Right rib pain : Hi guys I have suffered pain... - IBS Network

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Right rib pain

Ladyjackie37 profile image
171 Replies

Hi guys I have suffered pain under right rib for 5 months now . I have had all bloods done just a month ago all clear . Scan of liver kidneys spleen pancreas all clear. Had chest x ray all good . Still got this horrid feeling under right rib . Need to speak to people for reasurance please . I was wondering can it be acid reflux or what .

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Ladyjackie37 profile image
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171 Replies
Lulububs profile image

Do u feel any better when u belch? Excuse question. Have u tried acid reflux tablets and do they work.

Have u thought it may b a trapped muscle or a actual body problem as in a injury not internal problem...

I had pain in what i thought was colon or side fore month and found out it was a slipped disc so it could b ur thinking illness it may just b a little niggle as in u have pulled something

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toLulububs

Hi Lulububs !! Thanks for your reply . I think it could be related to acid reflux . I am feeling it burning a lot through my back . I don’t think it is muscle pain . I could be wrong . Thank you for your input xx

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toLulububs

Hi there how you doing ? Haven’t heard from you in a wee while just wondered how you r . I trust you had a good Christmas and a good new year . I am still struggling on still get a bit of pain but try to forget it if I can .

I am now on something to calm me down so that’s helping a wee bit I think . I am glad to be back to normal now .

Lulububs profile image

It a hard one as obviously u had all the the tests so it cant b a illness.

Mayb it stress and ur getting acid reflux throught that. I find ranetidine or zantac helps, if that doesnt help i would look more down the aches and pains root as sometimes u cannot tell the difference.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toLulububs

Hi Lulububs I have got it into my head that they have missed something !! My anxiety is running wild . I am thinking it could be my pancreas . I think it would have progressed by now

What do you think . I have no other symptoms just the round the rib pain .

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply toLadyjackie37

With all the tests u have had they would have seen it...

I would think mayb it a muscle or a pull or strain or mayb try a zantac and if it works u got acid reflux and then i would suggest u may have it through stress and anxiety...

I have ibs mainly brought on by foods but if i get upset,stressed, anxious or tired out il get indigestion... so i know what it is and it exactly as u describe .. rib pain

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toLulububs

Dear Lulububs thank you so much . You have calmed me a bit x

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply toLadyjackie37

Thats no prob. It horrible when u have a pain and dont know if it a illness or injury and then stress adds to it

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toLulububs

Anxiety is so bad at the moment have just told Kilgh . Can’t get out of bed not I am so scared .

I think I need to get some help . This is terrible .

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply toLadyjackie37

Lady jackie

Has anything happened to u of late? Loss of person close to u? A stress thats happened close to when this all happened.

Only reason i ask is that i am more the 99% sure this is stress or anxiety related as i dont think with all the tests u have had they would miss something.... u have had every test that would show pancreas or gallbladder problems and i wander if this could b actually caused by another problem more stress or physiological problems.

I know how stress can effect u in the most weird ways.... about 8 years ago i lost my dad then lost my job all in space of 6 months and i thought i was coping but i then became obsessed with having a brain tumour coz i had a constant headache and i become so obsesses with this i made myself physically ill .. to point i kept fainting.. when i got admitted to hosp they found nothing... i saw a therapist and i cried for 1 hour constantly for no reason and it was the stress coming out... once i cried and cried the headaches went and i stopped fainting , it was grief and stress.

So im hoping it mayb something that we can help u with... coz if u think LOGICALLY u have had every test and how ever many months later it got no worse and ur not sicker ... if it was pancreas or ulcer or cancer or gallbladder one it would have shown . Two, u would b sicker by now...

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toLulububs

Dear Lulububs yes I lost my dad 3 yrs ago and my mum 2 yrs ago . I have never been right since . I think I have let all this anxiety build up inside me it’s been so bad . You are correct in what your saying I would be way sicker by now . I am now going to try and get my anxiety calmed down by going to see someone . I am so glad I joined this forum . You sound like you have had a similar situation to me . I am sorry for that because it’s horrid . I am so burnt out with anxiety right now I feel light headed and shaky all the time it’s terrible .

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply toLadyjackie37

There no shame in admitting ur illness mayb more mental illness then bodily illness, it takes a strong person to stand back and realise they need help for there mind Not there body... we all should once in a while..there prob hundreds people on this forum that are suffering mentally and are sick coz of that and not actually what they think it is.

We all get anxious and stressed and sad and it can effect the body in the strangest of ways.

U have been through alot and it can take a while for it to manifest itself and show u in a way it wants u to release it ....

I went to a therapist( grief) for about 4-6 times and i literally off loaded all my grief and anger and i cried and cried and cried and literally on my 5th one she just said “ ur totally different person now” i was calm and relaxed and my mind was in a better place i eventually stopped crying 😂😂which think she was quite happy about lol...

i would not hesitate if i found myself feeling that stress or pain coming over me again to call her back up and go again...

no hesitation at all....it dont make u weak it makes u a strong person to recognise u have a problem and sort it before it gets bad...

Mayb go see someone and see how it goes.. at first it is weird then u just think hmmm im never gona see this person again after this so why not use it to ur advantage...

I just dont think urs is a illness i think ur could b more of a stress problem brought on by grief or anxiety once u address that ur rib pain will go

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toLulububs

Feeling so bad this morning so scared thinking I have all sorts of things . Can’t stop this fear this morning . Every morning is the same . It’s terrible

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLulububs

Good post.

Kilgh profile image

You are correct in the fact that your pancreas can cause the pain you describe. Especially the spreading into the back. If you are worried about this then go back to your doctors and get them to rule it out. Be your own advocate. However if your bloods show no signs of inflammation or infection it is unlikely to be pancreatitis. But did your pain begin before or after your last bloods? If after you need some new bloods.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

Hi Kilgh thank you for replying to me . I have got myself into such a state about this pain . I hope that after 5! Months and a vast number of doctors they would have found something by now . Do you think pancreatic stuff would show more symptoms by now .?

