bladder pain is usually on the right hand side. Keep an eye on it and if it gets really painful go back to your GP and tell them you suspect you’re gallstone is on the move.
Thanks will do
i get this all the time, think its due to the funny position i go in to clean up. almost like a pulled muscle
Yes I get that too
Yes, I get backpain when my IBS flares up. With or without an accompanying stomach pain. When it first started I thought it was my back - but I don't get them when IBS is ok.