Sore Body Pain- IBS??: Does anyone else with IBS... - IBS Network

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Sore Body Pain- IBS??

golfcoursegator profile image
7 Replies

Does anyone else with IBS get random skin pain? I get patches where it feels like I've banged myself except I haven't and can be aggravated by the lightest touch or even my clothes just touching my skin. It usually happens when I'm having a bad time stomach wise with bloating and constipation so I'm thinking it could be linked to my IBS. Does anyone else get this?

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7 Replies
SABAS profile image

I have IBS, and i get random painful bruises around my body all the time, they even get greenish and blueish and sometimes i get the feeling of burning under my skin. But i’m not sure it’s related I never though about it that way. Now that you did mention it I’ll probably do some research on it, and if I find anything I’ll let you know!

amstegraf profile image

I had it billions of times and never met anybody else that had this issue. It feels like a super sensitive patch of skin that to the lightest touch is like burnt skin somebody is messing with. Very hard to describe it accurately

golfcoursegator profile image
golfcoursegator in reply to amstegraf

Yes, it's exactly like that! No one ever knows what I'm talking about

LadyinRed47 profile image

Yes me too. Usually in bed at night when my insides are playing up. Occasionally during the day. I find it helps to run it under cold running water. Cool it down like you would with a burn or scald. Remembering the pyramid effect - the area of affected skin you can see is just the tip of the pyramid. Mine started after I had radio therapy 14 years ago but I still get it sometimes.

Leemccluskey profile image

Hey everyone, the symptoms you are describing are very much to do with IBS. You are experiencing fibromyalgia. People feel different symptoms of fibromyalgia some more than others and it can come and go.

I know its hard not to worry but if you can try not to worry and sort of accept that these stinging, muscle pains, bone pains, headache, brain fog, chest pain, skin sore to touch or any combination of these symptoms or only one of them is fibromyalgia and is not damaging then they should calm down or go away as stress can cause a flair up and make symptoms worse

SABAS profile image
SABAS in reply to Leemccluskey

Thank you so much for clarifying that!

Leemccluskey profile image
Leemccluskey in reply to SABAS

No problem. I hope you find some relief from your pain soon. There seems to be so many connections with pain fibromyalgia stress anxiety IBS etc and there seems to be a viscious circle. Once you break the cycle I think you have to quickly work on any remaining symptoms. Accepting them for what they are iit seems is the only way to defeat them. Example you cant fight anxiety as it makes it worse. If you accept anxiety is there and that it won't kill you or damage your body and that you can't stop it and even tell it by calling its name "hey anxiety do what you've got to do" then it will go anyway or calm right down. In other words accept what you cant change and accept its tgere but try and concentrate on something else you can do then it will disappear from your mind.

To treat ibs Hypnotherapy on the gut is excellent. Ever heard of ive got a gut feeling or I nearly threw up with fear or I wet myself or I had the runs because I was anxious or fearful or upset. Its not in the mind but its not a physical illness the gut is like a second brain that interacts with your brain. So you can teach your gut to relax or work properly by hypnotherapy on the gut and the brain. I received hypnotherapy on the nhs in Manchester in the only nhs hypnotherapy service which is bowel hypnotherapy run by professor Peter Whorewell. Look him up on Google he has written a book and done some you tube videos explaining himself. He is a very clever man and he cured me although now it has come back having had a heart attack and having to take ppi like lansoprazole and other heart meds that irritate the stomach. They have upset my stomach bio and bowels and obviously my stress and anxiety have got bad with the heart attack and the ibs gastritis and pains. I am working on it all over again. Hopefully will get there soon

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