Hi all,
I just want to tell my story. I hope it might help some and I hope someone might help me. Maybe, just ranting will help. This is going to be a long post.
I was first diagnosed with IBS in college, around 12 years ago. No tests were ever completed. Basically I was having really bad constipation and stomach aches with it (so bad, at one point they thought I have appendicitis). The stomachs got so bad, one day my mum took me to hospital. At which point, with no tests, they diagnosed IBS.
I was put on a loads of drugs and it took around 6 months for me to find something that worked, and it calmed down for years. Occasionally flaring up when I was stressed. Annoying, but it was only once or twice a year, so was manageable. At this time Buscapan worked for me.
However, recently my stomach pains have got worse and by worse I mean, waking up with crippling stomach pain every day, trying to manage it every day, while working and running a household.
I was getting desperate. I can't live like this! So, after a chance conversation with a paramedic at a course I was taking - they suggested I get tested for a Thyroid condition. She noticed I was constantly cold and found it difficult losing weight. I went to my docs and they did the test - surprise, surprise, it was negative. I thought that the Thyriod test was going to be the answer to everything, upon hearing that my bloods were normal, I burst into tears. I am desperate, frustrated and just want an answer. The docs then proceeded to tell me "it was all in my head and I was suffering from anxiety". I DO NOT HAVE ANXIETY. It was like she was telling me I was making it all up!
So, I have swiftly put a complaint in and moved to another doctor. I begged for this new doctor to run some tests. My stomach pains are getting worse. Some days I can't even stand up without collapsing on the floor. This wonderful doctor has run tests. I have had so many blood tests I have nicknamed the nurse "The Vampire". They found some inflammation in my body - they can't tell me where but they know it's there. This test was repeated to see if it would disappear by itself. It didn't. So they tested me for arthritis - now I know I don't have arthritis, but if they want to test me for it, that's fine. That came back negative.
So, I have been tested for gluten intolerance, negative, arthritis, negative and they took a stool sample (worst experience ever for someone that can't poop on cue!) for Inflammatory Bowel Disorder, which was negative. They have referred me for an ultrasound scan, which is on Friday. I am hoping and praying they will find something (which I know sounds odd), so they can finally tell me whats wrong. IBS just doesn't seem to cut it anymore.
I am following the low Fod-Map diet, there are so much conflicting information out there about this diet, but cutting out onions and garlic did ease some pain. I have also found out that Busapan can cause constipation, so have been taken off these. I have been given Medeverine, which helped with me going to the loo, but then gave me painful bloating. I bloat from right under my boobs and I look around 8 months pregnant. It's painful and feels like you need pass gas - but you can't. So, I spoke to my doctor and have stopped taking these.
Past few days have been bad, very bad. I have pains all up both sides, but mainly on my left side and around the bottom of my tummy. I have been to the loo loads and it is not reliving it. It's a sharp pain on my sides and a dull uncomfortable cramp in my tummy. It makes me wince in pain.
I have tried hot water bottles, paracetamols, hot baths, peppermint tea and nothing is working - any ideas anyone?
I am off work, which is not ideal as I am not getting paid! But, I cannot cope with this anymore.
I have heard of this detox tea - Teami, its a UK based company or Florida based depending who you ask. Lots of people do the 30 day detox to lose weight, but it comes with a "Colon Cleanse" tea - sounds delicious doesn't it. I have talked it through with the doc and he says it worth a go and doesn't contain anything he is worried about. I have seen a few people say it got rid of their IBS, so we'll see what happens. Apparently though - it can be quiet harsh on the system in the first week - so I will have to book some annual leave so I am near a comfortable loo at all times. If anyone is interested, I'll keep you posted.
Thanks for reading