Hi all
I'm not sure if the symptoms I'm experiencing are IBS.
I'm too embarrassed to go to my GP as over the past year I've been so many times with so many symptoms - I think they'll think I'm a hypochondriac
Since the beginning of the new year I've had pain in my lower left abdomen. It can move higher or more towards my groin. It's pretty constant, low level. It is noticeably worse when I bend or pull my knees up ( I used to sleep like this but can't now because of the discomfort). It kind of feels like my intestines/colon is bruised... But as I say, this has been going on for 2 months now. My BM have never been regular. All my life I only ever go every 2/3 days. My BM are solid and I have bled for a number of years from straining (so sorry! I know TMI!!).
The pain is really worrying me and have done lots of research on the net. The only other thing which crops up alongside IBS is ovary related but I've had 2 ultrasounds about a year ago....
Basically, I wondered if the pain would last this long with IBS? Eating and going to the toilet makes no difference. And also if it can be worsened by bending?
I have had bouts of what the GP called spastic colon since I was a child but the pain with that is sudden and intense - lasts a few hours and gradually fades completely over a couple of days.
Please help!