Weird symtoms suddenly, don't know if connecte... - IBS Network

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Weird symtoms suddenly, don't know if connected with IBS or not

Luisa22 profile image
13 Replies

My IBS -d has been pretty good lately. Most mornings for about a month I've been having near-normal bowel movements, and been able to eat more veggies. I've been busy most days working outside but not getting overheated as I work in shade. I've felt pretty good generally.

Then yesterday and the day before my gut switched over to slightly constipated but not too bad. But both mornings I got the most incredible stitch-like pains low down in my abdomen which were awful and I could hardly walk! They went entirely after a bm and didn't return during the day.

Yesterday I was okay though a bit tired, but about 10pm started feeling so strange. I don't know how to describe it, but it was like I was 'melting away'. I didn't feel ill or have any gut symptoms, just that queer feeling. Not dizzy but just like I was fading out. About midnight I felt too hot, and a bit strange like anxious or something. I decided to take my temperature, and it was quite high. Just over 101 F

I kept taking my temperature on and off for the next 2 hours, and it went down to normal by 2am or so. I had no other symptoms except peeing a huge amount of times in 2 hours (about 6 times?). No other symptoms such as come with a UTI.

Normal pale coloured pee so not dehydrated and hadn't been with anybody for a good while where I could have caught a bug.

When it was normal I went to sleep and woke up fine. I have been fine all day except for the slight constipation again this morning, but perfect energy and felt well, and my temperature just below normal.

That was so mysterious. I'm baffled about what could cause a sudden pretty high fever which came down in 2 hours and hasn't come back. And what was all the peeing about?

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Luisa22 profile image
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13 Replies
b1b1b1 profile image

It is a bit unusual, but there are some short viruses that can cause a fever. It is also possible that you had a UTI and the large amount of urination got rid of it. Also, are you certain that you did not get heat exhaustion, even though you worked in the shade. Heat exhaustion, as opposed to heat stroke, while not as serious, can also cause some nasty symptoms for a day.

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply to b1b1b1

Thanks b1b1b1,

I doubted a virus because I haven't been in close contact with anyone for about 2 weeks, and though I'm always friendly with the driver who brings my grocery deliveries, it's all at a bit of a distance (simply because of the set up of the front of my house) I didn't actually feel'virus-y' at all. I suppose some mild form of UTI is possible but I've never had one before. The peeing thing was crazy though.

I wondered if I might have just overworked a bit outside even though in deep shade I didn't feel hot. I am clearing my woodshed roof of very old ivy, ready to put a large tarp over it, as the roof leaks in places. So that is hard work. It could have been that.

b1b1b1 profile image
b1b1b1 in reply to Luisa22

Yes, I think that may be the case. I also like to do a lot of work outside. Once I was clearing some dense weeds on a reasonably hot day. I didn't spend that much time and didn't feel excessively hot, but the next day I did not feel well at all. After mulling it over I did finally think it was, in fact, heat exhaustion. I do hope you continue to feel fine!

heartmatters1 profile image
heartmatters1 in reply to Luisa22

You mention clearing very old Ivy. Did you wear a mask? I remember chopping ivy back in my garden a couple of years ago & I felt quite poorly after, I think it can trigger a bit of a allergic reaction (just a thought) if I did it again I would wear a mask. Also maybe you overdid it too.

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply to heartmatters1

No I didn't wear a mask. I never thought of the ivy possibly having an effect on me, especially as I was outside with plenty of fresh air.

I am not inclined to get any allergies that I'm aware of. But too much ivy...who knows what it might do?! I actually love the scent of it, but it could have still done a number on me. :-/

Misspomfrey profile image

Hello there

Strangely enough, I've experienced similar symptoms on and off over the last week. Bowel movements normal for ages then suddenly slight constipation, feeling very hot, some pain and tiredness all the time. Also, I was passing water a lot too. I wonder if it's the weather, we've had it really hot where I am which has cooled a bit, but I wasn't sleeping at all during the year. I've been lethargic where normally I've plenty of energy. Not been able to enjoy my walking too well. It's weird isn't it. Yesterday I felt really tired and was on the toilet a couple of times but just normal BMs, felt hot too like having a temperature and headaches, drinking plenty of water as always.