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

If you have Gallbladder stones if can cause issues like this. But I think scans and bloods would show theses issues up. I have seen a person with pancreatitis and they couldn't stand upright with the pain. What happens to the pain if you pinch your side and lift the muscle up?

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

Morning Kilgh I am crippled at the moment with anxiety . Can’t get out of bed for fear . I now have pains all over . I can’t get it out of my head that I have something going on in my tummy . When I say I have had loads of tests I mean it . Saw loads of a@E doctors . Bloods done so many times .

It’s been a nightmare . Have no other symptoms that they can relate to the tummy pain .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

Okay. While you are lying there could you pinch the flesh and muscle up where the pain is and tell me what happens?

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

Can feel it sore a wee bit . I am worried now in case it’s an ulcer . But the doc said I would be in more pain .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

You shouldn't be worried that it could be an ulcer. Ulcers are easily treatable. It could be one from your symptoms. You don't have to be in extreme pain to have one. But you've had an endoscopy right? Easy to rule out in 15 mins that way. Or even just a blood test for H.Pylori. The bacterial infection that causes ulcers.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

That’s the only test I haven’t done . None of the docs seemed to think I needed it . Going to get one privately after Christmas . To put my mind at rest . I was wondering if it could be a hiatal hernia . But I have no trouble swalling . Doc said if it was an ulcer I would have trouble with food

Thank u thank u for speaking to me I am so bad at the moment . Do you think it could be stomach cancer ? Even though scan said no .

Had loads of Doctors examine me

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

Unlikely to be cancer. You would have other symptoms to go with it. Generally (and again I am NOT a doctor) once you have pain you have a tumour large enough to see on a scan. Also you would be losing weight for no reason, maybe having night sweats...lots of other symptoms including messed up bloodwork. If you had a hiatal hernia you would be having wicked bad acid reflux burning your throat and even affecting your voice if the acid got up that far. Depending on where an ulcer lies the common symptoms are pain right upon eating with early fullness, or pain about two hours after every meal. If you are not experiencing that you are unlikely to have an ulcer.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

You r so sensible . Why can’t I think like that . .?

The Doctor is telling me this every day . I have taken to my bed now and been here for 5 weeks scared to move . All my back muscles are sore and I have lots of wind with not moving . I have to wait till about lunch time to get up to wash .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

If you feel pain on the outside when you "pick up" your flesh then it could be as simple as a cramped muscle or trapped nerve. But honestly I think by far your worse symptom right now is the anxiety. Your doctors have ruled out any serious illness right now. So you need to address the anxiety. This should be your focus right now. Are you on any drugs for this currently?

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

I am on some Valium right now . I am constantly thinking I am dying .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

I honestly think this is your true issue. Even if you do have a physical issue you are in no condition to make reasonable judgements on it while your anxiety is out of control. You can have no real perspective right now. Any pain you might have will feel 10 times worse because your central nervous system is overloaded. Treat this first. Ignore everything else for now because you have done everything to rule out a serious physical health issue. It can wait until you are in a better mental health place and then you can re-evalulate. A dose of valium is a short term treatment only. You need a real plan. Do what I did and get a Psychiatrist on board. Not a psychologist. A real medical doctor Psychiatrist. They can review all your medical tests and reassure you from a place of knowledge and they can get you going on a plan to deal with the anxiety. Don't think you have to live like this. You don't.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

Thank you I am going to take your advice ,

Please keep contact with me it is helping me so much thank you .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

You are welcome. We gut sufferers need to stick together.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

Do you have bad tummy trouble as well .?

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

Hell yeah. Right now is the worst in my life. Not in terms of intensity but in terms of how long it has been going on. 11 fricking months. Can't get it to settle down like I usually do. None of the tricks I have used for over 20 years has worked. I let the stress and anxiety get to me badly this time. So I am off work for the first time in 25 years and under the care of a Psychiatrist for the first time in my life because I know I can't sort it on my own this time. So I know where you are coming from and I am living my own advice. Was a relief to sit down with someone and just admit how messed up I was and ask for help.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

What a relief to talk to you . I am so sorry to hear this . On talking to you you are a very sensible person you have gone down the right road to getting the problem solved . I am now going to do the same .I hope you get back to work soon . All I have been doing is lying here feeling sorry for myself thinking I have some bad thing going on .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

That is the problem with anxiety. It stops you from thinking sensibly. I was stupid to let myself get so wound up. I should have dealt with this 4 months ago! An outside perspective is always good.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

This is so true !! I am up from the wee hours in the morning shaking like a leaf ‘ wondering what the day will bring it’s terrible you feel so alone . Don’t like to waken my husband up because he suffers it all day with me . You r dealing with it now and that’s the main thing .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

WE are dealing with it now.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

Yes we r . The Doc gave me the name of a lady in Glasgow a proper doctor her name is Dr Fiona Robertson . I just could not make myself go at the time . I will do it now .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

We will keep each other informed how it goes then. My first follow up appointment is tomorrow.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

Morning Kilgh I was wondering how you got on yesterday ? I was thinking about you .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

Come in Ladyjackie37, come in! Where are you?

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toLadyjackie37

Morning Kilgh I am having a bad time this morning with anxiety . Keep thinking I have all sorts of things . I am lying in bed shaking just now . Feel terrible .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

Are we on the other side of the world from each other? I think your morning is my night time. lol. Sorry I didn't see your notification until just now. I hope you are chilling out a bit by now?

I had some anxiety getting leading up to my appointment. That whole stupid being trapped somewhere with a dodgy gut fear.

But my Psychiatrist is, personality wise, well suited to me. He has a good sense of humour which helps me to relax. The appointment went well. He reckons I've had about a 30% reduction in symptoms since my first visit. I had to agree cause I was a mess at that first visit. As I am having minimal side-effects on the new drug, he upped the dosage to close in on the therapeutic level (I'm not even half that now).

So nice to have a plan. And I am feeling better. Even if it is just because I am working on getting better in a healthy way.

So, might get back to work in a week or so.

