I suffered from abdominal pain (cramps) when under severe stress. Then I would recover gradually as stress alleviated. 3.5 yrs ago, I had a gastroscopy ( camera imaging in stomach) at UCH in London. Inflammation of stomach lining. I was prescribed Omapromazole, which I declined because I understood it can lead to Osteoprosis & kidney damage. At present, due to severe stress on many fronts, have abdominal pain & gas . I have completely modified my diet & stopped coffee. I wanted to have a test to see if my stomach is producing too little or too much acid. Would appreciate any advice from users' experience / thoughts/ precautions on Omapromazole & the best course of action. Many many thanks !
Omapromazole: should I take it ? GP will only ... - IBS Network
Omapromazole: should I take it ? GP will only prescribe this for abdominal pain

From personal experience of long term use of PPIs I've concluded that it is a problematic drug which can lead (in my case did) to Pernicious Anaemia and nutrition absorption problems if used for any length of time. It is possible to manage gastro-intestinal stress-induced problems by using Gaviscon or similar when needed and using calming treatments like slippery elm long term. And, of course and often impossibly, minimising stress.
Ihave been on this drug for many years because of stomach acid.As you have said and I read years ago that there is a link between this drug and what you have said.
You should really talk to your doctor about this and your concerns.
Just like anything else it's a balancing act, most drugs have side effects but you must look at this upon balance and probability.
I'm not medically qualified but as I've said go see. your doctor
Take care.
Thanks for your reply. The G.P. said you can take take it for a short time & see if it helps. I would prefer to get a proper diagnosis & in particular eatablish for low or high acidity. I asked the G.P.about this, but she did not know about whether the hospital would do this & thought they would simply do a gastroscopy & there would be a long wait for an appointment. But thanks anyway, I appreciate your support.
They hopefully took samples to check for H Pylori when you had your gastroscopy? You can do a test yourself at home to check for adequate stomach acid production with sodium bicarbonate.
" The baking soda test. The theory behind this at-home is that baking soda combined with stomach acid produces carbon dioxide (C02), which will cause you to burp. For the test, you’ll drink half a glass (4 ounces) of cold water combined with a quarter teaspoon of baking soda, on an empty stomach. Then time how long it takes you to burp. If it takes longer than three to five minutes, the theory goes, you don’t have enough stomach acid."
Dear Bracondale,Thank you so much for taking the trouble to reply. In answer to yr.question, there was no Helicobacter present in the stomach when UCHospital did the gastroscopy for me. I will carry out the baking soda test as per the details. Thank you very much indeed!
Hi, I have tried the low acid stomach test as mentioned, which seemed to indicate low acid present as I had minimal burping after 3 mins. Also had a gastroscopy which showed gastritis, even though I had no symptoms at the time. However following the procedure I had severe gastric pain as it must have aggravated my condition and was put on lansoprazole. I was on this for a very short time as I do not like taking medication and found taking a glass of lemon water in the morning before breakfast solved everything and did this for some months. The lemon water helps to acidify your stomach as it should be naturally and so your stomach can heal itself 👍 I squeeze 1/2 a lemon in a small glass of water, and save the other half for the next day. Also my go to drink for through the day is lemon water with a small amount of honey and a few slices of root ginger. All very good for digestion, bloating , abdominal pain etc.
Dear Mutley,Love the photo of your donkey !
We had 6 donkeys 🫏 & bought the first one for £10 in Holloway, London!! I used to enter donkey derbies !!
At any rate, thanks so much for writing back & recommending the lemon 🍋 first thing in the a.m. I am currently drinking warm/ hot water & sometimes with fresh 🫚 ginger. I will go & buy some lemons straightaway!
Merry Christmas in the meantime!
Your solution is good to hear! All too often 'stomach' pain/indigestion is medicated with antacids or acid production suppressants (PPIs) when the actual problem, as you have so clearly described, is insufficient stomach acid production. I've used apple cider vinegar in water in the past but I like the idea of lemon juice, honey and ginger! Peppermint tea can also be helpful for bloating, intestinal spasm etc
Omeprazole is fine for short term use; I have had acid reflux and silent reflux for 20 plus years. My GP at the time suggested a short course of omeprazole but not longer than 1 month. I was also advised to take Gaviscon advance but at a different time to the PPI. Over the years I have resorted to Omeprazole occasionally even though I have modified my diet So I do not have anything that will aggravate the gullet. I think long term use is not advisable.
Good for you. I refuse it too, especially longer than 2 weeks. Try a pinch of bicarb in your drinking water . You could also try gaviscon double action, or gaviscon advance and see if either helps.