2 wks ago my husband saw the doctor at the hospital for acute liver disease, he was diagnosed 6 wks ago after emergency admission. my husband is an alcoholic. basically the dr said i'm sorry it's bad news I give you a year. he offered my husband help to stop drinking which he declined( he doesn't have a problem) anyone been through this
scared: 2 wks ago my husband saw the doctor at... - IBS Network

Sorry to hear this. But you mention he’s an alcoholic but thinks he doesn’t have a problem? If he wants any sort of future he has to accept the doctors offer for help him to stop drinking. Maybe look to see if there are any support groups around you you can attend either together or by yourself.
I don't understand what you are asking. If your husband is an alcoholic then he does have a problem with alcohol, surely any help offered to him is a good thing. Or am I missing your point?
A very good friend of mine is also an alcoholic and he has liver damage, nerve damage, eye problems amongst things his drinking has caused over the years. He goes long periods of time without drinking but every so often he goes on what he calls a binge. It's not pretty to see and one day it will kill him, it is painful to witness. Does your husband know how distressed you are about his health? I truly feel for you and hope you can get through to him, soon.
I'm sorry to hear this and hope you get the support you need. My brother was an alcoholic for many years and he lived on his own but I'm afraid my brother wasn't a nice person as he was cruel to me and my parents. I really don't know why he became an alcoholic as my parents were absolutely brilliant. The alcoholics I tend to have empathy for are those that are going through difficulties i.e. an ex serviceman with PTSD etc.
Thinking of you at this difficult time.

sadly my husband is the sweetest person you can meet, even with drink. he's not a falling down drunk, just drinks everyday. no one chooses to be an alcoholic, we don't know why people do it. thanks for your thoughts x
Aw bless you and your husband and it sounds more like a habit which is hard to break. I do have empathy for alcoholics but not for ones like my brother. There are so many out there that need help and support but it sounds like your husband has a lot of support from you - bless you.
You are in my thoughts.
Alicia x