You gotta try this. Stop worrying. Start acting.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

So glad it all went well for you . I panicked a wee bit when I could not speak to you .i am in Scotland so different time zone .I have been in touch will the lady I told you about but things here are not as easy as where you are . I will have to go private . It will be after Christmas now so I will have to hang in there . I am glad your ok .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

That would explain it. Other side of the world indeed. I went private. Our public service is terrible. Luckily I am privileged to have health insurance. Although I will have to pay for some of it.

While you are waiting why not try the IBS 100 hypnotherapy program? It is at least a 30 daily distraction.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

I was thinking about trying hypnotherapy , do you think it would help me . ? I will try anything

We have have some good people here .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

I know. I have indeed done hypnotherapy. I did help with the stress. The IBS 100 is from a specialist in Surrey. It's a long course...100 sessions...but pretty good and cheaper than paying for a live person session every time.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

I am in a proper bad way this morning the reason being you know how I am obsessed with my tummy just now , well this morning I so some peas in my poo this has started me thinking that I am not digesting my food now . Thinking pancreas again . Sorry to be so graphic Kilgh .

I know you will explain it to me better ,

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

Stress can speed up your gut. Think of it as a conveyor belt. You eat and the conveyor moves down one. In the morning your first meal should cause the switch to cause your gut to give one push that results in one movement. That should clear out enough room that you can eat for the rest of the day without the conveyor getting full again until the next day. However, stress can cause the switch to faulty. Sometimes it doesn't fire, sometimes it fires too much, sometimes it locks on. So material (euphemism) either get clogged up, cause multiple bowel movements, or shuttle everything out in a hurry as if you had a stomach virus.

The system is controlled by your Vagal Nerve. Which is part of the stress network. Which is why IBS and Anxiety are so closely linked. The both get worse when the Vagal Nerve is over stimulated. As in stress.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

Thank you the knowledge you have is incredible .

So this can be quite normal then . Can’t get the nerves in my tummy to settle at all . My tummy is gurgling all the time .I have not even bought a Christmas gift for anyone this year at all .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

Sometimes your gift to others is to heal yourself. I'm sure they would rather have you well than get another thing.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

I know . That is for sure . I do hope you have all your Christmas shopping in and you r looking forward to it all .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

To be honest I usually work Christmas so never really celebrate it. Only my brother and his family here so Christmas shopping is easy. 5 presents to get. Have done it. Will be chilling out hopefully doing nothing.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

I feel the same this year . My two girls are in London And oneson is in Glasgow and one in Largs . They r all going down to London to my daughters this year . So we r on our own and I am happy about that just now . What part of the world are you in ?

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

New Zealand.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

Amazing , I believe it is a beautiful country .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

It is. A lot of my family were born in Banffshire though.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

Hi , just saw this post it’s always good to hear from you . Can’t believe you have connections in Banffshire . I have been there a few times . I ment to ask you hope you don’t mind did you tell me you got the pain under your right rib as well .

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

Hi Kilgh don’t know what time it is there but it’s 3 in the morning here and I can’t sleep : I wake up with a bang and that’s it for the night . Hubby is sound asleep . This is my worst time . Hope you have had a good day .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

Hi there. I had a late night and slept in. I don't have an issue sleeping...quite the opposite. I love sleep. But I have been a shift worker for 23 years so sleep is good. I have on and off pressure under my left rib. Where the stomach sits.

You need to stop worrying about your gut. Every time you start thinking on it you need to catch yourself and chant "there is nothing seriously wrong with me". And just keep doing it every time you drift into the bad thoughts. Don't let yourself get into the thoughts at all.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

I am trying to do that . Just need to talk to you and get a wee bit comfort . I had a bad day yesterday . I had myself with all kinds of things .

I am so worried this could be an ulcer . I am so scared from that camera .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

Why would you be worried if it's an ulcer. That's so easy to sort. You should HOPE it's an ulcer! I would rather have a simple fixable problem like that any day!

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

I am so scared to get that camera. Is it bad .?

How am I going to get myself,out of bed ? This anxiety is so bad . I am getting all sore lying here .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

Never had it. But everything I know about it is the drugs are good. You will be sedated and so relaxed you should also be looking forward to it. You will have no anxiety for hours! Plus it only takes 15 minutes. A 15 minute procedure with hours of happy sedation seems like a treat.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

That’s a good way to think of it I suppose .

I have just got myself into such a bad place right now . I am making my life very hard . All I can think about is this tummy . Can’t even think to walk down the stairs it’s so bad . Just trying to explain the hight of my anxiety just now

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

Fully get it. I have never experienced anxiety like I had 2 weeks ago. It locked on at level 10. I could only make it for 1 hour of my shift that day. Went right home, found myself a Psychiatrist, booked myself right in. I was so anxious before the appointment the next day I did the deep breathing exercise, I did a Tai Chi workout, I hit the heavy bag, I did a IBS 100 session...nothing worked. At that point I knew I had to surrender and get some drugs. Simple as that. Not one thing I was trying worked. So it was out of my power.

Best decision so far. I am only at level 4 anxiety right now and still have not even had more than half the clinical dose of the new treatment.

Can finally contemplate going back to work.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

You sound so good right now wish it was me .

I know later this morning I will feel so bad and I hate the feeling . The sinking feeling in the pit of your tummy .:

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

Well, just give in to it. It is just a feeling. Not a pleasant one. But just a feeling. Look forward to the help you are going to get soon and know it is not going to last forever. Just chill out as much as possible. Let your hubby know how bad it is too. Don't hide it from him. He can be a huge help here. Deal with the anxiety. Ignore everything else. Also, have you tried this simple trick? Get a cold pack. Lie face down and put it on the back of your neck where you skull meets your neck. This will slow down your Central Nervous System's signals. So will reduce pain and anxiety. It works for me better than just about anything else. It is why cage fighters do it in their corners every round. This is pure science. Slows your breathing, lowers your blood pressure.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

My Husband has been amazing he has done everything he can to try and help me . Can’t wait to see this lady to get help . Will try the cold thing sounds great .hope I am going to get out of this .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

You will. Nothing lasts forever.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

You have been such a help to me . I am in a dark place just now and I hate it . Talking to you helps me such a lot

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

I'm glad. Help is good. Isolation is bad.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

Hi Kilgh just to let you you I am a wee bit better today . Hope you’re good as well .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

Good to hear! I am okay today except my printer died and my car's battery also....soooo annoying.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

Morning to you from Scotland . I am just wakened , that’s a first in a while . Hope your well . Sorry to hear about your printer and your car .

