Hi! Two parts here..1.Have had Ibs for years, worse lately, a friend of mine a nurse who works for a gastroenterologist suggested Yakult in the morning..no cure but it certainly helps.2 to my horror I very occasionally don't get to the loo at home quickly enough...this means diarrhoea on the carpet!...I know, get rid of carpet, can't because double hip replacement obvious risk of slipping. What I need to know, anyone one uses a specific carpet cleaner for this? Many thanks.
Sorting out diarrhoea accidents: Hi! Two parts... - IBS Network
Sorting out diarrhoea accidents

Dr Beckmans carpet cleaner is the best. It comes with a brush and sponge on the top of the bottle and is only just over £3 a bottle. Even hubby thinks it is the best.
Hi Fudgerelle,
Upstairs , I keep an old towel on the floor in front of the loo (change it periodically). That could be a trip risk though.
Use Vanish for cleaning the very old carpets. Not tried others.
Downstairs got Vinyl, although I didn't enjoy taking the loo out (several times) to achieve that.
Best would be a wall mount loo if you have the budget and strong enough walls to fix to. The loo and the flooring are then two separate things.
P.S. You can get bathmats with non slip backing if that might help with the slip risk.
Best wishes,
Sorry to hear you've had more trouble lately. As a side note, have you been referred to a dietician to take you through the fodmap diet to control your diarrhea? This fixed my IBS-D when I had it. Also there are lots of disposable pant on the market to prevent accidents if you are going through a troublesome phase: tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/p....
That sounds awful - sorry to hear of your problems.
Not knowing what your dietary regime is, I can only suggest what works for me:
Certainly try looking at the FODMAP lists of foods - some are a complete no-no with IBS.
I found that Fybogel worked well for me by appearing to regulate the fluid content of my bm’s.
Similarly I found that foods with a high oat content appear to absorb fluid - though oats are a problem for some people with IBS.
If you can manage it, exercise seems to help, presumably by upping your metabolism and helping the absorption of fluid from your foods.
I hope that some of that helps, and that things improve for you soon.
Here's a thing that I did before I discovered fodmap diet.
My diarrhea is/was exclusively at night.
I slept on the couch.
I placed a dog travel sheet over the top(like tent material). Before bed I would put on 2 Depends. They are for incontinence and most padding is in front, so the 1st pair I wore backwards(padding in back) and the 2nd I wore correctly, then my regular underwear.
I only actually needed all this twice, but the peace of mind made it all worth it.
Best wishes

Sorry to hear you're struggling. We have various products to help with those IBS emergencies. Have a look on our website theibsnetwork.org/shop/supp...