Tests : How do you all get these tests done. I... - IBS Network

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Ceasersalad profile image
16 Replies

How do you all get these tests done. I've had IBS for over 10 years and no test has ever been offered to me . I suffer every other day . And even going to my GP all she said is take probiotics, mebeverine and cut down on fibre , as I have IBS (D) and sometimes mixed . Every morning is a battle going to the bathroom, spending too long in there , it's okay if I'm not working, but when I am it's a fight to get out the door on time to catch my bus to get to work. I don't eat breakfast that I'm afraid I may need the toilet on the way to work. It's just constant stress

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Ceasersalad profile image
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16 Replies
Maureen1958 profile image

Hi, I have had IBS for almost 40 years. I was given a colonscopy after having IBS for about 10 years. Still suffering, just getting worse, the older I get. If you are worried, tell your GP that you want a colonscopy.

sophiaca07 profile image

The GP can be very dismissive of my ibs so I understand where you’re coming from, and sympathise with it and i’ve experienced it a lot. I found that expressing the mental side of things and how much stress and anxiety it produces can make them take it more seriously. I’m sure you are sick of hearing this (as was I) but you have to be really pressing about the tests that you want done. Like just straight up ‘I want a blood test to check this out’. I understand it’s hard to do.

Financially I am lucky enough to have now gone private to help with my medical issues. It obviously comes at a huge expense but if this is at all possible for you, everything is much quicker , more pleasant and more accessible. They will pretty much do anything you want to and are just generally more interested.

I hope things improve for you

Dollymae06 profile image

Hi I am exactly the same as you I have had this for over 30 years but now have fecal accidents aswell. I have had a FIT test it showed no blood so I cannot have a colonoscopy to see why I am suffering with this. My anxiety has been really high and I suffer with depression also. I am retired now so Thank God I don't have the worry of going to work anymore. I do hope you get the tests you need tell your GP you need to put your mind at rest as it is making you anxious . Take care and stay strong.

Whitesugar profile image

Look up bile acid diarrhoea (BAD) or malabsorption on gutscharity.org.uk. There has to be an answer to diarrhoea every other day. A diagnosis of IBS should only be made after other bowel disorders have been discounted by testing. My situation was over 40 years of unexplained and sudden diarrhoea with many difficult and embarrassing situations. Finally a gastroenterologist took me seriously and diagnosed BAD after all tests were negative. I had a trial of a bile acid sequestrant (colestyramine) and the diarrhoea stopped. I suggest you tell your GP you've had enough and ask to be referred to a gastroenterologist. Good luck.

Dh19 profile image

I really feel for you , fortunately I’ve a great GP’s who takes the impact of physical symptoms on mental health seriously and so his / her response has always been positive when I have asked for referral to further tests. I’ve recently had both a full abdominal and pelvic CT and colonoscopy which fortunately have been negative and therefore the GP is confident in their diagnosis of IBS. That said I still have symptoms but no longer mental anguish in thinking it is more serious. As some of the other folks on here have said I would suggest that you request further evaluation (CT or colonoscopy) and talk to your GP about the impact this is having on your mental health. Hopefully they support your request. Good luck and hopefully you get some positive outcome.

xjrs profile image

There is a set protocol for diagnosing IBS by eliminating other things which is here:


It involves blood and stool sample tests. If these blood and stool sample tests come back clear, then you are diagnosed with IBS. If not, you are referred for further investigation with a colonoscopy. You can still be diagnosed with IBS even after that if everything looks healthy from the colonoscopy.

Are you saying your GP has never run blood and stool sample tests for your symptoms?

If this is the case, they are acting negligently and you could make a complaint and/or find another GP practice.

Harrisonford profile image

I can't help but just wanted to say I totally understand as I have IBS too.Your symptoms are a lot worse than mine but from one sufferer to another, just to let you know you're not alone.

Ceasersalad profile image
Ceasersalad in reply to Harrisonford

Thank you! I appreciate your response

lowraind profile image

I keep asking what are our other options. Did it when we couldn't get in to Dr, for over a month, did it when blood test and stool sample did not show anything. Did it when the colonoscopy did not show anything. In other words, you have to keep pushing.

Ceasersalad profile image
Ceasersalad in reply to lowraind

Thank you , I have, they are clearly not bothered and I'm so frustrated, as they just diagnosed IBS without any further tests

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply to Ceasersalad

Change your doctors practice then. I have recently changed my doctors after nearly 30 years with them as I had enough of them. It's easy to do if you have one near enough for you.

Frasina profile image

I have had IBS 30 plus years... a few years ago I saw the GP as things were getting worse. I asked for bloods to be done and she said I should have a FIT test (it is just a poo sample). That came back negative (it looks for blood) so the GP refused me any more tests...

I had lost a stone in a month but I never lose weight quickly! I decided the only way I will get help is to pay for a one off gastroenterology consultation which I did and he suggested a colonoscopy that he said he will organise on the NHS because I had lost the stone in weight in 1 month.

Six days later I had the colonoscopy and I have patchy pancolitis which would have gone undetected had I listened to the GP. I was put on meds and get monitored every 6 months by the hospital. In my case I also have IBS too...

The point I am making is that too many doctors brush off symptoms; we know our own bodies! At least having a colonoscopy will put your mind at rest if they find nothing at all, as stress plays a big role in IBS as well. As others have said, you need to play on how it's affecting you mentally, but possibly the only way these days to get tests may be in the first instance to pay to see someone.

Gardenlover2020 profile image

hi ,

Ask your doctor to refer you to a gastroenterologist, which is what I did through the NHS. He has had quite a lot of test done that I asked for you just have to keep pushing and asking because if you wait nothing will happen you’ve really got to push at the doctor or the consultant is the only way to get things done , don’t be afraid to ask

penelope2 profile image

Hi there, I too had ibs for most of my adult life. Living with it was really fifficult and stressful t I tried the FODMAPDIET for many years, it didn't really help. Immodiun was a life saver as many of you will know.Over the years I tried many things. Then in 2020 because of another health condition I went gluten-free. Doing this 100% is not easy, takes a lot of motivation. But hey ho things slowly improved. Then had a private test for cross reactive foods and went dairy and rice free too. I would never have guessed that rice was problematic for me.

It was a game changer and things really improved. It did take well.over a year and the very restrictive diet was a serious change of lifestyle not just a diet. But now can eat onions, garlic and lots of green leafys. Of course gluten may not be your problem but along with dairy is recognised as being high inflammatory foods. So maybe worth trying???

Good luck.

Ceasersalad profile image
Ceasersalad in reply to penelope2

Thank you ! All I can do is try . I appreciate your reply . I'll try anything. As you are aware its something we have to live with

angelwings52 profile image

I'd ask to see another doctor as your GP is being negligent and dismissive of your health - you should be referred to see a Gastroenterologist as only they, not GPs can diagnose IBS. The hospital based tests are vital as IBS is diagnosed after other health conditions have been ruled out. I would ask to be tested for Bile Acid Malabsorption and get your gallbladder checked as well. In the meantime, keep a food diary for finding any food triggers and hypnotherapy can really help with anxiety.

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