I hope you will get it all fixed out . .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

Car fixed. New printer to be bought at Boxing Day sales! And good to hear you got some sleep. Early Merry Christmas from down under.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

Hope your having a good time down under . It’s Christmas Eve morning here and it’s a cold one . I am trying to talk a leaf out of your book and keep calm . What time is it over there ?

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

It is 33 mins into Christmas right now.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

Merry Christmas Kilgh hope your doing ok .

Just about to have Christmas lunch here .

I am keeping a positive attitude .

Talk later .

Pussycat432 profile image
Pussycat432 in reply toLadyjackie37

Sorry to hijack your post I'm going through bit similar situation to you jackie reflux but pain under n around left ribs had for over a year I've just recently had a ultrasound n was told I have the start of fatty liver I have breathlessness 24/7 non smoker non drinker on steriods but overweight I do not suffer from anxiety have an autoimmune liver disease nothing to do with drink as I don't lol have you tried rheki if not look into it you have nothing to lose this will help you relax it's wonderful. I am trying to go walking out into fresh air hard when you feel breathless but I'm very determined to beat my number of steps each day

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toPussycat432

Hi there ,, good to hear from you .

The reflux thing is terrible it gets me down . Like you l have had loads of tests done . I think a lot of it is down to anxiety .you r very lucky that you don’t suffer from this terrible thing . I have had Rheki the problem is I find it very hard to relax .

I hope you get on well and they get you sorted out . Lovely to speak to you .

Pussycat432 profile image
Pussycat432 in reply toLadyjackie37

I've known from young age that your thoughts can really can affect your health I've always been positive person when I got to bed I fall straight asleep somehow I can shut my mind off, I wasn't even aware until around 20 years ago that not everyone can do this, so I'm lucky like that, but certainly not lucky in the health thing I had myelitis which took my left side at 42 I can't run rush jump etc I get knocked down I get up, got lots of health issues but I think at 61 I'm still here, he will have to take me over bit by bit lol I also think there are ppl out there much worse n miles younger. So I count my blessings. I have a very sweet tooth and I'm sure that doesn't help but I'm trying to walk more n changing my eating pattern love to you

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toKilgh

Hi Kilgh, can you tell me more about this IBS 100 please. Maureen.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toMaureen1958

Morning Maureen , glad you asked her about this

She is a very good person to speak to ,she has helped me a lot to understand things xx

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toLadyjackie37

So is this an online thing then?

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toMaureen1958

It's a downloadable format. By a hypnotherapist in England who specialises in IBS and anxiety hypnosis.


I'm not that good a visualisation but it is relaxing. It is 100 sessions that have to be done in the order given so it needs commitment. I did it 14 years ago and it seemed to help. Considering I haven't needed it since it was worth another try for me.

And cheaper than live person fees. Especially as no-one in my country does IBS based hypnotherapy.

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toKilgh

Hi, thanks for your reply. I wondered if this was what you were talking about. Yes, I bought it about 12 years ago. Have been considering trying it again but to be honest, it just made me angry because he kept telling me I was feeling better and I wasn't. And when I did try and relax and go with it, I just fell asleep. It does say it will still work when you fall asleep but I wasn't convinced but might give it a try again sometime next year. I think I did give it a couple of attempts last time but I think I gave up pretty quickly on the second occasion.

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toLadyjackie37

Hi Ladyjackie37, I am a bit confused with your reply, who is the "she" you are talking about who has helped you a lot to understand things. Are we at cross purposes here?

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toMaureen1958

I just spoke to her on here Maureen . I have found her very helpfull

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toLadyjackie37

Oh you mean Kilgh. I see, I thought Kilgh was a bloke. Maybe I have my wires crossed. Our paths have crossed before on here, I had the impression I was speaking to a man (I thought "he" was a boxer) rather than a women. Perhaps I just got the wrong impression. It's difficult to tell on here sometimes and not everyone says what sex they are in their profile.

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toMaureen1958

Us women are fighters these days too. MMA is my sport of choice. But with the hypnotherapy course...he is not speaking to your conscious mind. He is trying to affect your subconscious. He is informing you subconscious that all is well so it stops sending out panic signals to your gut. All the visualisation stuff is to distract your conscious mind while he puts suggestions to your subconscious. This is why it doesn't matter if you fall asleep or your conscious mind wanders. So you should give it a proper try with that understanding.You need to stop trying to fight it and just commit and do the course properly. Relax and stop trying to be in control. That is one of the reasons why we have IBS. We are probably all control freaks to some extent.

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toKilgh

Oh, I'm sorry, my mistake, I hope I haven't offended or upset you in any way. It's just not always easy to tell sometimes, when conversing on line like this.

Yes, I think I will give it another go in the new year, now I have found it again. I have more time on my hands now than I did then. But I won't hold my breath, because I am not convinced it will help.

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toMaureen1958

No offence taken. By the way, get yourself some gloves and a heavy bag. Great for stress reduction. lol.

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toKilgh

Knowing my luck, the bag would probably come back and smack me in the face. lol.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toMaureen1958

How you feeling today Maureen ?

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toLadyjackie37

Not too sure yet. Only escaped from the toilet about half an hour ago. I'm hoping that's it for today. How are you? Happy Christmas, by the way.

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

How are you feeling? I over indulged a bit...and with me that means Yam Yam chicken and a Red Bull. Had a bit of an uncomfortable night. But it was good old fashioned indigestion. Not IBS. Funny how you can tell the difference. So wasn't too stressed about it. The chicken was good.

