I have to go for a colonoscopy this weekend and the thought of it is really stressing me out. Does anyone have any reassurances for me?
Scared about tests: I have to go for a... - IBS Network
Scared about tests

I have had 3 Colonoscopies and they are over before you know it. The worst but most important part is the prep, if it's not taken completely and at the correct timings the Gastro can't clearly see the bowel.
The staff at the endoscopy units talk you through the procedure, they will probably ask you if you would like sedation, this is your chance to ask questions also. Good luck 🍀
Me tooo! I’m so scared to have one. And I’m 60 and not had one yet. I wish there was a different way to do the test. I’ve heard so many scary stories
Please don’t be scared I’ve had one recently and it’s a bit uncomfortable but not as bad as I thought . Don’t listen to the scary stories it’s over before you know it.
I’ve not had a colonoscopy but friends who have mainly tell me it’s really not too bad. But if you wished, you could check in advance with the hospital whether you can have a sedative jab (so long as you don’t mind needles!). But if you have a sedative, you may well need an “escort” at the hospital to take you home - a friend or relative. Or maybe ask GP for diazepam tablets, just for yesterday occasion? Good luck! Hopefully you won’t find the test too bad. 😀
I've only had 1 colonoscopy so I might be able to give you some advice - the most important part is the bowel prep and the preparation beforehand. You should have been given some information from your doctor about how to take the bowel prep properly but also about food to avoid and how long to fast for.
The only advice I can give for bowel prep is to drink it as quickly as you can and don't drag the process out. It's really difficult when you have a massive thing of bowel prep that doesn't taste great but if you get it over with quickly it'll be so much better. I drank mine with a straw and held my nose while drinking, but also keep something on hand like apple juice (I was allowed to have apple juice but I don't know what you've been instructed to do) to sip when the prep gets too much.
After the bowel prep make sure that 1: you get to the bathroom ASAP because that stuff kicks in really fast and 2: bring in your laptop and watch something on Netflix while you're in the bathroom. I found that tidbit online before I did my bowel prep and it makes the time go so much faster. It's also a good distraction.
The procedure itself is absolutely fine - if you take any medications bring them with you so the medical team know what medication you normally take. You should be offered medication of some sort before the procedure (I was given fentanyl, midazolam and buscopan). I can't really remember the actual colonoscopy, apart from that I didn't believe that the colon on the little screen was actually my colon and I fell asleep at some point and the nurse had to wake me up.
In terms of after the colonoscopy I had a cup of tea and some biscuits while I was in the recovery room. Had a chat with the nurse and my Dad about the results (because of the medication none of it went in but you should get paperwork with the results on them) and went home. My parents thoroughly enjoyed having me at home while I was, in their words, "very happy"! 😁
Good luck and try not to worry about it too much 😊
Yep, fentanyl made me slightly tipsy too. I was worried about the procedure, but as others have said, the prep is the most important and most boring part. Make sure you keep well hydrated during the prep too. The procedure itself was pain free for me, and decidedly weird seeing my own colon on the screen. If I ever need another one, I would not be worried.
Yes - had one on Monday! It’s fine - ask for sedation and you float off to a rather lovely place. They get on with it and in no time at all you’re sitting up in bed eating biscuits and drinking tea. Honestly the worst bit is the dreary residue diet and the laxatives. But even they’re ok if you watch something good on the tv and accept you’ve got to be near a loo for the day before. It’s a lifesaving test and the drugs make it painless! The comedian David Sedaris says he has one every year just for the drugs! Good luck.
Hi I have had. 2 both times I took the sedation and I never felt any pain , just a little discomfort when they filled my colon with air but it quickly passed I know it's easy to say but try and relax as it really does help if you can . I was talked through everything and given the results before I left . Oh I was most worried about letting out wind when they finished as my brother in law said you do a massive fart but it doesn't happen he was winding me up Good luck .
