Thank you for letting me join. The GP thinks I may have IBS-D. I was diagnosed with Coeliac many years ago but my tummy has never settled. It seems so sensitive and so unreliable. I am very careful not to consume any gluten, lactose or yeast. I read all the labels too. But I still have this diarrhoea first thing some mornings. The stress about this is I don't know if I will only go once or twice, it can last a while. As a result I can't leave the house without taking Loperamide to be on the safe side. I would be interested to know if others have to take Loperamide before they have the confidence to leave the house. Many thanks.
I'm new here.: Thank you for letting me join... - IBS Network
I'm new here.

From what I hear, taking loperamide(or Imodium) before daring to leave the house kind of goes with the territory for many with IBS-D.
I so far haven't taken it. I hate my symptoms but have gratitude that they are not extreme most of the time. I don't live a pressured life (am retired and alone) so if by chance I'm having a bad day, I just stay close to home (i.e. the loo !) But I do take a herbal mix which helps a bit.
But yes, loperamide definitely helps to bolster confidence as far as others have said anyway.
Thank you Luisa22 for replying. Ok Loperamide is the way to go if leaving the house. The other problem I have is after tummy hasn't been right for a few days it seems to calm. Then I might not go for a day then the next day I just a small solid bit but sometimes there is a bit that feels like it will exit but it doesn't! I'm concerned it may pop out when I'm not on the loo! I'm wondering if there is something to help. I don't want to upset it of course. I don't know what to do. 😳
Hi, I would suggest suppositories. You can get them from Boots and they are pretty cheap. I have not tried them myself but had to get some for my son when he was young. They worked a treat on him and I would think if there is just a little bit to get out, it would come out pretty quickly. But you could just ask the chemist their opinion to be on the safe side!
Thank you Maureen 1958 for replying. Yes usually just a small bit that won't come out, so quite a problem. Can't sit on the loo all day😱.I wonder if suppositories are lethal! I don't want to be purged. I need it to be gentle. No nothing about them.
I have IBS-D mainly. But occasionally it goes the other way. Never for long, usually just a day or two. The first day is okay and I have learned that for once I dare eat a couple of things I couldn't normally eat which is somewhat pleasant to be honest.
But if it goes on into the second day and I'm trying to poop...really need to poop, but nothing comes out. I use a glycerin suppository, slightly moisten it with water first (warning, it gets VERY slippery when you do this, and can shoot off way across the bathroom!)
Okay, after insertion, I then lie down (gravity effect) and listen to some music and try to relax. It usually only takes 15 minutes or so, and my bowel movement is not dramatic, just normal. After using one, I may need to go again in a few hours but not always, and it hasn't given me diarrhea.
Then usually after a little bout of the "C" my bowel movements are okay for a while, until the dreaded D darkens my doorstep yet again, usually for no logical reason.
So what I'm saying is using a suppository when needed hasn't caused me any undue upsets
Hi Luisa, Yes that sometimes happens to me, tummy seems settled for a day or two but I mainly have the D! Like you I have found that I can have a try of 'forbidden' food, if tummy seems to be a bit settled but it doesn't last for long.
Right thank you for mentioning glycerine suppositories. I know nothing about them. Good to know they are not lethal like the prep I once had for a colonoscopy and I thought all of my insides were departing! It was so horrendous! 🤔
consider the gaps protocol. Watching this lecture is a good start: - Gut healing is a lengthy and volatile process, be patient and follow this strict protocol and you’ll be alright.
I didn't watch this to the very end but found it very interesting.
Hi. I tested negative for celiac but they told me i could be gluten intolerant. Do you ever suffer mucus discharge?. Also i have a unsettled stomach and diarrhea often and was told to take daily loperamide to keep me under control.
Hi Mal444, No I don't suffer from mucus discharge. Just liquid D. I thought to try to settle my tummy I would make rice pudding in the microwave with lactose free milk as I am intolerant to lactose as well as gluten and yeast. But I started to notice my tummy wasn't settling and it seemed to be worse after the rice pudding. I had a look on the rice packet that I purchased from Morrisons and it said to rinse the rice before using. I hadn't rinsed the rice. So I'm now thinking there could be some contamination with the rice, probably wheat, I don't know. I have stopped having the rice and my tummy doesn't seem so volatile. So this could be a contributing factor!
Yes I take Imodium (loperamide) if I am going out just to give me the confidence to go out, as you know IBS can be anxiety/ stress driven and that is the catch 22 you worry when out that an attack will come on and that worry can cause it to start so as a sticking plaster I take half a dose before going out which mentally for me helps ease the worry, hope this helps x
Thank you for replying. It's reassuring to know there are others out there that are facing the same problems! Yes it's a vicious circle! Like you I have to take Loperamide if I'm going out as I don't know what might happen! I wish I had more confidence in leaving the house. How do you take half a dose? The ones I have are small capsules?
I have coeliac disease and like you I stick religiously to the gluten and lactose free diet. Yet still I have awful days with cramps and exhaustion ect ect. I suffer mainly with IBSC. Everyone with IBSD should be tested for BAM (Bile acid malabsorbtion) it only involves 2 scans a week apart. I have BAM but the medication will not help IBSC only IBSD. BAM is more common in IBS sufferers. I don't know why they don't test for it as a matter of course.
Hi Edgar77 I have never head of Bile acid malabsorption. You mentioned scans, what kind of scans? I had terrible heart burn, especially when I lay down in bed. I was given Peptac antacid liquid for it. A few months later I was diagnosed with a serious heart condition. The indigestion seemed to be due to that! I now take a lot of heart meds and the indigestion seems to have stopped so I have stopped taking the Peptac. I was wondering if the Peptac would help with the wind problem associated with the IBS-D.
I'm no expert. All I know is BAM is more common in IBSD sufferers. They give you a drink/tablet (can't remember now) it had no side effect. Then you have a scan standing still for a few minutes and another scan 1 week later to see how much you were able to absorb. Not invasive at all.
Right thank you for letting me know about BAM and the scan. Sounds ok.
Link to BAM (Bile Acid Malabsorption):
I'm not sure that what you are experiencing is BAM as you usually just keep needing to go all day but thought I would send you the link so you can make your own assessment and perhaps run it past your GP if you think it's relevant to you.
Thank you for your reply and the link, will have a read. I don't think I'm experiencing BAM either. I made my tummy worse the other week. I made rice pudding in the microwave with Morrisons rice but I didn't rinse it first. I found this out as I read on the packet that it was to be rinsed and I hadn't done that. I think there must have been some cross contamination with the rice, perhaps wheat. I have Coeliac and I'm very sensitive. We live and learn.
I feel for you. I haven'read anything about the gut biome though in your post. Do you take a probiotic to help with the gut flora? If the good bacteria in your gut is not at optimum levels, ie after a course antibiotics for example, then the food you eat can't be properly digested. Try taking a daily probiotic like Actimel which helps to populate the gut with the right kind of bacteria. Probiotics can be taken in capsule form too-ask the pharmacist-they are often very knowledgeable. Having the best levels of bacteria in the gut help prevent D. You presumably don't eat much in the way of fibre either. It's a daily balancing act!
"Should I take prebiotics and probiotics at the same time?"
Just found this topic a bit further down! The posts endorse what I said just now-and the ALflorex seems to be the tablet of choice for many people. When one is floundering in the uncertainty of what to take, it's a toss up as to what might work. Give the Alflorex a trey, it might be your magic bullet! (if you know what I mean!)

I don't take probiotics. I am frightened to try it in case it makes the diarrhoea worse. The only thing I take remotely like that is Onken plain yogurt with gluten free muesli and fresh fruit for breakfast. The Alflorex sounds interesting. It has got to be gluten free and lactose free too. Many thanks.
Yes, I take Loperamide quite often in the mornings. I also take codeine with it for the tummy pain which starts after I go to the loo in the morning. If I have to leave the house, at least I feel as if I'm not going to be searching for a public toilet.
Yes I take Loperamide if I've to leave the house, for peace of mind. I hate having to use public toilets. I also take Codine its to try to help with lumber stenosis.