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toMaureen1958

I have had that happen actually. Learned to move quicker!

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

Morning to you . How r u today .?

I am just wakened and my usual panic is setting in . Trying hard to keep calm . Can’t believe that Christmas is over but I am glad it is . Looking forward to the new year to get some help with this anxiety .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

Not long to go now. Did you try the ice on the back of the neck trick?

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

Yes I did and found it to be very good and calmed me right down - I am sore all over just now with all this dam anxiety ,

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

Kinda proves your anxiety is travelling through your Vagal nerve then. Good to know for your upcoming appointment. I know it is Winter there, but keep it up. Slow the nerve's ability to fire. Good stop-gap until the professional steps in.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

Hi Kilgh hope you r well . I am on antidepressant now so hope this is going to help me to calm down a bit till I see the other Doctor . Still think I have an ulcer and need to see about it , I still have that pain . I am doing what you said first and trying to calm myself and then see about the pain . Great to talk again .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

A GP prescribed it? Which drug? Seems like they would give you Xanax or some other stopgap until you see the Psychiatrist? Cause they will want to make the decision of any long term drug treatment then. And SSRIs or SNRIs take at least 2 weeks to kick in. And can't be mixed with many other drugs. Which could delay your recovery if the Psychiatrist doesn't want to go the SSRI path. And a number of them don't. Hmmmm...

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

It is called serterlene to try and calm the anxiety because I was so bad . And can’t get to the phy till after the new year , hope it will be ok . Honest I could hardly function at all .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

I definitely think you should be taking something to get you through the rest of the holiday season. Just don't get an SSRI. It won't even kick in for weeks. My other worry is on this website it suggests taking with caution if you have an ulcer (which I don't think you have). And pain killers can react with it too. Did your GP mention that at all?


Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

Thanks for the information Kilgh . He must think it’s ok to take them .i will watch out for any symptoms that are different . I feel they have lifted my mood a wee bit , thank god ,;

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

Did you see the post about the person who had your symptoms and found they had a mis-aligned pelvis? Several weeks of physiotherapy they were cured? Worth a check maybe.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

Hi Kilgh I did ,, I was thinking along the lines of trying something like that .i used to be so active and do a lot of kf but can’t do it now . Everything scares me right now scared to go back . But I think I could go to the chiropractor . How r you doing now . Did you enjoy Christmas . . ?

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

It was good. Last couple of days had some gut issues, so not so good. But, never a quick cure. How about you? Any side effects?

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

Sorry to hear that about your tummy is it pain you get ? I am up early this morning could not sleep at all so had a look and saw your post . The pills seem to be helping a wee bit . So thats all good . Then I will see the doc the first week in the new year so all good at the moment . . What you got planed for the weekend ? I am going to see my family so looking forward to that . Rib pain has been a wee bit better the last two days .

Side affects are feeling a wee bit sick and dizzy and a bit of a headache .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

Normal side effects that should go away. So good news there then.

I don't get much pain. Just tension in the left hand side and random full gut emptying with bad nausea for a few hours. Much like gastritis but without the bacteria/virus or inflammation. I get to see the next 3-4 days of bowel movements whoosh out of me over a 90 minute period essentially. Not fun.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

That sounds horrible all that tummy stuff . Do you take something to calm it down? You won’t be able to do much when you feel like that . Gut things are just the pits . I hate when my tummy is not right .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

Nothing works when it decides to set off. Just along for the ride.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

You poor thing . No wonder you needed time of your work .

Must be hard to cope with that I would think . Has no one found a reason for it doing that at all ? It just could be all anxiety related .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

I think it started out as normal IBS issues and then my stress took over because all the usual tricks to settle it back down were not working. But the Gastrocolic Reflex switch goes haywire and sends out erratic signals. This switch is controlled by the Vagal Nerve of course. So stress makes it worse.

But I have been highly stressed before with no IBS symptoms occurring. I had a 14 month period where both parents died, got made redundant, almost got killed by a truck driver high on meth and ensuing court case, cat nephew died, brother diagnosed with cancer, started new job....no IBS.

So I can never fully understand the underlying mechanism. That is what makes it so frustrating and anxiety producing. It is uncontrollable and unpredictable.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

Omg no wonder you are stressed ! You have coped with a lot of stress. To lose your parents plus all the other things going on .

I can’t begin to think how you r coping with all this , yet you seem very calm and so helpful to others . Losing the parents thing is terrible I was in that situation as well . That’s what started me all of .

I. felt so alone even although I had all my family around me. I do hope your brother is going to be ok that must be a big worry for you . You have had a rough time of it .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

This all happened 13 years ago now. I had been mostly symptom free for 14 years until this year. That's my point. Why was I not having IBS symptoms during those 14 months if stress causes IBS? Or the next decade? My brother is fine. All cured. Caught early and not a cancer that normally spreads.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

First of all glad your brother is ok . That’s a strange one ,, that’s a long time ago and now for this to happen !! Very strange . I take it like me you have had all the tests done and they can’t find anything .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

Enough tests that I am happy it is just same old same old. Gastro agrees.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

That’s good then . That’s how I felt had so many tests going round in circles it was terrible . Do you get the constipation as well with it ?

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

At it's worse it turned into an all or nothing 7-10 day cycle. But usually I don't have any real issues. I couldn't tell you what caused my last flare up either (14 years ago) but I got that under control in 3 months without much medical help. Same symptoms except more pain and no tension feeling.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

The body does weird things . Just when you think all is well then it tells you a different story . It’s just taking it a wee while longer this time to settle . Are you still off work yet ?

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

Yeah. My work won't let me back until the company doctor has talked to my specialist to confirm I am not a dangerous liability or something. But being the holiday season HR doesn't work so have to wait. Weird, huh? Most companies want you back ASAP. My company is all about covering it's ass. Excuse the pun. I suspect they want to make sure they are not found at fault 'cause they keep asking me to ask my specialists if shift work caused me to get sick. The fact that I have been a shift worker for near 24 years and have almost taken no sick leave in 11 years with them doesn't seem to factor in. As my specialist said of them at my last appointment "they are beginning to piss me off".