I was exactly the same and got myself in such a state and it really was fine. The prep was the worst part and even that was ok although did leave me feeling drained there was nothing painful about it. The colonoscopy itself was so quick and I actually had mine without any meds at all. Although they don’t recommend this as everyone is different and some more uncomfortable than others. It was so quick going in and they had gas and air if mended but once they were at the end everything was fine. A bit of discomfort as they inflate the bowel with air so they can see so the discomfort feels like wind because that’s exactly what it is. Then coming out when they were having a look and taking biopsies I didn’t feel a thing. Was all over so quick. Good luck you’ll be fine.
You have a nurse with you all the way. They give you stuff to help you with the process. They are really kind and supportive and will hold your hand if you are worried. It is over sooner than you think. Good luck.
It’s fine honestly, drinking the laxatives is definitely the worst part. I had the procedure without any sedative and managed, had a bit of cramping near the end of procedure due to trapped wind they said so I had to breath through it but it was just like a strong contraction that only lasted a few minutes then it was over. Good luck x
I’ve had at least two. I have a lot of adhesions from previous gynecological surgery so i have a lot of twists and turns. Because of that, my prep has an additional day and it’s gentle because of IBS. BUT my best advice is to pick up some baby wipes so you don’t get sore 🙂. In the US, we are given something to go to sleep and when we wake up, it’s done . Don’t even realize you had it done and the doctor tells you the results immediately. It’s really not a big deal. You’ll be so glad you had it done. One less thing to worry about!
It’s the scary stories that I’ve read about colonoscopies that are freaking me out and making me scared to have one.
I've had 3 done, no problem at all. Even the prep is not really such a big deal these days as the stuff the give you now (at least in Spain) is not as vomit inducing as it used to be lol
There is also an alternative for some cases which is called a virtual colonoscopy, you can Google this for info about it
The prep is the worst of it, I call it the spawn of Satan! Nothing happened for the first few hours, however that was made up with the rest of the day downloading my bowels! I suggest that you have plenty of clear sugared drinks to keep the energy up during the day, also Bovril if you like it, can be a pleasant change while the prep is working. The actual procedure isn't too bad, actually it was fascinating seeing the inside of my gut on the large TV . You can feel the camera as it goes around the bends, but it is perfectly manageable without being put out to sleep
Thank you all. I survived the test and all was good.
Heyaaa i know it may be hard right now but try to meditate every night before bed or as soon as you wake up. And when you get anxious thought about it, don't repress them, try acknowledge that they are there and ask yourself if its rational or not and if you are scaring yourself into the worst possible scenario.
Also try avoid reading about peoples horror stories as i can imagine thst won't help. I'd definitely say educate yourself by reading about so it you know everything thats going to happen to help reduce your anxiety.
And if it makes you feel better I'm going to be in the same boat soon, hopefully 🤞🏼
What helps calm my thoughts is that once you've had this colonoscopy you're gunna know whats causing your stomach problem, so allow that to help give you piece of mind. Its gunna be okay❤
Thank you. I have to say that I think that a lot of this is in my mind, and it’s the anxiety that causes the symptoms. I need to tackle that.
The investigation came back completely clear, which is great and a huge relief. But that still leaves me with the tummy problems and no specific cause to try to rectify. I’m not quite sure what to do next.
Awe bless you, I understand what you mean. The fact that you have identified that your anxiety plays a part in your stomach problems and you know you need to do something is definitely a step in the right direction.
Two things that have helped with my anxiety is self help books and meditation. You can get guided meditation sessions on youtube or an app. And I have a book called "Be A Warrior Not A Worrier" by Elizabeth Archer and it was sooo helpful for me. She's done other books that may be more useful for you but her books are amazing!! I'll pop a link in so you can have a look if you want
OMGGGG that's amazing!!! I know it doesn't make you feel any better because you still don't have answers but at least it isn't something too serious, despite the pain still being there. I know how you feel, I had a blood and stool test and they both came back clear but my symptoms seem to just be getting worse despite being on so many meds. And the the next step is a colonoscopy, which I'm scared is going to come back clear too and I'm just going to be left in the dark still not knowing what's causing my pains. But when you think about it, you'd rather get all of these tests and tell you you're all clear. Because sometimes lifestyle changes etc can cause you to just have a blip with your health. Have faith and make sure your diet is good and try avoiding stress and see if that helps.
I hope you feel better soon