Hallo , I have had IBS most of my life, but not particularly troublesome until the last 3 years. I am now 72 and in the last 2 months have been visited with bladder pain and frequent urination at night. Also a feeling of lack of vigour or force in the bladder and it hurts more as it fills up rather than as it empties (still a bit). Sometimes feels like its shrinking as it hurts (logical I suppose). I have had 2 labtests showing no infection but 2nd one showed high white cells. On the 1st GP visit the dipstick test showed high leucocytes so I was given 5 days of antibiotics which seemed to cure night time frequency and pain. 2nd time GP said no antibiotics, dip stick can be false positive, see specialist...so in 2 weeks I am but wondering if anyone experiences anything similar. Have also read about interstitial cystitis which seems a possibility . Some advice is not to eat/drink citrus, citric acid, alcohol , coffee, drink mostly water, do pelvic floor exercises. Abdominal tensing seems to take away some of the pain and hot water bottle at night helped too. Does this ring a bell with anyone?
Bladder pain associated with IBS?: Hallo , I... - IBS Network
Bladder pain associated with IBS?

I had this uti but urine came back clear was told it was lack of estrogen - are you on hrt or any hormones maybe need to task the question with your doctor or look at some groups on facebook
Hi Andann
I am the same age as you and over the last year or so I have had similar symptoms - having to urinate very frequently, feeling of pain and lack of force. It is always worse when my IBS is worse, as if the inflammation in the bowel area is inflaming my bladder area too.
When the IBS is reasonably ok, so is my bladder. Many of my friends of a similar age, who do not have IBS, also have to rush to the loo - they call it 'old lady syndrome'!
I would be interested to read about your consultation with the specialist, when that happens,
I had similar and it was attributed chronic prostatitis which is an ongoing painful condition with unfortunately little known cure, just a case of managing the symptoms I do regular pelvic stretches to help with pelvic floor dysfunction which helps
Also look up Mastica gum
Hi Andann, I was very interested to read your post and would certainly be interested to hear what the specialist says. My IBS has just got a whole lot worse than it has been for the last 35 years (I thought it was bad enough then) and I am getting a bit p*ssed off with it now. I find I am scared to go to the loo now for a wee in case I get more than I bargained for (if you get my drift). It has happened on occassions but if that happens, it just wants to keep coming and then I end up feeling dreadful for the rest of the day (until I can start the process all over again the next day!). This is causing me to hold my wee in (I know it's probably not a good idea but equally they say it's not good to keep running back to the loo to keep weeing either!). Hence, the interest in what the specialist has to say!
PS When you post back about your visit, please write a new post. If you add to this one, it will not be so easy to notice, but if you write a new post, we should all notice it more easily. Cheers. Maureen.
Hi Andann Was just wondering have you any update since you went to specialist , I have exactly the same symptoms apart from the frequency at night ! Would love to know if you got a solution
Thanks so much