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

Happy new year to you Kilgh all the best in 2019

Jackie xxx

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

You also. Hopefully this is the year we both get better.

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

I'm going to stop second guessing your GP...lol. My first response should have been...are you feeling any better on it?

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

Hi Kilgh I do hope so !! How you been feeling ? I am a wee bit of today feeling a wee bit sick with the pills . They are helping my moods a wee bit don’t feel as anxious .

Hopefully get an appointment with the phy this week . When is your next one ? Xx

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

18th Jan. I'm using the opportunity of this flare up to come off the now useless SSRI I was taking from 20 years back. Didn't come off it before because the withdrawals can cause a flare up. But seeing as I'm already in a flare up...doctor agreed it was a good time too. So been pretty under the weather the last 3 days as I haven't taken one since Saturday. Gut, emotions, brain flashes. Still might as well do it now rather than when I am healthy.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

Hi Kilgh how you getting on coming of your pills .

Hope your feeling a wee bit better . It’s a horrid feeling sometimes but it’s got to be done . I am still taking mine still feeling a bit rough but struggling on tummy was bad yesterday with them . Can make you feel a bit sick , still struggling with my confidence yet still feel very anxious . That’s just over a week . How long does it take to feel better .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

2-3 weeks until you get full benefit. Plus if your doc is doing it right you are only starting on a low dose? Basically I'm doing the exact reverse of what you are doing. lol. Apparently today and tomorrow should be the worse for detox. Felt okay today. No worse than yesterday anyway.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

It takes a wee while then to get in to your system.i will just have to keep going . I do hope you r doing a bit better today . You were right when you said they upset your tummy have bad acid today .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

Well, at least it's distracting you from your rib pain. lol.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

Lol that’s true . It’s still there . It’s such a pain at the moment can’t stand it at all . How you doing today getting on a bit better I hope , it’s great to get back to normal again .

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

Had some weird sleep issues yesterday. I'm usually a champion sleeper. I normally have interesting dreams, but the ones yesterday felt different and I couldn't seem to get into a comfortable sleep at all. So I gave up. But today's sleep was back to normal.

I joked about your pain because you haven't mentioned it in days. Too many other things going on. Hopefully, for both of us, our drugs will cause our gut issues to just fade away.

I am beginning to forget what feeling normal is anymore. Not believing I had been okay for most of the last 22 years. Messing with my confidence that I can get back there.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

Hi Kilgh how you doing ? I have been not to bad , just trying to get back on an even keel just now . Anxiety is a bit better so that’s good . I wondered if you have got back to work again ?

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

Tried. And then got hit with what appears to be a bad ulcer. So, now, they are rethinking that this has actually been the issue. Hopefully finally getting an endoscopy soon to get a final diagnosis.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

.hi Kilgh that’s not so good at all . What were your symptoms ? That’s what I thought I had but it’s not . Did they test you for H pilory that can cause them . Take it you’ve not had a great time then xx.

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

I got a new GP. She has resent me for another H. Pylori and bloods. The Omeprazole seems to have worked which is again indicative of ulcer. As is the location of pain. The worsening of symptoms at night. The coming and going of the cramps. So I don't know. I am exactly where I was a year ago but now out of sick leave. Grrr.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toKilgh

What a shame ,, you were doing so well to . That is a worry if you have no sick leave left . Glad your getting tested again that’s good I hope they find it ok . I think ulcers can be bad at night . Is it sore when you eat ?

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toLadyjackie37

No. My stomach is happy. All the symptoms seem to point to a duodenal ulcer. Which could explain my so called "IBS" symptoms also. Just annoyed if I have wasted all my sick leave on treating IBS when I should have been having treatment for an ulcer. Which could have been sorted in a few weeks and would have been far less stressful than thinking I had a flare up that wasn't ever going to stop.

Trying to be positive though. Maybe it is a life experience I need. Maybe it has shown me I need a new job. Having no sick leave now is one less reason to continue there. I wasn't too happen when I experienced redundancy 11 years ago either but that has really been good for me.

It has allowed me to finally get off the SSRI. Although I will be happy when the withdrawals end.

Glad to hear your anxiety is resolving a bit.

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toKilgh

Wasn't too HAPPY I meant.

jjb1983 profile image
jjb1983 in reply toLadyjackie37

Hello everyone,

Just read this post sorry your suffering ladyjackie37 and everyone else who is.

I totally understand what your going through I'm in the same boat as you at the moment.

My anxiety/panic attacks have Been starTed from rushing my sister to hospital, I had a huge 6 hour o and off panic attack whilst driving her there during been there and on my way home and at home phoned an ambulance they done a ECG it was fine came back in the house tried to sleep but took myself to a n e with the same problem at 6am the next morning. This was 15 weeks ago and I'm still waiting for counselling. Have an app with a cpn nurse on the 11th Jan. I have been given citalopram from the doctor along with diazepam.(which I've not started yet) Ivecbeen on citalopram before and the side effects were horrible until they got in my system about 13 weeks it took. I took the diazepam to help deal with the side effects.

I've had tests but I'm like you i always think it's something else.

I've had a camera down my throat 2 times. And up my rear.

The camera down the throat is nothing really I gagged a few times but it was over so quick. I remember though crying before I had it done in the waiting room and trips to the toilet. The anxiety before I had it done the second time in the waiting was horrific but there was no need as I knew already it's not a problem getting it done.

I do have to say get the medicine the give you, I decided against getting the mouth spray that him be you up because it can make you feel like you can't breath when it him be your throat and I just didn't want it to panic me.

It's so doable but totally understand that that the anxiety will be there before hand but lots of ppl get anxious with this stuff not just us.

Put it this way my heart rate was like 150 and I had blotches everywhere on my chest and face from the anxiety. The procedure when you've had it done you will think why did I panic.

I'm not sure if I have indigestion.

