Does anyone else experience these symptoms? Ca... - IBS Network

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Does anyone else experience these symptoms? Can you help me?

Violet13 profile image
9 Replies

I've had IBS for the last 8 years or so and it has been moderately manageable up until about August 2018 when I developed new symptoms. And it's literally driving me to the verge of suicide, not going to beat around the bush. Doctors can't seem to help and I can't find any advice online, so if anyone has experience this or know what is happening please please help me, cause I'm so desperate.

Basically, no matter what I eat or drink, my lower right side (like near the inside of my hip bone) just swells and swells. When I touch it, it feels rock solid. If I press down on it, it sort of deflates slowly but feels like it gurgles/ fizzes?? (Don't know how to explain). And then it's almost like I can feel things moving across my intestines or something.

This is gonna sound stupid but it feels like everything I eat collects in this one spot until I can force it out. And I never used to suffer with constipation but now I do and it's horrible. At work I'm so bloated and gassy and it's noisy gas, so embarrassing. But even when I go to the loo it's mostly air that comes out or like rabbit droppings?? (tmi sorry). It's painful.

This bloating/ swelling thing is causing me so much concern I cry whenever I think about it. It's the most disturbing at night when I lie in bed and my right side just swells up so much. I can feel the outline of my intestines!! It's constantly swollen.

Back in December I had an ultrasound cause I was so concerned but they couldn't see anything sinister and said it was ibs oh well live with it. But I've had IBS since I was 18 and this is completely new for no reason. It's not normal but they won't take me seriously. They tested me for lactose, gluten, wheat intolerance but nothing came up.

On top of that sometimes I get diarrhoea from the strangest of things. I literally don't know what's going on with me. I'm scared to go to work in the morning because if anything is gonna happen it's always at 9am when I'm already there and I have to leave and go home. Worried I'll get fired. This is also why i won't take laxatives. Cause who knows what would happen.

(TMI warning here) I also started to see white, stringy things in my poop. Fluffy things? I've taken ovex and worm tablets about four times now. They're still there.

I can't live like this anymore. I'm scared to eat anything at all. I'm doing the fodmap diet but my lower right side is still swelling up like a balloon.

I'm so scared.

Please help me if you can.

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Violet13 profile image
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9 Replies
Kilgh profile image

Hi there. Sorry you are in this bad space. I guess I would start the advice with getting some psychological help to calm your bad feelings if you haven't already. The area you describe the bloating at seems to be the start of your ascending colon. Have you had all the endoscopy tests? Have you had fecal tests to see if you have worms, other parasites or bacterial overgrowths? Have they done a full blood count? Did that show anything?

Taking worming tabs is not good for you without diagnosis. The white stringy things sound more like mucous than worms.

With the low FODMAP. Have you introduced any new foods? Upped your fibre suddenly?

Stress will make any gut symptoms worse. And can cause new ones. Did you have any new anxiety or other stress before the new bloating?

And if you are worried about docs not taking you seriously then you need to tell them you are having suicidal thoughts. You also need to talk to your boss and explain the situation. Hopefully they will be understanding and then you don't need to stress about that issue so much. Also, does getting up a few hours earlier help? Or do the symptoms still happen when you get to work? If the latter then the likelihood this is stress related goes up.

So, my advice would be: Communicate your suicidal thoughts to your doctors immediately so you can get some serious treatment for that. Communicate with your work so they understand what is going on. Get endoscopies done to check out you gut lining. Get bloods done to check for inflammation/infection. Get fecals done to rule out any nasties.

Maureen1958 profile image

Hi, as Kilgh says this is where the small bowel joins the large bowel. Sometimes the valve can get stuck shut or open. There are videos on YouTube which show how to massage it to help stuck stuff on it's way. Perhaps that might be worth checking out.

dipsy14 profile image

Good advice from kilgh and maureen1958. I concur with them. I know its scary but I often have backed up stool in my intestines and can feel it. I massage my abdomen to help transit. Managing ibs is the hardest because it has to be what suits you and your life style I.e finding ways that fit in with the least amount of problems it causes that allows you live your life. Please know you are not alone. Find another doctor that will be more understanding.

