Hi all
I recently made the switch to the low FODMAP diet and after two weeks of this and taking magnesium citrate I started to feel so much better (I have IBS-C). Then I had very bad period pain so had to take nurofen. They worked at the time although the last dose made me sick (I probably didn’t eat enough) but now a few days later my stomach is so bloated and painful. I often get this but clearly it seems the ibuprofen is the culprit - I know it can irritate the stomach if you don’t eat enough (the first two doses were after a lot of food) but does it cause problems for anyone a few days later? I assume they are not low FODMAP but paracetamol are not strong enough to deal with the pain. I’m so annoyed as I was feeling so much better and thought I’d cracked it but now I’m suffering again.!