Hi folks,
When I first posted on here, I was IBS D which I think was a flare up due to stress, as I had a lot going on in my life. Things have settled a bit more now, I’m feeling better, but I’ve gone back to IBS C. I’m constantly constipated and bloated, I’ve been offered Movocol (?). Just looking at the boxes makes me not want to take them, I have never wanted to take any type of fluid meds as they make me heave and vomit.
I’ve asked to be referred to a dietician, but don’t know if and when I’ll get a referral. I’m not in agony at the moment thankfully, but I don’t feel fully evacuated.
In the meantime I’m actually going against the FODMAP diet, as I need to get bowel movements (BM). What should I be eating in order to get BM?