My son has IBS he always complains of being sore under his right rib area. GP says it’s all part of IBS and to keep taking his medication which he does but it doesn’t appear to help. He’s on Peppermint Oil caps, Audminal and Buscopan. I am afraid the GP is maybe missing something and it’s maybe more than IBS.Does anyone else have right sided pain. Last night he just had tea and toast when he came in from work as he was so sore. Maybe I’m worrying unnecessarily.
Rib pain.: My son has IBS he always complains of... - IBS Network
Rib pain.

I get rib pain, pain under my breast and burning in my chest, got told it’s acid reflux causing the pain. But if worried and not going away go back to GP an ask for an ECG and blood test or go hospital as I had all them tests to check my heart when I got the pains as I was worried bout my heart.

Thanks for replying. His blood tests and endoscopy have been clear as has an MRI.
Yes i get it under left hand side, drives me mad, i have found probiotics and digestive enzymes helped me digest better so it stopped alittle. I also gave up gluten as it just didnt agree with me at all especailly bready things ie doughy, stodgy foods...
mayb try him a week without bread
Hi thanks my son takes Probiotics in the Actimel. He did try a gluten and dairy free diet but now only the dairy free diet.
Hi I get it under left ribs. I try to avoid foods that may cause lots of gas. Mostly those that are digested in large colon. The list of high fodmap foods helped with this. I also take probiotics and mintec capsules and if I am eating a high lactose food I take an enzyme tablet. With this regime I now have quite long periods of time without it. Previously I had it for over a year. I also find that holding a heat pack on my abdomen relaxes the colon. I must stress that I have had a colonoscopy to rule out anything serious and probably that would help to give you and your son peace oc mind. Good luck.
Has his gallbladder been checked? I’ve had these symptoms too.. turns out I had chronic cholecystitis. However, it took a while to find. I’ve had multiple CT scans, ultrasounds, urine, and blood tests. The only thing that showed anything was a HIDA scan. I wanted to bring this to your attention as it was a long, horrible process for me to finally get a diagnosis. I’ve been suffering from mild symptoms for a long time and they recently became severe.
(My gallbladder was removed Monday and the pain I have now is surgical.)
Good luck in helping your son!
I too would suggest that his gallbladder might be the problem. Has he had an ultrasound scan of his gallbladder and pancreas area?
Pain as high as this doesn’t sound like IBS to me - all my IBS flare-ups have been in my lower abdomen.
I hope he can get a second opinion and have the issue resolved soon.
I have this pain, and suffer with IBS and acid reflux. I am now on Omeprazole which helps. I do still get the pain under my ribs sometimes but less often since I have been on tablets. I have had ultrasound and have gallstones. My doctor things this pain might be my gallbladder. I am now waiting to go back to hospital to see consultant about it. Think it might end up being removed. The pain used to be so bad that it kept me awake at night but not had that bad recently.
Just wanted to say I just had mine removed and no longer have these horrible symptoms! Good luck to you.

I had my gallbladder removed as well a few years ago now. It took 12 years for someone to take notice of what I was saying! ( I was getting severe pain going through my right ribcage through my back)I guess they just thought it was the IBS that I've had since I was 15. So very glad I had the gallbladder operation!
It could be Functional dyspepsia what is a kind of upper IBS. Most people with IBS get FD at one point.
Yeh i was thinking that...
I am dairy intolerant and actimel
Is out the question ! I have tablets ... probiotics.
Oh my god pizza urgh i just cannot eat it at all, il b doubled up. The cheese the gluten and yeasty bread just make me soooo ill.
I have pain under my right rib cage too which I believe is part of the IBS. I had gall stones and had my gallbladder removed in 2014 so it definitely isn't that in my case. If you are concerned about it talk to your GP and don't let them fob you off until you are satisfied that they've got to the bottom of it. When it was particularly bad for me I didn't feel that buscopan was helping much but now that it's settled down a bit it really helps. I find 1 tablet works better than 2 for me but no idea why. I hope you get to the bottom of it.
When I have a bad attack of IBS I get pain across right ribs also. It is like stabbing pain which reaches a peak before dying away. Every few minutes. Lasted 24 hrs last time. Try buscopan. Or paracetamol. It completely disappears in between attacks. All the best. J
I have same exact.symptoms looking for answers
I get rib pain also my doctors tell me it’s all part of the ibs also x