I've been suffering with symptoms of IBS for many years, but was trying to deal with it on my own. I'm suffering from a very bad bout lasting over a month, which has forced me to be diagnosed, and has left me very weak and in continuous pain. To be honest, my faith in my Dr isn't very high atm, and I'm in such poor physical health that I'm terrified of taking a misstep. Every bite of food feels like a game of Russian Roulette. I'm diagnosed as IBSa, but I have had diarrhoea for years, and think that the constipation I suffered was thanks to the Codeine I was prescribed.
If anyone can suggest good foods to help get energy back and weight on in a gentle way, I would be eternally grateful. I also get a lot of back pain, with the condition and have bought a tens machine, purely for the back pain. Has anyone had experience using this, it feels great and I can differentiate between different pains instead of it being a mass of pain, but I'm hoping it won't have negative effects.
Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated