Hey. I'm new here. I'm relatively new to IBS, too, as I see posts about decades-long struggles. I was diagnosed four years ago after two ER visits in a week with sharp, very specific lower right pain. All tests showed no appendix issues so after some killer pain meds I was sent home.
Since then I regularly get sharp lower right pain/cramps. It curls me in the fetal position in pain. No medication over the counter or prescribed relieves it.
I loosely follow the FODMAP diet and have narrowed down quite a few foods that are triggers. I know my biggest trigger is high fructose corn syrup and that can shut me down for days.
Recently I had trail mix and discovered raisins and my colon aren't going to cooperate. I spent over a week with 15 rush-to-a-toilet episodes a day leaving me completely exhausted, with a sore bum and really down emotionally.
I've gone through three GI doctors in 4 years. They aren't helping.
Anyway, I'm hoping to get support from this community, ideas on foods and whatnot.