As I've complained many many times on here, I've had a storm of IBS D* since May but my problem has eased a little due to a starchy diet and a decrease in stress. However. Last Thursday was a MESS. Not only did I go back to my old city to meet a guy I'd been talking to for 5 weeks (we had mutual friends so it was safe) but I had two concerts. My stomach was a MESS. I had d* that morning and took an imodium. The date went well and we had a great weekend but throughout I had painful spasms, urges and gas so bit the bullet and took an imodium on Thursday, Friday and Sunday night. I'm bunged up though I don't feel pain or bloating but yesterday whilst enjoying my silent stomach I ate whole bread and vegetables and fruits. I'm still bunged but have painful gas that smells so I'm not sure if it's worth me taking action to "go" or to wait it out? Ive NEVER took laxatives as I'm sure my devil stomach will LOVE that but nothing else seems to be working - any advice? Should also mention that the date went quiet on me as soon as I said I wouldn't sleep with him so my stomach pain was wasted on an idiot haha
5 day constipation - how to clear? : As I've... - IBS Network
5 day constipation - how to clear?

Ah, but would you have stayed awake with him? That can be much more fun than sleeping (honest). Anyway let's try and put your stomach to rest... I don't know why or how, but there has been a study, in Japan (unverified) that Coca-Cola can aid a blockage that is not caused by obstruction. I understand it is to do with the fizz and acid in the drink itself and am unsure if other brands will work. I had a problem which put me in hospital for a week, so I asked moth my medics and surgical team. They both came back and said you can try it, I did and it worked, or did it? Was it something else that we had done that happened to be coincidentally at the same time? I don't know, but here is what we agreed..... Drink two cans of Coca Cola on day one (You must drink them while they are still fizzy and not allow them to go flat), drink as close to two litres of still water as possible during the same day. Repeat on day 2, if it works on either day 1 or 2, then we have another attack in our quest for control of the IBD beast, if not, well a least Coca Cola doesn't taste as bad as some of the other stuff we have tried to aid us. Good luck.
I have found magnesium oxide pretty reliable to get a bowel movement. It is hardly absorbed by the body and goes to your intestines where is draws in water. This is best taken at bed time on an empty stomach. However, you need to work up the dose to find what is right for you. You could start on 800mg or less. I find this brand of 100mg tablets allows you to work up the dose in increments, it has much fewer additives than other brands and is relatively cheap Again you need to make sure you're getting your 2 litres of water in a day. Having said that I have personally been using magnesium oxide for too long and I'm trying out other more gentle ways such as psyllium husk powder
Bad luck with the man. Plenty more out there. I never know when to take Imodium. I've caused my insides to go silent on me for a few days by taking it two or three days in a row when it's important to avoid the dreaded D. Firstly I usually try a few dried apricots and maybe sultanas. Next step is one or two snacking prunes which has always worked the next day, although too much so unfortunately. Never dared try laxatives.
He obviously is not very caring - good riddance!
Has anyone tried Rhubarb capsules? I’d read positive things about them for IBS so tried them recently when I have IBS D. I took two for the first time but the following day had bad diarrhoea and couldn’t go out! Don’t know whether to try just one, I have 28 left, waste of money!!
P.S. I meant to say when I have IBS C NOT D. The seller 21st century herbs said they are not a laxative!
Guys, thank you. I ended up going three days ago and have had an incredible 5 days in total with silent intestines and the ability to eat Mexican food, vegetables etc with NO problems... However, I don't know who I'm kidding.. I'll obviously return back to normal today or tomorrow but I feel like another person. Just hoping I'm not becoming immune to imodium as it's literally THE best thing in the world for me right now.