Hi has anyone had so much pain before and whilst having a bm that they have nearly passed out with the pain. I got really hot and had to lie down on the bathroom floor and then when I got back on the loo had diarrhoea and felt really cold and shaky. Not a pleasant experience I've had it a couple of times before but not on a regular basis ?
Nearly passed out on the loo: Hi has anyone had... - IBS Network
Nearly passed out on the loo

I experienced this a lot over a 6 year period before I was prescribed amitriptyline in 2015. The medication helps a lot for situations like this for me personally.
You should certainly mention this to your GI team and GP, it sounds as though your medication may need adjusting.
I've been in pain and got so hot I've passed out
I get like this if I have too much sugar, pain, sweating, skin goes grey and I feel like I am about to pass out or die. Then osmotic diarrhoea . My body is getting rid of the sugar as fast as it can. Once I realised what was happening, and stopped eating sugar, it hasn't happened again. Don't know if this could be relevant to you?
Did you stop all sugar? Tough thing to do but a very healthy thing to do!
Hi, I have stopped using table sugar and keep a very close eye on what I am consuming. I don't eat sweets or have sugary drinks. I use honey for any sweet baking (rare), which I seem to tolerate better than straight sucrose, and it is sweeter so less is required. Luckily for me I prefer savoury to sweet, pass the cheese please.
I had the same experience. It used to occur about once every 9 months or so. Typically at night and I could not believe how bad the pain was. I used to worry that I had something more serious - surely IBS should not hurt this month!
I discovered the fodmap diet around 18 months ago and all symptoms have reduced significantly. I have not had a single instance of this type of pain since. So something is working. Best to speak to a fodmap dietitian if you can - there are also good Apps for learning about fodmap and sticky to it (Monash and Tummi FODMAP apps for IBS).
Pain is not uncommon. I had been getting it rarely and would end up flat on the floor impossible to move till it passes.
My experience of fodmap is similar to Grufjones - as long as you stick to it and go through to reintroduction stage, it works and you can keep up a mixed diet.
My dietitian is fodmap trained and she recommended the Tummi FODMAP App as the food diary is really easy to use and includes information on fodmap groups.
Yes I've had it a few times just what you're describing. Horrendous pain sicknes, diarrhoea. It's horrible when that happens.
It's happened at work a couple of times and I couldn't move out of the bathroom for over an hour. Once I got myself together I went home. Thankfully my boss was a good one and understood xxx
Hi yes I used to get it all the time when IBS first started over 30 years ago. I was prescribed paroxetine antidepressant and it really does help. I now have a bad attack like yours if I get to constipated then the diahorrea starts. I too end up on the bathroom floor then have to lie down for an hour. Thankfully it’s only every 6
Months or so now. Hope your feeling better really soon 😊
Yes I have had this quite a few times. Once I did black out and my partner found me and called an ambulance , I came round to two paramedics standing next to me while i was on the loo. Very embarrassing. Apparently your body sends a rush of blood supply to your bowel so the there is less blood elsewhere in your body. Your blood pressure drops thats why you pass out. I had the shakes when I cam round. Not a very nice experience.

we recommend speaking to your GP. For IBS info have a look on our website. theibsnetwork.org
I too have had pain so intense that I’ve ended up on the floor still defeacating and feeling faint hot / shivery. Had ibs for 50 yrs but since I had abdominal radiotherapy for cancer the pain is frequent and often severe. Think it is a build up of constipation and vagus nerve kicking in. S.
I don't know how old you are but could it be gallstones. If it happens every 4 months and you are often ok in between, the pain being that bad you nearly pass out. Some people do get gallstones from 20s onwards but quite unusual if you are young. My partner had same and left it so long he got pancreatitis and had to have his gallbladder removed. Get yourself scanned.
I dont have a gallbladder I had it removed about 5 yrs ago
Yes I have been there too, You didn’t mention nauseous but I have had the whole gamut. My gastroenterologist told me you can get IBS-D because the body is trying to clear the bowels if you are constipated. Sometimes maybe but not all the time. I get chills, the hot with sweats and bad cramping. It is nasty, doesn’t happen every day but can go in for weeks
Yes I do feel nausea and if it happens straight after a meal I can throw up not a very pleasant situation.