Do you get these symptoms

Nausea, feeling sick in your throat, wind, beltch sometimes with sick, trapped wind,?

Not sure if I have ibs I'm going to the toilet a lot and have been loosing weight. My sister has leuikemia and is in icu not well at all. So I have that on my mind and then I cannot visit her as I get very anxious when I do go see her.

My mental health isn't to good at the moment that's why I was thinking about tablets, i have tablet phobia though so can't win.

Hope your all well today and had a lovely Christmas.

I'm from the north east England.


Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply tojjb1983

Hi There !! Thank you fo your lovely post ‘ I have such a lot of support from this forum. Health anxiety has plagued me all my life . Through speaking to Kilgh on here I have got myself a proper Doctor , had to go private but I don’t care can’t take anymore of this . This is the strange thing with this rib pain I have no sick feeling .

When the anxiety kickes in then I get everything feeling sick dizzy funny eyes acid reflux and you name it . I always think it’s some kind of cancer .

One day bowel the next day somewhere else.

It sounds like some of the things that are happening to are all anxiety and panic ; it can cause a lot of distress I think . Thank you for telling me about the camera I have been so scared to go . I am going to do it and that’s the last thing left . Lovely to speak to you .

jjb1983 profile image
jjb1983 in reply toLadyjackie37


Glad you've sorted a doctor out and your getting there.

It is horrible health anxiety.

Just need to try and relax maybe try meditation.

And I know the hovock it causes with the bowel too.


Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply tojjb1983

Hi how you doing today ? I hope everything is settling down now . I trust you had a lovely time at Christmas and enjoyed yourself . Let me know how the anxiety is going and if you r feeling a bit better .

jjb1983 profile image
jjb1983 in reply toLadyjackie37

Hi ladyjackie37,

Well my stomach has settled.

But my Xmas not so good my sister died on the 28th December only 28 she was. And it still doesn't feel real I cannot believe she's gone.

It's been so tough on us all we thought she would pull round.

Hope your ok how's your stomach?


Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply tojjb1983

My sincere condolences to you ‘ bless you that is terrible . So young .I am glad your tummy has settled that’s one good thing . I am doing a bit better now still have my off days when I let thoughts get in the way . That’s anxiety for you . Please take care of yourself

Talk soon Jackie

jjb1983 profile image
jjb1983 in reply toLadyjackie37

Thank you

Well my tummy has eased but have terrible indigestion using gavascon for which is helping.

Glad your doing better makes all the difference.

Do you ever get indigestion after a bout of bad stomach?


Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply tojjb1983

Hi yes is it acid reflux ? Then yes I can get it a lot .

It’s terrible it makes you feel so ill . There is nothing worse than your stomach being off .

Stress can cause this as well . The Doc put me on setereline so that is upsetting my tummy .

jjb1983 profile image
jjb1983 in reply toLadyjackie37

Yeah that's right, I feel so sick with mine. It's horrible.

Is that an antidepressants?

That might help with how you feel. How long have you been on it?


Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply tojjb1983

Hi there yes this a happy pill ,, felt I needed it . I have just started taking it Jo’s feel a bit of at the moment . I am going to put up with it . Need to try and feel better now . Hope you r good today .

jjb1983 profile image
jjb1983 in reply toLadyjackie37

Hi glad you've started to take them I hope they are right for you. I'm not sure what Jo's are lol.

Have you had any side effects?

I'm having an alright day just tired had my first dream about my sister last night only had about 5 hours sleep.


Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply tojjb1983

Hi don’t know where the Jo’s came from lol it must be the pills lol have felt a bit sick on them and tired but that’s all . Bless you were you close to your sister ? You will for sure be tired today I bet .

jjb1983 profile image
jjb1983 in reply toLadyjackie37

Oh lol, well It sounds like they will be good for you. You would feel the side effects straight away if you were going to get some.


Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply tojjb1983

Hi there how you doing now ? Has your tummy settled yet .? I am doing great on my pills they seem to have lifted my mood a lot which is great . Drop me a wee message and let me know how your doing .

jjb1983 profile image
jjb1983 in reply toLadyjackie37


Yeah I'm not doing so good with grief, my stomach has settled, no issues. But have an app for the camera down on 17th.

Glad your tablets are working that's fab news just what you needed.

What did they start you on?


Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply tojjb1983

Hi , it’s going to take you a long time to feel ok again just take your time . Glad your tummy has settled down a bit . The pills are Sertraline 50 mgs . Took a wee while to settle but seem to be good now .

jjb1983 profile image
jjb1983 in reply toLadyjackie37

Hi my mam has just been given these today 50mg.

How long have you been on them for?

Did you get many side effects think I asked you this the other day lol but there are loads of replies on this post I can't find it.


Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply tojjb1983

Hi to be honest the side affects have not been to bad . I felt a bit sick but not to bad and the first two weeks they make you more anxious .she will be fine you have to stick with them for about 3 to 5 weeks before they kick in right . This is my 3rd week and I feel ok now .

Kilgh profile image

Sorry. Just re-read your post. You have had the pain for 5 months, the bloods just last month. So it is could be stress related. I get left-sided tension myself. But the back spreading thing...did they image your gallbladder? Again if you are truly worried ask for a different type of scan to really, really rule it out.