Lizzypick profile image

I know how you feel Violet, I've had IBS for 23 years, terrible bloating but when it got so bad that I pooed myself when I coughed sometimes I got worried. Despite going to the docs for reassurance, I felt it wasn't taken seriously. Then one day my daughter, who is a nurse, came with me to a new doctor. I got an appointment the following week for a colonoscopy and it found I had severe Diverticulitis and it was infected and I had had it for a long time! Go for a second opinion and insist on a colonoscopy, that will show up any abnormalities and at least you will know if it isn't just IBS you have. Good luck💖

There is already some sensible advice given to you, really think you need to see your doctor again.

Are you sure that stress and anxiety are not the root cause? When I was working stress caused havoc with my bowels, and it is so difficult to control. Are you happy in your job? Or, are you anxious and hate going to work? Do you feel under pressure? You say it is going to happen at 9am, is that a clue?!

Diverticulitis is not something I have, but I understand it can be very unpleasant. It is dangerous to self diagnose from the internet but symptems etc are below,

The signs and symptoms of diverticulitis include:

Pain, which may be constant and persist for several days. The lower left side of the abdomen is the usual site of the pain. Sometimes, however, the right side of the abdomen is more painful, especially in people of Asian descent.

Nausea and vomiting.


Abdominal tenderness.

Constipation or, less commonly, diarrhea.

Your doctor must be top priority, I would suggest. Can you take someone with you for help and support? Someone that knows how you are?

Katerina1 profile image

Hello Violet, Sorry things feel so hard. Hope some of the replies so far help a little. The right side pain sounds as though it it where your large bowel begins and I always have pain here which is allegedly IBS. I don't know the reason for pain here, but always wondered about the valve which opens there from the small bowel. Also wonder whether sluggish movement of the waste matter there causes your pain and swelling. Have you had a colonoscopy because that at least can rule out nasty things? White stringy things sound like mucous and you could try looking up what that could mean. How long after breakfast is your 9am problem and does it make a difference to have breakfast at a different time? If you haven't already tried it, a log of what time and day problems occur and what you have eaten/what you were doing might throw some light on triggers. Could you see a different doctor at your practice and explain just how awful you are feeling? Also, is there anyone at work you could talk to - HR or suchlike? I know it is just the worst when you have to be somewhere by early morning and the worry of it doesn't help. Good luck.

Liz1234ty profile image

Hi Violet, I am sorry things are so bad and 100% agree with the advice of others above. The only thing I would add is that I have seen stories on here from people who have had candida and that can also lead to a kind of whitish mucus on stools. The NHS are not good at testing for this, so in addition to the above you might want to see if you have other symptoms that would fit with candida overgrowth and ask for a test specific to this. Tests are available privately but hopefully you can get your GP etc to arrange for free.

Violet13 profile image

Hi everyone. Thank you all so much for your replies, I read them all and I feel less alone now.

This morning I rang my boss and said I was having a rough time and would probably be in work later than usual (my problems are worse in the mornings). Then I rang my doctor and asked for an appointment to talk about my ongoing stomach problems but I wanted to see someone different.

My new doctor was a breath of fresh air!! Honestly. She listened to me explain about my swelling and how upset and scared I was. Then she made me lie on the table and examined my stomach/ abdomen. She said she could feel something, a lump or hard swelling, but she actually said she could feel something. I nearly cried because wow she took me seriously and it's not all in my head at least.

So she's requested an urgent hospital referral, I should have an appointment in the next two weeks.

I'm so so scared that they won't be able to find anything and it'll just be "ibs deal with it" again. But at the same time I'm relieved that I'm at least able to get checked out by a gastroenterologist.

That's my update for now. :)

Thanks again to everyone.

in reply to Violet13

Brill things will get sorted now

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