Has anybody had a stool test with this result, they said it was a bit high, well so is my anxiety now☹️ I’ve got to have a gastroscopy on Wednesday, now I’m just going to fear the worst. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks
High calprotectin ???: Has anybody had a stool... - IBS Network
High calprotectin ???

Hi yes, mine is constantly raised. Had most of the tests and all ok. It must just be the way I am. Diagnosed IBS xxx
I was still diagnosed with IBS even after getting a really high calprotectin reading.
Hi Cimmy,
May I ask you how high was it?
Mine is at 328 and I am panicking. I will have a colonoscopy and gastroscopy next week plus a enterprise-scan the following week.
Thank you.
Hope you are doing fine now.
Hi Alie, sorry I don’t know what the reading was, only that it was high, I’ve had an gastroscopy and colonoscopy which were both ok, so I don’t know where I go from here. Wishing you well and good luck with both of your, please let me know how you get.
Thank you Cimmy; did you get anymore tests done ? entero-MRI, entero-scan (CT scan) ? Did they do biopsies ?
Hi alie, I’ve had a stomach ultrasound, which showed a simple cyst in my liver and a cyst on my ovary, got to repeat in 3 months, also had bloodwork done which came back ok,so I’m stumped at the moment, haven’t been offered a scan yet but might push for one. Alie may I ask what your symptoms are, my anxiety is so high with all this at the moment. Take care
When these « episodes » occur I feel super bloated (like 6 months pregnant), my tummy gets hard, and I get very painful spasms (even at night) that come and go. These tough episodes last for a couple of weeks, but the crux of the pain is around 5-6 days each time. I never had diarrhea or saw blood in my stools. Sometimes they seemed soft but they are always formed. I only have one bowel movement par day, in the morning.
This whole thing started 5 years ago. I had a colonoscopy and gastroscopy 2 years ago and they came back all clear. The biopsies were normal. They found I was lactose intolerant (moderate) but not celiac. I had multiple ultrasounds and they found a cyst on my ovary but it was small. The rest was clear. My calprotectin was 119 back then. Now its at 328 (2 weeks ago), so I am very anxious as well.
I am 53 years old, so the GI will perform another colonoscopy and gastroscopy. I am also having an entero-scan. He thinks it must be Crohn's. We'll see.
You know I told myself that living with pain like this is not funny. I am under a lot of stress, but there are people out there dealing with the same amount of stress and don't have these symptoms. It's better to get to the bottom of this once and for all.
Don't be anxious: you had your colonoscopy and gastroscopy. But push for more investigation if you are still feeling unwell.
Keep me posted. Best wishes.