So update on my bowel problems, still got chronic diarrhoea, got the worst stomach pains of my life that stay all day and don't go away, got given new antibiotics for my skin condition which have now given me thrush, my blood pressure is low, then today my work call and say they're sacking me I honestly feel I have nothing left never been so ill in my life and now this has happened really lost and dont know what to do, they never asked me if I was getting better they just seen my new sick line and that was it
Life's fell to bits :(: So update on my bowel... - IBS Network
Life's fell to bits :(

This may seem like the worse time possible. I have lost numerous jobs due to my IBS and stress anxiety situation. I am now permanently unemployable. Now I'm out of work my illness is more manageable. Chin up m8 and hope everything works out for you.
thankfully lots and lots more people are getting IBS and I find it comforting as people "get" much easier to explain the pitfalls of this damn thing when theyve had a taste of it..i wouldnt wish it upon anyone but i find nowadays just saying those three syllables people give me the "ok" on excusing me out of stuff i havent been able to do. Studying music currently and have a ten song album to complete within twenty days - I had since May 5th which was when I took some antibiotics for an infection and lo and behold, it truly truly FLOORED my gut. Still not there and eat the stodgiest foods now and end up bloated etc but you mustnt be too hard on yourself, I dont think theres anything worse than a complicated gut system, its truly distracting in day to day life. prayers to you x
My guts aren't the only problem now, I'm scared my house get repossessed, I have no job so now need to look for work once I'm better and that could take months, I just feel like shit I didn't think this would happen always responded fine to antibiotics starting to think I have something worse as my blood pressure was low when it got checked on Wednesday, and the fact I seem to respond terribly to medication as well, always seem to get the "rare" side effects you read on medicines, I feel cold at times when I would normally feel warm I'm starting to think something is wrong with my immune system
Hi Emsky,
Your situation sounds really challenging. I feel really sorry for you. Do your work have a sick policy? I don't think they can fire you for being ill.
I noticed you said your dad is helping you. Can you move back in with your parents? I'm in a similar situation to you where I'm off work sick, so I'm going to try and rent my property and live at my patents place for a while.
I don't have the option to move in with my dad, he forced me to move out in the first place as when we lived together we didn't get on at all also I don't think I could handle it, and there's a lot of repairs that need done in my house so I couldn't rent it out in this state either. My work does have a sick policy apparently they are allowed to sack you after 4 weeks but they're supposed to follow a procedure first which they never did
Can u get to CAB for help with job situation. Don't think they can sack u for being sick. Try Money saving expert for advice on finances etc. Hope u get help soon.
Whats cab? What will money saving expert advise? I feel like because my house is mortgaged I get zero help from the government when I'm struggling it's almost like they think I must be loaded just because I'm buying my house
Citizens Advice Bureau