Left hand side sharp burning stabbing pain under rib cage and occasionally in back. Since Feb. Sometimes goes away for a few weeks then back. No other symptoms bowels fine - sometimes goes up into chest. Any ideas? Scan of upper ab normal no bloods yet
Stabbing burning pain: Left hand side sharp... - IBS Network
Stabbing burning pain

Hello Footello, i have the same problem as you, only i have peptic ulcer,i was told by my doctor that it's related to acid reflux, hopefully you feel better.
I’m not getting any reflux symptoms / maybe I have an ulcer?
Hey, I have similar symptoms. Blood tests a few months back showed up H Pylori and I took the antibiotics but the pains persist though a lot of other symptoms improved after those meds. An endoscopy last weekend confirmed Gastritis so they advised to keep taking PPI which I've been on for months now. H Pylori is now negative. Trying to keep to a bland type diet. I'm no expert but getting a blood test would be good I think. The initial one they took didn't check for H Pylori so worth asking GP to include that if you get one.
All the best
I had very similar symptoms to this just before Xmas and mine was they think gallstone and it must have passed as they can pass if they small enough hope u get to the bottom of this very soon x