Had for ages gas and wind and squeaking from my guts. Acid reflux. Doctor said I had ibs. Loads of blood test and stool FIT all ok. New doc tests for h pylori and boom positive. After a week of antibiotics and omeprozole still ongoing with this drug and Alverine. This is weeks after my course of antibiotics finished.tho much better I’m still getting spam now and again and soft ( not loose stool) came of the omeprozole for a few days but wondered if the Alverine had any sides?
Can anyone tell me if Alverine has any side af... - IBS Network
Can anyone tell me if Alverine has any side affects
Similar to me in some ways, I’ve had lower & upper gut pain left and right since Start of Sept, diagnosed with Helicobacter following a breath test, just finished 2 weeks of triple therapy (Amoxicillin, clarithermycine, omeprazole... Doc says I don’t need retesting but after 4 days or so I’m to go on Mebeverine to see if it stops this all over abdo pain and gurgling ... I don’t feel that much better at mo, I’m hoping that the Mebeverine helps... I asked if this lower abdo pain could be the Helicobacter ... he said no as it effects upper abdo/stomach. He seems to think I’ve got some IBS going on, bowels open ok but soft....your not alone but not much help I know, good luck.
Yes I was told that the stomach has been upset and it takes a while to settle down. I had a week of antibiotics x2 3 times a day. But mine was amoxicillin and metronidazole.
It definitely affects the lower also in fact mine was mostly wind and almost like a spasms and a gripping dragging feeling

Thanks for reply, I'll let the triple therapy wear off & then take Mebeverine, see what happens, I'm to let Doc know how I progress, I've lost weight too (maybe half a stone or 4kgs) whether that's due to the healthier diet (no alcohol, cakes, biccies or chocolate etc) I've been on for a month or so I don't know.
Did you lose any weight with the helicobacter & how was it detected ?
Regards G
I actually put on weight but you can put on and loss of weight with h pylori. So many people ha e different symptoms. I had the stool test and now waiting for a down camera jobby. I also had a bloated belly after eating and stools all over the place. Are you in the Uk? I’m in Essex

Yup in the UK Wales, I’m a 63 yr not overweight Bloke, I’m hopefully Helicobacter free now, but lower abdo all over is painy & gurgling at times, worse lying down as I’m more relaxed I guess, doc wants to know soon if the Mebeverine helps ... after I’ve had a gap after the triple therapy .... I hope you get a result wiv your tests... very best G
Yer I’m sure it will all settle.
Maybe I’m just after fast results lol a quick fix eh not always possible.
Have your B12 serum blood test it may show you're deficient in this vitamin, which will give you many of your symptoms.
Omeprazole can make IBS worse as one of the ingredients is a common laxative Mannitol. The acid reflux should be investigated with a gastroscopy. I had similar and it was discovered that I had stomach polyps and errosions.
As for wind, bloating, cramping and loose stools to alleviate this problem you should stick to a low fodmaps diet. Also, something to consider, you could be lactose/ dairy intolerant (or yeast).
IBS sufferers cannot tolerate alcohol or any type of fizzy drinks.
I hope this info helps. Good luck.
PPIS can make ibs worse period, nothing to do with added ingredients. Look up side effects
Oh yes, I know all about PPI'S. I took Omeprazole for a while. It caused extremely painful stomach cramps and caused me to lose my sense of taste. I read a report which claimed that these drugs not only switch off acid production in the stomach but affect all other acid producing cells in the body. There are apparently acid producing cells in the arteries which act like Teflon stopping plaque sticking. Once switched off these cells have an opposite effect and act like Velcro making plaque stick and thus furring the arteries.
These drugs should only be prescribed for no longer than a month and with other medications to treat ulcers due to helibacter pylori.
I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole now.
i take alverine now and again to help stop spasms, works occasionally but can cause constipation