I’ve got colonoscopy procedure tomorrow- to say I’m anxious is an understatement- I’ve taken the two senna tablets this morning at 8.30 but so about 40 mins ago - so far.... nothing! I’m dreading the onset of the diarrhoea... helllllp!
Yikes- it’s like waiting for an unexplored bom... - IBS Network
Yikes- it’s like waiting for an unexplored bomb to go off!

Yes understand most patients do not like this part of the procedure but to me it's the most important as the clearer the bowel the better so the Gastro can see all. You are lucky to have taken just senna as with my last colonoscopy I had a drinkable prep plus senna tabs later. When the results went my GP he said he had never seen such a clear picture of the bowel so it paid off all that sitting on the loo!
Good Luck for tomorrow

We understand. We know it's difficult, but try to reduce your anxiety.
They usually give you litres and litres of a strong laxative to drink! But don't worry, it's a little uncomfortable but nothing to worry about. You can watch the whole thing and it's quite interesting. Relax, it will all be over before you know it.
I've had worse experiences at the dentist's really it's a piece of cake.
It's over in 20 mins then it's free coffee and biscuits
Thankfully all over and nothing hideous found. Thanks for the support everybody. Resting now and having some food 😀
Hi there, I hope that it's gone well for you today.

Yes thank you - it was pretty hideous, but all over now and I’m fine - and they didn’t find anything worrying, so I’m back to just having dodgy IBS!!! Thank you for asking 😊
I'm glad it's over for you and it's nothing serious. I'm following a low fodmap diet as my IBS had got really bad with nausea and diarrhoea just about every day, it was affecting my mental health big time. The diet is definitely working for me, it's worth a try if you are able to be referred to a Dietician under the NHS if your in the UK.

Oh sorry to hear that - yes I’ll be looking at diet next, one of my friends had lots of diverticuli - she went to an Ayurvedic practitioner and she said it’s helped a lot. Enzymes are very important, as when they get get out of sync bang goes everything !! Hope you get your symptoms under control 🤞
Diet is definitely the best thing for me for sure. Once the diet has finished I'll be purchasing probiotics to help.
I've never heard of an Ayurvedic practitioner, sounds good to me. I've read about Digestive Enzymes though and they do sound good.
Here's wishing you a healthier future with no tummy problems.
All the very best.😊