Just saw a new Gastroenterologist yesterday. He seemed very nice, and not as dismissive as the first two I saw. He wants me off weekly Sunday Senna-lax routine. Thinks this (Trulance) might work better than Linzess that prior Gastros put me on. Said over time, depending if this works, also wants me off daily stool softener (Colace) use. I told him Miralax did not work for me at one time, just had cramping, but he still insisted on adding that if Linzess is not producing enough. He said I could take a quarter of the 17gram standard dose of Miralax to lessen the cramping. He said "no" to digestive supplement? Not sure why. I told him Fiber did not work or Probiotics, but he still wants to add the awful Miralax, that I am not happy about. He gave me a 21 day sample of Trulance, not sure if my insurance will cover. Then he wants me to have an Anagram? Test to see how well internal external sphincter muscles work, then put me on some kind of strengthening exercise if needed. Not too sure about any of this, though he has very good reviews and seemed more caring than other gastros, but he did not really address my other concerns. Has anyone had this sphincter test? Or on Trulance? Do you find it works? Thanks for reading.
New Gastroenterologist prescribed Trulance (Pl... - IBS Network
New Gastroenterologist prescribed Trulance (Plecanatide) 3mg tablets for IBS-C. Is anyone on this? Is it helping? Also wants Sphincter? Test

Does this doctor have a good reputation and good credentials? Also, did he ask you to make a follow up appointment? I think those two things are important. If the answer to both is yes, I guess I would be inclined to try his approach and see what happens. I would also try to make a follow up appt. in 6 weeks so you know you have it. Hopefully you will get some other responses from people who have tried Trulance and had the test he wants. I understand it is quite scary to make big changes like this.
Yes, he wanted me to do a "follow up" in three months. To what, I don't know what, the Analogram or whatever tests your sphincter muscle or follow up with Trulance. I believe he has good credentials..but he was a little "iffy" on some things like what the test was that he wanted and why. Then when he wanted a blood test to test for kidney, liver or to see if I had "Celiac intolerance" he was kind of unclear about that as well..just hurried and said "we will make a follow up appt with you, and call you with results and then he shook my hand and hurried out the door..leaving me confused..I don't know about these gastros, I really don't think they know what they are doing. They never made follow up appt with me like he said, and so I called today, no answer as to the blood work yet, follow up appt to what I am not sure what, is way out in late February. A bit disapointed, now that I am thinking about his responses..😕😞
I have been permanently constipated all of my life and had several sphincters tests, the latest was this year. They have all been really useful ( the way they do them has changed over the years) & they all diagnosed over tight sphincter muscles in me ( 14 years ago I had my inner sphincter muscle cut because it was so tight (sphincterotomy?) & that did help for a while. The tests were not painful for me & I would recommend anyone who is advised to have the tests, does so. I have prucalopride (reselor) which I think sounds similar to trulance but I’m always on the look out for new drugs because when the current one stops working, I find the uk doctors either not aware of new drugs or not offering them unless I request them. It’s a horrible condition to live with & of course if you are in the USA, I have no idea of the financial implications of the tests to you, but as someone who has had them, I would recommend them, they have helped diagnose a few different problems in me and consequently got me the medication I needed to get relief from the pain & discomfort. Good luck 😀
I think you may be taking Relistor? But I may be wrong, because I think Relistor is for Opioid induced constipation only..so you may be on Trulance, which is prulocapide..(may have spelled it wrong) but I am nervous, as it is similar to Linzess which can cause severe diarrhea. I have to go to mandatory groups, can't take bathroom breaks for loose stools and cramping, so I am fearful..the samples are just sitting here unopened. I don't know what to do, and new gastro did not not bother to offer me any info on it, except "get off Senna-lax" and go on Trulance and maybe in time, off the stool softeners, and into daily Miralax, which makes no sense, as it is a laxative just like Senna that he wants me off of, except Miralax is an osmotic, and Senna is a stimulant and in my opinion far better than any over the counter laxative. To me, he was just "another confusing gastro". I was a bit disappointed even though he got high reviews on Google. I think my Spinchter muscles are probably too loose from constant and chronic straining, so even with surgery will not cure constipation I don't think. It stinks..this is no way to live. Can you tell me if the Resitor provides enough stool? Do you cramp from it? Go the same day? Loose stools. I have no idea what to expect..
The prucalopride works well for me. I take 2 tablets at night time and usually go to the toilet next morning. The first time I took them, it was day time and they gave me an horrific headache, the kind which put me to bed, for two days. I wasn’t given instructions on ‘when’ to take them so I just decided to try them at bedtime instead and they work well, for now 😀
I wish they had that here in the States..😳
I hadn’t realised you couldn’t get it- I’m so sorry that you can’t, it might have worked for you. If it’s any consolation, my consultant told me it only works for about 20% of people who try it though. ☹️
I was looking at reviews, looking like people seem to prefer it to Trulance. I heard so many great things about Zofran, it's too bad they took it off the market. Hopefully, we should get Resolor here soon, it's almost FDA approved. Wish we could find one things that works for everyone. A very lonely and isolating situation.
Yes they do have them in the States. That is where they originated. Prucalopride or Resolor works differently to Linzess and is better. I have tried both.
