Although I was diagnosed with IBS several years ago and thought I had been managing reasonably well, a month ago, following a week of feeling really unwell and with an extremely sore tummy, particularly on the left side, I was put on antibiotics by my GP and sent to Hospital - I was told I had diverticulitis! Things settled down nicely and I decided I would up my fibre intake! Think that was a mistake, over the past week I have had the most appalling stomach cramps, sent me back to my GP (different one this time) who said I had a urine infection and put me on antibiotics again .. !! Been on the pills for 3 days, no improvement in symptoms and feeling really miserable. I'm now afraid to eat anything for fear of aggravating the cramps and trapped wind. If I take Buscopan, I get constipated and I'm not 100% sure that helps any more than taking paracetamol! Any advice on diet would be very much appreciated!
I'm new here .....: Although I was diagnosed... - IBS Network
I'm new here .....
I too got left sided cramps along with other pains from constipation. I had to take lactulose to completely empty me and then movicol to help keep me soft. I have struggled with BMs, trapped wind, incomplete emptying etc for years but have just had a rectal prolapse repair which was obstructing me from emptying and have not had stomach pain since.
Hmm, very interesting! I've been taking movicol for sometime but like you, fairly certain I struggle with incomplete emptying. Think I'm going to have to go back to my GP if I can summon the courage!

Good for you. I have had so many people examine my behind but still get embarrassed going to the GP. Deep breath and go for it
Spoon of olive oil befor eating
Compote of Apple and prune or apple and fig
Orange juice
Only soluble fibre
Try to drink more water.
A handful of dried prunes as a snack during the day or chopped into breakfast cereal.
Wholegrain only when eating bread rice or pasta
I use a flax and seed mix which is tasteless and can be mixed into any meal or sprinkled salads to increase fibre intake.
Be careful your diverticulitis doesn't get more severe. The intestine can twist and block. My grandmother was suddenly affected by this and had 2 metres of intestine removed where it had twisted. If pain starts to get worse please do go to your doctor.