Hi everyone. I posted 6 months ago about my ongoing stomach and bowel problems and sadly im still no where near getting any help.
Ive always had ibs since i can remember. Few stools a day and mostly loose. This never bothered me to much till a year and two months ago things got worse.
Every week 5 to 7 days i have a feeling of liquid at my back end. It is yellow mucus that comes out with a explosion with 90% gas. My stomach constantly gurgles all the time and bloated. It really has got to the stage now im sick fed up of life.
I asked my gp for help. They did two FIT stool tests both negative and different times. Stool.culture negative. Stool elastase negative. Abdominal ultrasound. Clear. Bloods clear.
Ive never had blood which is a good thing. They wont send me for a colonoscopy because no weight loss or blood no matter how much i have pleaded with them it gets refused.
I ended up paying a pvt gastroenterology doctor. He started me on rifaximin and week after my symptoms were back. Started me on bile acid powder questran light. I had diarrhea constantly so gave up on it. He started me on doxycycline and did not help. The gas and wet mucus got worse.
I decided to go dairy gluten and wheat free. I was tested for celiac disease and came back negative but was told they are not accurate. Anyway i dont have anywhere near as bad gas as i have had all my life so thats a start. The problem is i still getting this feeling of something like mucus and back end and sometimes need to let it out. I started taking loperamide one a day and it has bulked my stool up best its ever been but still can can get this jelly discharge between normal stools. How weird is that.
The gastro doc said he did not think it was sinister but something is wrong. There is no way out for me now i have been refused a colonoscopy again. Left out to rot basically.
Why i am producing yellow jelly discharge on and off i dont know. This has been a year now with no weight loss or blood. I feel ok and still lift in gym. Im 50 now also. I would try anything to get help or any ideas.
Ive tried everything diet wise and yes it has helped with terrible gas but im still getting wet farts so to speak then it clears for a week then back.
Is this the life i will lead from now on. Really need some help and ideas please.