Has anyone done stool testing?: I was looking at... - IBS Network

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Has anyone done stool testing?

Ctb567 profile image
7 Replies

I was looking at getting this done as I'm at my wit's end on what else I can do my constipation. I can see Genova do this but there's a new company called healthpath which look a bit more affordable and informative. Can anyone recommend any stool testing companies and whether having this done helped?


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Ctb567 profile image
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7 Replies
FRreedman profile image

Why do you not ask your GP or GI team to arrange the test? If you are in the UK, it will be free on the NHS, and they will follow up with any necessary treatment. If you have it done privately, then you will need to find someone who is willing to accept the test results as true and accurate, and be prepared to treat you. More likely they will want another set of tests done so they can see the results for themselves, before offering any treatment.

auntyjean profile image

The NHS do not do comprehensive stool tests. I had mine through Geneva Diagnostics but you can't go directly to them. I used Kate Arnold. She went over the results with me and also wrote to my GP. I spent a lot but I'm better now so it was worth it.

Ctb567 profile image
Ctb567 in reply to auntyjean

Hi AuntyJean, thanks for the reply. If you don't mind me asking how much was the comprehensive stool test? I've been quoted £360.

auntyjean profile image
auntyjean in reply to Ctb567

I think it was £190 but there were also fees for the clinic. I can't remember what they were. I used Kate Arnold and fees are listed on her web site.

xjrs profile image

I have had a different experience to auntyjean. I had testing including stool tests via nutritional therapists and I really regret wasting £4.5k on those tests, therapist fees, extortionate supplements, antibiotics and natural antimicrobials. I was treated for something I didn't have, became very ill and lost loads of weight and ended up in a worse position than I started. Note that this approach is not regulated and isn't necessarily based on robust science. Often what you're looking for in stool tests are things like bad bugs and parasites etc. However, I'd say you are more likely to have diarrhea rather than constipation with those.

Firstly have you been formally diagnosed with IBS-C (constipation dominant IBS)? In many IBS-C sufferers this is due to a physiological condition called a redundant or tortuous or long loopy colon. You can be born with this. Due to the extra length stool stays in the colon longer than normal and water gets drawn out of it making it harder to pass. There is loads of advice about how to treat constipation here - work down the list of the first page trying top of the list first (least aggressive to most):



I have IBS-C with intestinal nerve pain. I am on Linaclotide under prescription for that. It has reduced the pain considerably. It hasn't helped me with constipation, but he has helped others. I have paired this with Alflorex probiotic on a free 2 month trial on joining theibsnetwork.org. The bacterial strain for this has been scientifically studied to reduce IBS symptoms for many IBS sufferers. After taking Alflorex I have mostly pain free days. It reduces inflammation in the system and if your microbiome is a bit unbalanced towards some bad bugs, it should help fight them off and bring back some balance. Taking Linaclotide & Alflorex has enabled me to tolerate far more foods, so that I have been able to eat the extra fibre I've needed to have BMs without the need for laxatives. I used to take Magnesium Oxide at night to help with BMs previously.

My advice would be to explore all of the above first. Talk to your gastro or GP about it to get some support and trial different agents. Hopefully you'll land on something that works for you. A really important thing too is to exercise regularly to keep the bowels working (your bowels need exercise to work properly) and to drink at least 2 litres of fluid/water a day (preferably not tea or coffee). I really wish I'd known all of this before I explored stool testing.

Ctb567 profile image
Ctb567 in reply to xjrs

Thanks for the detailed reply xjrs. I've constipation from about 3 years old and tried just about everything. I spoke briefly to a nutritionist before and we realised that I had taken 3 courses of antibiotics before the age of 3 which most likely started this. I have another medical condition where I've been told to take certain vitamins or supplements to help this (by my GP and hospital specialists) but some of them nearly gave me an impaction after the first dose. The long colon thing is interesting and I will bring it up the next time I see my gastro (still a few months away). I definitely appreciate what your saying about the money side of it! I've already spent a few hundred pounds trying to fix my health (IBS + other stuff), I just feel like I can't carry on this way. Its interesting the medication you've mentioned, I will bring it up when I see my nutritionist today. Thanks

Jumpey profile image

Hi.Can't help with the testing.But wondered if a magnesium supplement might help the constipation. X

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