Not sure if Ibs after 18 months?: Hope someone... - IBS Network

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Not sure if Ibs after 18 months?

Robt1377 profile image
6 Replies

Hope someone can help....

So I started getting bowel changes over 18 months ago on and off (I think triggered by a stressful event) in May 2017.

I went to see my GP and he ordered a FBC blood test, stated checking for anemia etc. the results came back normal. I then developed a sharp pain lower abdomen just under rib cage which some days worse and others faded. Went straight to GP and he ordered a stool sample and more bloods, all results came back normal.

At this point anxiety hit the roof thinking it’s colon cancer or something. I then had an abdominal ultra sound in Nov 17, everything was normal just a slight fatty liver.

The pain continues along with flatulence, belching, frequency of weeing, back ache etc. Went back to GP (4th time by this point) and a different doctor and he then ordered a Endoscopy and more bloods with liver tests....

Extremely anxious now thinking the worse etc. Symptoms not getting better I was also referred to a dietician ( useless by the way), had endoscopy in Feb 18 all clear and no inflammation...surgeon said most likely muscokeletal? Blood tests came back normal but slightly raised ALT level on liver results.

In Dec 17 I radically changed my diet to a pescatarian one and stuck to it losing 45 lbs in weight, however symptoms remained! Cut out all junk and stuck to whole foods only with occasionally treat.

I went back to GP again and stated my concerns that my symptoms had not changed and where to go now? He stated that he’s more than positive there is no cancer, IBD or anything sinister but probably IBS with some costochrondritis because of the pain.

I then left it a few weeks and kept going back etc. Over anxious in case they were wrong and asked for colonoscopy to which he stated there is nothing for me to suggest you need no referral but would refer me for another opinion to see a lower GI surgeon, but not urgent.

I then had more bloods done in May 18 and the doctor said best I have seen and my diet is helping, also my liver results improved...I thought great but still not right.

A few months had gone by and numerous symptoms still going on I then saw in Sep the lower GI surgeon, he suggested a CT scan of my bowel as the ‘cherry on the cake’ as he put it but is not expecting anything to show up sinister!!!

My scan is on the 07th of Jan 19 and I’m petrified and whether I need it etc. Or are they doing it for my peace of mind etc.

In Dec 18 I had another full set of bloods done and all normal, CRP etc all normal.

Any help or advice would be appreciated.

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Robt1377 profile image
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6 Replies
MissEd profile image

Hi there. I cant really help but wanted to say ive been having the same symptoms as you since feb 17 i think triggered by anti biotics. I have a consultation for a colonoscopy on 8th jan 19 and i am concerned about colon cancer. It will be a little while before a colonoscopy though i think as im 36 weeks pregnant so i doubt they will want to do anything untill ive given birth and recovered

weegmack profile image

Hey there. I can totally relate to your anxiety about your health. I have IBS, Generalised Anxiety Disorder, OCD and intermittent depression (my life is a party lol). I have extreme health anxiety and I am constantly at my GP wanting tests and reassurance.

The tests you’ve had would reassure even me and I do believe that the bowel scan is just to reassure you. I had it in my head that I had ovarian cancer last year and my GP simply could not reassure me and she sent me for a scan (all fine).

Because our symptoms never go away, never improve or change a bit from time-to-time, I think that’s why we want tests. We want to feel better and our minds think the worse. You are perfectly justified in feeling this way. I get horrible pains too. My back can be so painful (right at my tail bone), that I can’t sleep with it or it can be hard to get about. I also have periods of time when I have to pee a lot. I’ve discovered that this is down to a type of constipation - I have very slow gut motility and my bowel likes to “hold on” to poop. You may be the same. I get easily backed-up and the pain can be excruciating- my back can be painful, just under my rib cage, sometimes I get a pain from my tummy button round to my side. I can also feel like I have flu. All because of constipation.

Like you, my GP sees absolutely no reason for me to have more tests, but I do still worry. I’m really sorry you’re feeling so anxious and unwell. But you should be really proud of yourself for trying to manage your symptoms the way you do. I totally understand your fear for your scan, but I feel really positive that it’ll be ok. I suppose a way to look at it, is that you’ve had these symptoms for nearly two years and you’d be terribly ill by now, if it was something sinister. Bless you and let me know how you get on. Feel free to direct message me if you need to talk. X

Liz1234ty profile image

Hi - i agree with weegmack, after 18 months anything really serious would have raised 'red flag' symptoms but with a series of normal test results and relatively steady and consistent symptoms it does sound like ibs. Your specialist is almost certainly proposing the colonoscopy for you own piece of mind as the final test available. Very few tests are 100% risk free but this is a safe low risk procedure that is regarded by gi consultants as the gold standard. Let us know how you get on with it

Robt1377 profile image

Thanks all for your comments much appreciated.

I suppose because I have ill free so to speak for sometime and this event has happened I went into complete spiral. It’s been a long time going on and as suggested if it was something like cancer it ‘would have shown it’s hand by now’ surely?

It’s a CT scan I’m having as he doesn’t feel I need a colonoscopy?

I hate these symptoms it’s debilitating... one minute normal frequency next then slight constipation or difficult to pass and it goes on and on.

However no blood or weight loss etc.

oftheeagles profile image

Hello, first of all, you need to find a way to lower your anxiety!! You're headed for a breakdown or a heart attack if you can't calm down. I'm not saying you don't have anything going on. But stress triggers a lot of medical conditions, IBS being one. If you are unable to on your own, try yoga or walking. Last resort, ask your doctor for buspar. It's a safe anti anxiety medication.

My IBS originally started as an allergy to dairy and progressed from there. Stress was a big factor. It improved when I was able to do yoga and live more physically active. My physical condition changed drastically six years later. Now my IBS is out of control and I'm unable to be physically active.

Now then, fatty liver is beyond my experience but it may be related to diet. You've changed your diet so maybe it will improve. You said you lost weight. I get the feeling you needed to shed some pounds, and possibly more weight loss would help your situation. Bowel change are a function of aging and general state of health.

The pain you feel is very similar to my intestinal pain in the upper corners of the colon. If you look at a picture of the large intestine, you'll notice it has five corners. When hard stools try to pass the corners, it can cause significant pain. I would get stool softeners like colace, pericolace, miralax.

If you've had previous abdominal surgeries, it's possible you have adhesions. They are best described as bind weed growing inside your abdominal cavity. They are incredibly painful and must be surgically removed. I had some that were strangling my intestines.

It sounds like they are mostly doing the procedure for your peace of mind but also to rule out other conditions. As stated previously, your mental state is very disconcerning. At least your blood tests are normal. That is a good sign. However, there's no blood test to detect IBS. It's just a bunch of similar symptoms. If the fatty liver was cancer related, the blood tests should have picked up on something. IBS is no picnic but it seems very likely in your case.

Robt1377 profile image

Thanks for comments much appreciated.

I have decided to kick the can down the road in terms of the scan as my GP agrees.

I’m going to try FODMAP diet for 4 weeks to see if makes a difference.

I will keep posted.

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