I have been suffering from ibs for 16 years now. I have been on medications and have had tests to find out what is going on. I now follow the low fodmap diet which really improved my syptoms. I know have had two big flare ups where i have had to take two days off work and have now missed a birthday bash because of my ibs. I find that i will get an attack where i will have diiarrhoea and tummy cramps. Then for a few days after i will have little appetite and feel really tired and just want to sleep. I also get a very bad headache which painkillers dont seem to touch. I then end up suffereing from bad heartburn and indgestion and a bubbly tummy. My attacks seem to be getting worse and seem to be lasting longer.
I have just been diagnosed with depression, anxiety and ocd which i know can play a role in ibs but i seem to get attacks at any time even if i am relaxed. Work is stressful at the moment and i need to learn to relax better but i am not sure how. I am currently working with mind and my Local mental health team to deal with some long standing issues but hoping that someone on here maybe able to help with some advice. I just feel that every time i think i have cracked it and my ibs is under control that it flares up again.
Any help would be great.