Poopedout profile image

I just have to tell you this , I had a fissure surgery done in 2005 , within 2 months after the surgery I couldn't go to the bathroom and ended up in the hospital with diverticulitis ? 13 years later now I look back and I am pretty damn sure they cut a nerve that does not allow my stomach muscles or intestine muscles to work , as strange as it sounds I am on pain medicine , and that makes me go to the bathroom ??? I had knee surgery in 1983 and had to get off of pain medicine to go - I was on this pain medicine and it was making me go but still getting worse , I got off the pain medicine in January of 2018, I was off the pain medication until my daughter drag me out of bed on April 1, 2018 and brought me to the hospital , of course they did absolutely nothing for me except tell me how swollen I was inside ? The next day I went to back to pain management and they put me back on pain medication , as soon as I took the pain medicine I felt and heard movement in my stomach and the next day I took a normal poop for the first time in over two months ?? I had testing done throughout the 10 TO 12 years before they actually went in to take out 6 to 8 inches of my large intestine , I had a barium enema done which showed the very pencil line of barium through the six or 8 inches , The gastroenterologist and the surgeon kept saying something about it's only 2 cm and tried to talk me out of the surgery but I kept insisting that they do the exploratory surgery and take out that part of my intestine , it was the closest anyone came to my problem in 12 years ?? But they kept trying to talk me out of the surgery and actually sent me to a psychiatrist that was supposed to release me for surgery ????? When I got to the psychiatrist he asked me what he was supposed to do ???? He was a little over 60 and said he never had anyone come to his office with a prescription like this !!! Now remember , The last report from the barium enema said that my appendix was viewed in the x-ray and normal ? When they went into take the six or 8 inches out of my intestine , they found out that my appendix was oversized and not only stuck to my COLON but plastered to my COLON !!! And remember the test results in writing A little over a month before the surgery said my appendix was viewed in the x-ray and normal ??? All I have to say is that there was no way that my appendix got plastered to My COLON that bad in a little over a month that they had to take from Half my colon with my appendix attached and plastered to it and all the way up to the six or 8 inches they were only going to take out, and all in one piece , because they didn't want to even try to peel my appendix off my COLON , because they said if there was a leak I could have died ?? So all I'm saying is I had testing done from 2005 all the way up to 2017 in January when the report said my appendix was viewed as normal ?? I had the surgery done at the end of February ? And that's when they found all of this horror !!! With my appendix and My COLON that I was told it was perfect ? which makes me wonder about all the testing I had in 12 years if it was right or wrong ? Who was reading the x-rays who is writing these reports ? all I know is my appendix was not normal and it didn't get that way in six weeks ? In your case , I would definitely get a second opinion ? and just remember testing is only as good as the person reading the x-ray ?? And in the world today everybody's lazy and lets the computer do everything and always blames the computer for the mistakes but it was their fingers that did it !!!! And on top of that with myself they didn't even get the problem that is still going on with me that probably caused all that problem which is nerve damage which no one will entertain that idea with me because of the surgeon that cut them in 2005 , and I'm telling you , I have read that pain medicine re-wires your brain, and the pain medicine actually makes my stomach muscles work because of being off of them from January 2018 to April 1, 2018 I did not go to the bathroom and if I put anything in my mouth I threw it right back up !! after I started taking the pain medicine again the first thing that happened was a lot of noise and movement that I felt and I got an appetite and was able to eat without throwing it right back up , and like I said the next day I went to the bathroom and had a normal poop , The first normal poop I had in over two months !!!! So you could say or they can say you had the test and everything is clear but that doesn't mean that it's true because it all depends on the person looking at your x-ray and writing the report that was sent to your doctor ? Hope this helps ?

mno123 profile image

I don't think it is your pancreas as that pain is more central.good luck.

one-n-den profile image

Hi Jackie,

Everything you have mentioned (and not mentioned) suggests gall bladder pain to me. Acid reflux is a burning sensation in your throat, not under your ribs, but that’s exactly where gall bladder pain hit me. The additional mention of back pain in one of your replies also ties in with gall bladder issues.

I had an ultrasound scan when I had severe pain under my right side ribs and lots of small gallstones were identified. I had my gallbladder removed, and a follow-gastroscopy showed a small ‘sliding’ hiatus hernia (apparently very common). That was likely the main source of my acid reflux.

I now aim for smaller, low-fat meals, both to avoid the acid reflux and aid digestion without a gall-bladder.

Have the doctors ruled out gallstones?

Hope that helps.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toone-n-den

Morning to you and thank you for you reply . Ultra sound said all normal bloods all normal . I have it in my head it’s something so bad . My anxiety is through the roof . Keep thinking pancreatic cancer

one-n-den profile image
one-n-den in reply toLadyjackie37

I think the medics would have spotted that, but as someone else suggested, a second opinion would do no harm.

I think one or two people mentioned pulled muscles - I’ve done that a few times and although it’s a very different pain (like poking a bruise!) it would be in the same region as you describe.

I believe the advice for pulled muscles is ‘keep using it’

I hope things soon improve for you.

Ladyjackie37 profile image
Ladyjackie37 in reply toone-n-den

Hi to you ; I had a clear ultra sound no sludge no nothing liver and pancreas was clear as well . I can still feel the discomfort there . How was your pain .?

I have saw about 5 Doctors all say nothing fed up now

one-n-den profile image
one-n-den in reply toLadyjackie37


The gallbladder pain was very intense - like a punch in the stomach that just kept on hurting! I ended up at A&E at 2am and again at 7am - morphine sorted it out until that bout subsided, and I paid to see a consultant, who confirmed gallstone ‘sludge’ and arranged the op to remove my gallbladder.

It’s a bit of a mystery if they have said all the ‘usual suspects’ are clear.

I can only suggest a second opinion and asking what all the possible causes of the pain might be.

I hope it is soon resolved for you.

scattienattie1 profile image

Hi, do you suffer with back pain? Have you had trouble with your back before this pain started?

Willow1967 profile image

Mine (the pain) was caused by 2700 mgs per day (900mg 3 times a day) of prescribed gabapentin by my GP. When I was admitted into hospital in was taken off it straight away as they were destroying my liver. I now have some many other health problems.

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toWillow1967

You were very unlucky to have a reaction like that because it is not really known to affect the liver at all.

bornagain47 profile image

Hi. I have this same pain . It is caused by trapped gas in hepatic flexture. A symptom of ibs . It is splenic flexture syndrome if it is on left side . Hope this helps .

Tilly1312 profile image

Hi, like you I had all of the tests and scans..all clear. I did suffer with this pain..rib and back..I changed my diet to Low FODMAP and now I get it now and again and a lot less severe. However, I would talk to a GP just to make sure, it always reassures me and the notes are put on my file. Good Luck :)

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