Does anyone also rely on these safe foods? - IBS Network

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Does anyone also rely on these safe foods?

jalapeno1234 profile image
17 Replies

I had THE worst flare up to date for the past 2 months after I took 3 tiny doses of I expected, my lower gut went INSANE. Half a stone gone later, I am on three meals a day which is great but if I touch the riskiest of foods i.e. tomatoes, peppers, onion, garlic or even too much caffeine Im back to d* and cramps. I was severly constipated for a good 2 days at the start of this week due to eating my "safe" foods (pasties and bread and rice) and it had me in terrible upper stomach pain (never experienced like that before) ...thankfully the pain subsided when I used the bathroom but straight after I felt like I needed to go again. Queue a very loose stool this morning :(. Im currently on a safe but unhealthy diet of bread, couscous, tuna, pasta, sweetcorn, broccoli and (brace yourself) chocolate. I can also have cookies if they're dry - anyone find these foods easier on the stomach?

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17 Replies
Ollie2 profile image

Hi Jalapeno1234

I know what you mean, I’m keeping to my safe foods also. I’ve cut out coffee and have 1 weak cup of tea in the mornings

Fresh white crusty rolls have become a favorite with bananas. I’ve found muffins and other non creamy cakes suit me

I’ve also found pealing fruit and veg helps I eat carrots,courgettes and egg plant potatoes and sweet potatoes boiled rice grilled or oven baked chicken and fish

I also eat blueberries and raspberries

I’m trying to convince myself my diet is kinda healthy I turn to caffeine when I feel constipated

Don’t know if this will help, I’m sure you will get lots of advice here it’s a good site

jalapeno1234 profile image
jalapeno1234 in reply to Ollie2

I can have more or less the same as you - the muffins and cakes etc but I darent touch any fruits just yet as orange juice upset my system the other week BAD. :/ so so annoying

Ollie2 profile image
Ollie2 in reply to jalapeno1234

I peel my fruit and veg because of the high fiber content in it. I also can’t stomach fructose-I came across this

People who have fructose intolerance should limit high-fructose foods, such as juices, apples, grapes, watermelon, asparagus, peas and zucchini. Some lower fructose foods — such as bananas, blueberries, strawberries, carrots, avocados, green beans and lettuce — may be tolerated in limited quantities with meals.Nov 29, 2016

I stay away from juice as I also had a bad experience

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to Ollie2


I have ibc and the worse things for me is bread, cakes, muffins, all the dry cloggy foods that get stuck in digestive system and clog the colon , it not easy to pass( if u know what i mean😬)

Also gluten food do same.

I try to stick to greek yoghurts( good bacteria) tinned fruits( not in syrup) hummous, gluten free bread or tortillas and meals consist of white meats, fish and veggies( peeled).

I have been on this diet now 2 years and my pain and ibs has more or less gone, i occasionally have a case of constipation but i take magnesium and it gone.

I also make sure i have really good gut health.

Ie supplements.

Magnesium, peppermint oil cap, dida( for bad bacteria) digestive enzymes( break down fatty foods) and a really good probiotics( really important)

Since this ive been ok( fingers crossed)

Ollie2 profile image
Ollie2 in reply to Lulububs

That’s great to hear I’m so glad you’ve found a diet and supplements to suit you!! It’s very encouraging to see a good result!!

I’m fairly sure I’m ok with gluten as white bread is a safe food for me, I think I have ibs-d, ( waiting for results of blood tests and colonoscopy)

I’m taking probiotics, mint tea, never leave home without Buscopan and pain killers. I’ll try the peppermint oil would I get that in a health shop?

I’ll also try Greek yoghurt again, I gave it up months ago

Like you I eat mostly fish and chicken

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to Ollie2

Yes i get most of my supplements from holland and barratt apart from the digestive enzymes which are natures best.

I was so beyond fed up. Ive had it years ... mainly ibs c but i can go between if i eat something i shouldnt but i dont very often.

Get my natural low fat greek yoghurt lidle... huge tub of it £1!! RESULT

Ollie2 profile image
Ollie2 in reply to Lulububs

Thanks so much !

jalapeno1234 profile image
jalapeno1234 in reply to Ollie2

what sort of pain does buscopan relieve? is it the horrible d* cramps or upper c* cramps? I also tried greek yog but it seemed to have a bad effect /:(

Hollings profile image
Hollings in reply to Ollie2

Hi when I have a flare up I can only eat wheat free toast with lactose free butter, scrambled eggs, plain wheat free biscuits and plain crisps. I'm in the middle of a very painful flare up one of the reasons being the anti spasmodic tablets I take have gone up in price to over a £100.00 so the doctors have given me a prescription to try other chemists. They are the only tablets that work for me what a lovely predicament to be in !!!!

Hollings profile image
Hollings in reply to Hollings

I also drink raspberry and cranberry juice which helps with constipation unfortunately I vary from week to week with either constipation or diarhea.

Maureen1958 profile image

It seems to me that what you are doing is eating very dry foods. I get this as I do the same thing myself but if you eat all dry food it can make you constipated. When this happens, I find, that you then get backed up and end up with problems up the top end, with eg heartburn and reflux. What I try to do is eat some moist food in with the dry stuff in order to balance it out a bit but trying to be careful it doesn't go the other way. I hope this makes sense to you.

jalapeno1234 profile image
jalapeno1234 in reply to Maureen1958

YES! when I was constipated this week I had all the grim upper end stuff, theres no way out however Id prefer to suffer from the upper end weirdly as the other is just so inconvenient!

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply to jalapeno1234

Yes, I know exactly what you mean. It's just a no win situation.

Monkeypuzzler profile image

My son’s stomach issues started not long after a course of Fluxocillin and I’m sure it is related or contributed. He likes to eat dry plain carbs: breakfast biscuits, toast, fresh baked crusty rolls, welsh cakes, hot cross buns! His evening meal has lots of plain protein, veg, rice, potatoes or sweet potato fries baked in oven. However I agree I think all the dry carbs causes constipation. However we don’t peel veg or potatoes unless it’s necessary to keep the nutrients but sounds like this could aggravate things from what others say. He never suffers from D just C along with constant stomach cramp, nausea and he is 2 stone down. Consultant diagnosed IBS due to a functional gastro disorder (slow transit etc). Good luck settling things down. Fluxocillin doesn’t suit me either, I took it for a day and made me v poorly. I am Coeliac.

jalapeno1234 profile image
jalapeno1234 in reply to Monkeypuzzler

I'm also on the welsh cake diet haha its been a lifesaver as I was cookie/chocolate mad until all this happened, weirdly I can eat a ton of welsh cakes and be ok except for a bit of unusual heartburn and strangely I can eat lots of chocolate and cookies SOMETIMES. Other times its like nah..its just all so unpredictable!

jalapeno1234 profile image
jalapeno1234 in reply to Monkeypuzzler

Also, i can never ever forgive myself for biting my nail skins down as I got an infection which caused me to take Fluclo. What a nightmare

Amywoodx profile image

Hi! I know this is an old post but I just wanted to see how you're doing now and how you got over this? I ask because I took the same antibiotics a month ago and my gut has gone absolutely haywire I feel awful on a daily basis and constant spasming. What you describe is similar to how I feel

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