Hello, over a year ago i had h-pylori and a peptic ulcer of course i was prescribed antibiotics and omeprazole 20mg twice a day for a while i was better, of course i watch what i eat, rarely i do have coffee, but lately i am getting stomach pain but it is a different pain i don't even know myself how to describe it, and also pinches in my stomach, and this pain comes and goes, i was wondering if any one else has had similar condition , ty
peptic ulcer: Hello, over a year ago i had h... - IBS Network
peptic ulcer

I have just been tested for H.pylori, just waiting for the result. I was just wondering what your symptoms were if you don't mind me asking.🙂
i had diarrhea every day i used to go to the bathroom even 15 times a day but i had a gastroscopy a year an half prior and i had h-pylori then but no one give me a prescription for it when i went the second time cause i had diarrhea and stomach pain every day, i saw my file and inside there was a prescription dated a year and half prior which was never given to me, at that point i don't know if the symptoms that i was getting were from h-pylori or peptic ulcer my symptoms started a year an half prior i only had stomach pains then ty
*shaking my head in disbelief *.....
it is true, when a year an half later i started getting worse than before i asked my doctor to have an appointment with the gastroenterologist he told me no cause i had already gone a year and a half prior so i tried to look for another doctor to get a referral my doctor kept telling me that it was IBS, finally i found another doctor he gave a referral after six months , ty for your reply i appreciate
I have U.C. And diverticulitis which both cause inflammation. The ulcer will do this aswell. Until the bacteria is nipped in the bud I would imagine these areas of inflammation are not aiding the healing. I had two be put on 2 antibiotics because the first did nothing. H-pylori is resilient apparently , I'm my case a least. Have u been tested for diverticulitis? Gastrointestinal tract is delicate and maybe just a little swelling.
i was never tested for diverticulitis, i do have an appointment for with the gastro enterologist next month i will ask her to test me, do you still get pains? ty so much
I have chrons but I get uncomfortable pains all over and it seems like the most pain is deep, right beneath my chest plate.
i get the pain beneath the chest plate in the middle same as you, sometime even on the upper left and right side or on the right side, ty so much