My IBS -d has been pretty good lately. Most mornings for about a month I've been having near-normal bowel movements, and been able to eat more veggies. I've been busy most days working outside but not getting overheated as I work in shade. I've felt pretty good generally.
Then yesterday and the day before my gut switched over to slightly constipated but not too bad. But both mornings I got the most incredible stitch-like pains low down in my abdomen which were awful and I could hardly walk! They went entirely after a bm and didn't return during the day.
Yesterday I was okay though a bit tired, but about 10pm started feeling so strange. I don't know how to describe it, but it was like I was 'melting away'. I didn't feel ill or have any gut symptoms, just that queer feeling. Not dizzy but just like I was fading out. About midnight I felt too hot, and a bit strange like anxious or something. I decided to take my temperature, and it was quite high. Just over 101 F
I kept taking my temperature on and off for the next 2 hours, and it went down to normal by 2am or so. I had no other symptoms except peeing a huge amount of times in 2 hours (about 6 times?). No other symptoms such as come with a UTI.
Normal pale coloured pee so not dehydrated and hadn't been with anybody for a good while where I could have caught a bug.
When it was normal I went to sleep and woke up fine. I have been fine all day except for the slight constipation again this morning, but perfect energy and felt well, and my temperature just below normal.
That was so mysterious. I'm baffled about what could cause a sudden pretty high fever which came down in 2 hours and hasn't come back. And what was all the peeing about?