I am posting here again in the hope someone can help relieve my IBS symptoms even a small amount. My doctors tell me I’m constipated. I feel constipated. But I have 15 to 20 bowel movements every day despite eating only small amounts of food. The stool is thick and mushy and contains fragments of whatever I might have eaten and also what appears to be grain like specs. I do not eat any grains. Where does all of this stool come from EVERY DAY when I do not eat much my weight has dropped 60lbs because of my diet yet still the bowel movements continue all day and every day. I have had every test out here all of which are negative but something is being missed. How can a person who passes so much stool be constipated? If you look at a chart from a CT scan then you might draw that conclusion because of the amount of stool in my colon. But after a 100 bowel movements in a week it’s clear that my issue is i am generating too much stool in response to whatever I consume. I am losing my ability to cope. I cannot work, meet friends, visit my parents. I am not sure how much more I can take of this. If someone has faced these symptoms and can offer some advise I will be eternally grateful.
Thank you