I have been thinking, could it be Diabetes? You pass water a lot if it is. I had an eye test last week and they normally can tell if there's any diabetes and he said he didn't think I had it. Nevertheless, Im looking for a decent glucose monitor to check it myself. I can't be bothered with GPs, all this video malarkey. I'm also waiting for a text kit to come to test my ferritin levels, might be low in iron as diet is limited.

Anyway, glad your feeling ok now

Kind regards

Boxroad profile image
Boxroad in reply to Misspomfrey

the symptoms are very similar to diabetes, I have been diabetic for about 20 years and it took a fasting glucose test to show up, so just getting a glucose monitor is not a good idea or good advice to be honest, the affects diabetes has on the organs of the body is horrible and something that needs to be addressed by a doctor

Misspomfrey profile image
Misspomfrey in reply to Boxroad

Hello Boxroad

Thanks for your comments. I'm not convinced it's diabetes, but then I wouldn't know for sure without a proper test. I'm not overweight, don't drink or smoke and generally keep fit and healthy for 65. I've had numerous blood tests over the years, the last being less than a year ago and all are normal. My eyes were tested last week and they saw nothing that resembled diabetes.

I feel fine today so I will keep a close eye on things.

Boxroad profile image
Boxroad in reply to Misspomfrey

my nephew don’t drink or smoke as is as thin as a bean pole but was diagnosed type 1 just by chance when his GP asked if he had any other issues and he said yes I keep needing to pee a lot more, he had no other sighs at all, with me I had been to my GP on and off lots of times saying how I was feeling, it was not untill one day My normal GP was off and I saw another that he said we will do a fasting glucose and then it came back as type 2, it was my wife who kept pushing me to go back as she was a nurse at the time, I would wake up in the night and the bed would be wet and you could see the shape of my whole body on the sheet, still not sure if she was concerned about my health or fed up with changing the sheets so often lol

normanbyrott profile image
normanbyrott in reply to Misspomfrey

Hello there, you mention diabetes and eyes and I know someone who was first diagnosed with it because of his eyes.But I am curious whether in general the blood sugar / glucose results are sufficient for a diagnosis. Can anybody confirm or otherwise.?

Misspomfrey profile image
Misspomfrey in reply to normanbyrott


Yes, I agree, I'm not convinced really that this blood sugar testing is accurate.

I remember a few years ago, my husband went for a routine eye test and he seemed to see something that lead him to believe he might have diabetes. So he referred him to his doctor who did a fasting diabetes test. It came back absolutely normal. But I do know that they can detect quite a few illnesses when they look at the back of your eyes. My husband and me were both under a lot of stress at the time, moving etc, and stress can cause abnormal results. His Thyroid was abnormal results a few years ago, then he was monitored and a year later, it was normal, the same happened with his cholesterol. I definitely think that how you feel at the time has a big impact on the results. Weird isn't it 😒.

I keep telling myself I'm not going to worry about anything from now on and just take each day as it comes and enjoy it doing something I enjoy. It's not worth worrying is it, we're all only here for a short time anyway in the great scheme of things. I just do my best to stay as healthy and fit as I can and that's all I can do. The rest is in the lap of the gods 😀

Take care

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply to Misspomfrey

Thanks Miss Pomfrey and I hope your energy will feel better very soon.

Luisa22 profile image

I don't think what happened to me the other night could have been diabetes(?) because it hasn't happened before that or since. I think if it was diabetes I would have had more incidents of it. I just got this raised temperature and crazy peeing for 2 hours! It honestly was so bizarre but nothing since.

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