Acid reflux: Hi can anyone tell me if pain in... - IBS Network

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Acid reflux

Hicking profile image
21 Replies

Hi can anyone tell me if pain in shoulders, under arms, sternum, under breast bone, could be a factor of acid reflux.

Soreness in throat, excessive burping etc.

I am under gastro and waiting for a procedure just wanted to know if any of these symptoms were a factor of acid reflux.

I have had an endoscopy allready and this all seems to have kicked of after that.

Also i have ibs and not sure if its making all this worse.

Thanks in advance

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Hicking profile image
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21 Replies
FRreedman profile image

It could be that the test has aggravated the esophagus and IBS symptoms also set them off. Hope they get to bottom (sorry for pun) of it soon.

Rebeccap81 profile image

Are you taking any form of PPI for your acid reflux? Omeperazole ? Whilst taking these tablets my ibs was so much worse. They are known to cause stomach aggravation so just something to bear in mind

Woodlong profile image

Yes yes and yes Definitely

Hicking profile image
Hicking in reply to Woodlong

Hi sorry to trouble you again, you replied to me the other day and just wanted to ask you if you get any jaw pain as such , sweating , as well as the horrible pain in the sternum, neck pain also.

Hicking profile image

Yea im taking lansoprazole,i just dont understand why you get this pain under arms and sternum etc, just hope its reflux and not costocrohntitis, but i am getting really bad reflux and burping.

Thanks for your help guys, really do appreciate it x

xjrs profile image

Yes, those symptoms can be explained by acid reflux. Often IBS and acid reflux go hand in hand. IBS can create a lot of gases. This creates a lot of pressure in the system and can weaken the valve that sits between the stomach and the throat allowing stomach contents and acid to flow back. One of the recommendations is to raise the head of your bed by 20cm using strong plastic risers that you can buy online or wedge pillows that sit on top of the bed - though since I am a side sleeper I found these affected my hips after a time. Have you been referred to a dietitian to take you through the fodmap diet? This can help calm IBS and as a result acid reflux can calm down too. Good luck.

Hicking profile image

No i havnt yet, but when i go back to see consultant after this acid reflux test i will speak to him, i dont have the procedure for another two weeks, blimey everything takes so long.

Can i ask can you get a bad back also with it and just feel horrid x

Hicking profile image

Does anyone know if you can take other gaviscon products or will it effect the lansoprazole

Hicking profile image

Sorry just one more question, can lansoprazole make you feel worse

Sue0859 profile image
Sue0859 in reply to Hicking

Yes definitely. I was taking it and the acid reflux was playing up so my GP doubled the dose. My stomach pains increased a lot so I stopped it and took Gaviscon instead and my IBS improved a lot when I stopped the lansoprazole.

trace55 profile image

Have the same pain, my doctor has asked for a stool sample to check for anything other than bs and heart burn I am on omeprazole and med for ibs for the past few years.

That_mountain_girl profile image
That_mountain_girl in reply to trace55

Hi, I am getting the same pain. How were your results? Did you get to figure out what’s wrong ?

Hicking profile image

Thanku for your reply, do you get back pain with your acid reflux x

azaelea profile image

I found Lanzoprazole and Omeprozole made me feel worse. I've had Diverticulitis diagnosed by a Colonoscopy last November and since then my insides have never been right. I am now thinking it has triggered off IBS as well. My GP prescribed antibiotics for two weeks at beginning of January for the inflammation but I'm still suffering. Is there some medication for IBS or is it a special diet that helps? Regarding your pain in shoulders, breastbone etc. I'm not sure about but I know when my son recently suffered an on going sore throat, acid reflux was diagnosed and he is on Omeprozole. Hope we all get to the bottom of what to do about our various ailments. I have just joined this IBS group but have been a member of Health Unlocked group for MPN Blood cancers for two years as I have Essential Thrombocythemia. I find it so helpful being in these groups.

Iesgobdafydd profile image

I very rarely had any reflux with my IBS and hiatus hernia, only once in a blue moon. But after an endoscopy, I was getting it much for often for a while till it settled down again. So if your reflux was so much worse than mine to begin with, it doesn't surprise me to hear the result after an endoscopy could be dramatic.

Since you are also getting back pain, you might want to read about TMJD and consider whether it could possibly be a cause of your back and shoulder pain. I believe TMJD to have been the root cause of my own IBS, which is now pretty much cleared up; typically it affects the jaw and sometimes the shoulder area, but in my case the connective tissue all around my body was affected and tightened up, causing IBS, dry skin, fatigue, difficulties with memory and concentration, and back pain. It was making my big toes bend like I had bunions starting, and making the veins on the backs of my hands, and my knuckles, stand up and bulge like an elderly person's. However I imagine there are many possible causes of back pain.

Hicking profile image

Hi guys , thanks for your replies, interesting reading, something just not right and not been right since i had the endoscooy and colonoscopy, sounds complete nuts when i say this but when i lay in bed and my stomach goes into active mode you know the ibs spasms, its almost like i feel those nerves moving all over my body, cant quite explain it, i dont notice it so much in the day time cause i guess i am more active.

Its almost like my bowels have been aggrevated.

Jasper8884 profile image

Endoscope can cause flare up. I take omerapozole everyday and a lot of symptoms went pain in shoulder, reflux etc. I take two Imodium everyday prescribed by hospital . Just restrict trigger food like acid in lemon or orange, tomatoes. Stop drinking or eating chocolate, coffee. Think it’s trail and error what works.

Booth29 profile image

Yes I too suffer from bad reflux and am on esomeprazole, having a bad flare up at moment which has been going on for over a week. Get pain in chest and back. Have also got a hiatus hernia. Have to take gaviscon when it’s bad, then it’s a vicious circle as I get more bloated. Then I get stressed that it won’t get better, and hey presto it doesn’t! Just feel desperate at the moment, constant burning and discomfort just gets me down 😥

Hicking profile image

Does make you feel like poo, can i ask does your pain radiate under your arms, arms,and even stranger your jaw

IBSNetwork profile image
IBSNetworkPartnerIBS Network

If you need help and support with your IBS please get in touch.

Hi, how are you doing now ? Did anything work for you eventually?

I am getting these pains for 2 weeks now. Have consulted docs but not been much help as omeprazole didn’t suit me.

Many thanks

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