Do you know where you got this information from? I asked my Gastro for "Resolar" he said it was not approved by FDA yet here..talked to Pharmacist, said they have never heard of it...thanks.☺
It Is an approved drug in Europe and after looking up on line it is approved in Canada. I would look up on the internet if you need any further information.
What dose of prucalopride do you take? The 2mg for me has stopped working, I’m so desperate as now I have awful GERD diagnosed. It feels like my whole system is coming to a grinding halt. I’m at the end of my tether . I know this is 2 years ago, but worth a shot to reach out to someone who has been in part in my shoes.
Hi, Caroline..its okay..as I still have the same problem. I am only considering Prucalopride. I'm not taking it yet. I am at end end of my rope too. I hate having to take Senna but it's all that works for me. I hope we both find something that works.
Hi Caroline,
I have 2mg prucalopride per night immediately before bed, along with 2-3 bisacodyl. Recently, I was put on a pain killer, for a different problem, and it slowed my bowels down, so when I saw my gastro consultant, for my regular appointment, I asked him what I could do- he said I should increase the bisacodyl but not the prucalopride, so I increased from 2 to 3 and I seem ok again. I can increase to 4 bisacodyl if necessary. I think the important thing is, the prucalopride do not work on their own, they work along side a stimulant laxative best. I too suffer with GERD. I hope this helps 😊
this is my second day on
Trulance (plecanatide) | CIC Treatment and IBS-C Treatment and so far it is working great for me.
Thank you for letting me know. I still don't know which one to try. Linzess, Trulance or Resolor. I have been using a stimulant laxative for decades (Senna) and feel these meds would not be strong enough for without the stimulating effects of Senna. I have a very weak pelvic floor and slow transit constipation.
linzess and senna didn't work for me. i have been relying on liquid magnesium citrate but still had gas and stomach aches. i hope this continues to work. i am from usa.bobby
Have they tried other remedies for you? No one should have to suffer. I'm so disappointed in these Doctors, gastros, etc. They are letting us all down..
My Doctor said "no" to that but she is not a colon, rectal or any kind of specialist. I need to ask her why I can't? I don't see anything dangerous about it. Is it still working?
my gastro tried linness which didn't do anything and my g.p. told me to take magnesium citrate liquid for the constipation. that works. i am also bipolar 2 and can't deal with stress.
I'm having a hard time as well. I suffer from depression and anxiety but thank goodness for meds. I'm just tired and discouraged of living like this.
I feel the same😔, i tried everything and it is very discouraging not find something that works at least a bit. I dont know how all people here manage this horrible condition, wish you luck.i find out that one that not passing gas is one of the things that make me feel horrible..... and of course not going to the toilet.....😟
Hi..just following up. Did you ever find anything to work?
I tried amitiza, and did nt work.... linsez at the beginig but it stop working, resotrans recently and didnt work at all..... i use macrogol everyday and sometimes i combined it with linsez , i m trying alternatives just as ostheopathy but just calm the syntoms and its expensive to have a couple of sesions........ i recently did kambo (poison of amazonas frog) and it worked at the begining , 10 days i was almost a normal person, hungry and going to thw toilet almost everyday but it stopped working....
Because of my ansiety i suffer insomnia and im also taking a lot of medicine to calm my self and try to have a good rest.
Its affecting my work , personal life , i have panic to travel everywhere bea
Cause the problem gets worse out home....
As many of us trying to find options hopping something starts to work in some way....keeping myself as calm as possible.....
i tried it and it worked for 2 days. then it stopped working
he didn't suggest anything else. right now i am on a diet and just eating meat and eggs and that is helping a bit but i don't know for how long. i am also severely depressed.bobby
Can you get another opinion? I have had to do this several times..but at this point I have given up. The Magnesium citrate is supposed to work well and quickly. There is also magnesium citrate capsules and or powder I wish I had a link to send you but if you Google "Magnesium citrate supplements for constipation" it will tell you all about it. Sadly the only thing that helps me is a stimulant (Senna) I take 8 tablets on a Saturday evening. I get up at about 3am and do a long colon massage with a warm washcloth. This helps move things around. I start between my breastbone and work clockwise in small circular motions. I do this with a warm washcloth. I then go all the way around until I get to right above my right pelvic bone. I was told by a gastroenterologist that massaging your perineum (yup) helps too. And I started that too and it works! Then I go in small circular motions around my navel. Then vibrate the naval up and down a bit. I thought he was loopy and went on You Tube and sure enough I went to a reputable site and it shows you how to do this. (From mayo clinic).
I then make strong black coffee with 6 packs of Stevia sweetener and a large bottle of apple juice. Both are natural laxatives. I am done by 10am Sunday morning. My weekends are shot but I figure not much to do on weekends anyway.
There is also Trulance and Resolor as well. But they don't help me either. As far as your depression is it due from your condition? Being on here with nice people to talk to helps a lot. I'm also on antidepressants and a benzo for acute anxiety. Are you on any medication? It does help. Also when I don't want to eat I take Ensure or Boost nutrition drink because I don't want to become anorexic again. Insurance pays for this if a Doctor prescribes it. 😊