Has anyone ever had or requested a stool analysis? If so what was your experience? I have read that they can detect a lot from doing one and I was thinking of requesting one from my Dr just to try to get to the bottom (no pun intended) of my issues.
Stool analysis: Has anyone ever had or requested... - IBS Network
Stool analysis

Yes I have had them my Doc was very thorough-I had 3 stool tests-
checking for levels of digestive enzymes, gut bacteria, oh heck I have forgotten the 3rd sorry. Anyway the results can tell the Doc a lot about your gut and rule out other probs
Yes I have had several now. However not from my GP as NHS tests are limited to testing fecal elastase ( to check your pancreas is producing enough digestive enzymes) and to check for the worst of parasitic infections such as C. difficile. The NHS dies not provide a test for gut flora as they do not believe there is sufficient medical evidence to support any findings they could make. More research is needed. However, I have had several comprehensive digestive still analyses from a clinic in London( I live in Scotland but you can do it through the post!). The tests are very accurate and one from accredited labs. I have found I have several overgrown parasites and a fungal infection and am taking anti microbial to get rid of them.
Yes I have recently had one and found I have virtually no friendly bacteria and large amounts of 2 parasites. This test is not available on the NHS so I went private. Worth it though to know what is wrong.
Sorry but what exactly is NHS?
National health service ... I gather from your question that you are not located in the uk? Very interested in the testing though.
No, in the U.S. Saw it mentioned a couple of times and was like what is that, lol. Learn something new everyday.