Two months ago I got food posioning from a curry; a month I was dizzy and puked only twice.
Now it's my guts - Dr says it's most likely PI-IBS as I've had blood tests to rule out coeliacs etc.
At first it was bloating and stomach pain, but now I never get the stomach pain or spasms - I'm hoping its me improving.
I'm day two of low fodmap and have opted to lactose free milk over normal milk as it really messes me up - but as of after eating breakfast I had Diarrhea which is unusual for me as Ive always had more firm BM's than loose my whole life.
I had some lactose free milk the night before so I'm thinking that dairy is just a huge no-go for me. I know its early to tell but I'm just going to go cold turkey on it.
I'm also going to cut out wheat best as I can just incase I have an intolerence.
Anyone with similar experiences?