I get a cramping discomfort under my right rib. Feels like a baby kicking. My male friend says his feels like an alien trying to escape! With it I get pain in my back, right-center. When I twist it actually feels like I have a back muscle sprain but I do not. It seems related to bowel gas and constipation. I have been told it is also anxiety driven. I am a high type A personality and have had some very high stressors lately which in fact do seem to make problem worse. HELP!! Does anyone else get these symptoms?? It makes me even more anxious thinking these are odd symptoms and having no one who shares them. Thanks.
Anyone else have these symptoms??: I get a... - IBS Network
Anyone else have these symptoms??

Hi ya, saw your reply to my post and yes sounds very similar to mine! I often adjust my seat at work as feel like a muscle strain, but know that it is not so just sort of accept it like all the other symptoms!! Mine is not all the time, however, is yours?
I too get very anxious, I am actually having a colonoscopy next week and endocscopy as can't stop worrying what all these symptoms are and one blood test came back boarderline, really stressful!
hope you feel better soon,
Lucy x
Thanks for replying. No mine is not constant but much worse since so much stress entered my life.
I did have an upper GI endoscopy about 2 months ago and biopsy at the same time for Celiac and H Pylori . Both came back negative. I do have some irritation but nothing of note. I will tell you I had a MAJOR sore throat following this procedure but it only lasted one day. Had a colonoscopy in 09. All good and yes the prep is the worst part but I really didn't mind it. I am very very holistic and organic so all this stuff bothers me.
Hope you feel better really soon....
I had an OGD today for symptoms that sound very like yours. I am a very anxious person with a lot of stress lately and the symptoms are definately worse, intermittent pain in ribs on both sides but also my back between shoulder blades, sometimes into my shoulder and don't seem to have any triggers other than maybe the anxiety. The OGD was normal so am having an ultrasound scan to check for gallstones
The pains and aches are through intestinal spasms..I had all the test was clear on all. Stress and anxiety are the cause.in myself seem to be copimg nowadays.if your overweight can be an issue try diet
.in my case I tried diet to no avail and eat everything. .only good thing out of it all I found out im in good shape for mid 50s I still have minor issues
The pains and aches are through intestinal spasms..I had all the test was clear on all. Stress and anxiety are the cause.in myself seem to be copimg nowadays.if your overweight can be an issue try diet
.in my case I tried diet to no avail and eat everything. .only good thing out of it all I found out im in good shape for mid 50s I still have minor issues
I have these symptoms too. I suggest you get an ultrasound to check for gallstones, since that can cause the right-sided discomfort along with the back pain you also mentioned. (I have IBS & gallstones)
hi i have just been this morning to have a scan on my kidneys as i have trouble getting out of bed in the mornings awful pain around the kidney area but the hospital said my kidneys are fine but its my bowels the screen was black she showed me and that she said is trapped wind so to see the doctor to see what to do i suffer from constipation also and a prolapse of the back passage they said i had to keep my bowels open very important with having the prolapse i take two senna every night and just wondering if this is causing it, as it did not happen till i started taking them know i come to think of it does any one know ????
I had same thing -- it's your (his) colon trying to do its job. PT for ab pain helped a lot, simple breathing exercises, help anxiety too. Three in, three out.
the pain and discomfort you describe sounds like gallstones,it is how I felt when I had that problem.One word of advice to you is that if you have gallstones tell them you do not want your gallbladder removed as it usually is and can lead to a lot of problems in a few years time such as the same pain coming back only more severe,if I had been told before my operation that they were taking my gallbladder I would have said no but I was only told after surgery and told to stick to a fat free diet for life.11yrs later and the pain caused by the bile in your system is unbearable. Get all the info you can and best of luck
I do too. I've had loads of tests including a a ct and nothing has come back with an answer. I think mine is stress related but nothing seems to help apart from very strong painkillers. It's good to know I'm not the only one with this mystery!
try not to take senna - it damages the bowel lining - i was prescibed it for years and now have damaged bowel as a result - this is not uncommon. Magnesium or oxypowder or similar can help - see finchley clinic website also colpermin helps me with pain and gas