Personally not good!: Hi, I saw a top... - IBS Network

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Personally not good!

Lisa_Always_Poorly profile image


I saw a top gastroenterologist in London a few years back. He couldn't work out what was wrong with me and kept asking me questions about my sanity rather than my IBS.. he decided he wanted to put me on Amitriptyline bearing in mind I had a young child to look after. I tried it once and I felt so bad I didn't even take a second dose. He washed his hands with me and said he could do no more for me! I've now suffered with "IBS" for 14 years with hardly any let up. I also have other health issues and also unable to tolerate most medicines. I personally would try and stay away from anti depressants as that is just masking the problem and not actually curing you! Best of luck :)

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Lisa_Always_Poorly profile image
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15 Replies
A_IBS profile image

Infuriating isn't it!!!

Well that certainly doesn't bode well seeing a top gastroenterologist and even he couldn't work out what was wrong, no wonder most of us on here are actually helping each other and trying things i.e. trial and error.

I know for sure that I cannot eat raw carrots, raw or cooked onions, sweetcorn. I have now cut Lactose out of my diet and that seems to be helping and am looking at the FODMAP diet but getting my head round menus at the moment before I go shopping.

Very best of luck to you and I hope you find some relief.

Hallo Lisa

I was very interested to read your post because almost the same thing happened to me about 2 years ago. I also saw a top gastroenterologist in London. He did endless tests and kept saying "I will get you right" then, suddenly, I went in one day and he said "I can't do any more for you" and tapped his head saying "its all up here". I was very upset and it knocked my confidence for quite a long time. I came to accept it after a time and realised that it is IBS which is triggered by anxiety and have learnt to live with it. I don't take anti-depressants. It sounds to me very much as though it was the same consultant. He was fairly elderly and I hope he is no longer practising.

Lisa_Always_Poorly profile image
Lisa_Always_Poorly in reply to

His name was Professor Aziz. His secretary was most rude as well! Sorry about your experience as well. It seems most of us are left to fend for ourselves, we turn to these people for help as they are the "professionals" who get paid tons for doing what exactly...?!

Nicki1984 profile image

Hi that's frustrated did he not at least refer you to someone else who can help? My IBS is stress/anxiety related I took proponolol for a short while when I was waiting for counselling to start but came off it after 3 months I never felt comfortable taking meds for this. I do find some foods trigger my IBS my body just can't handle some things anymore so I just avoid them. I do think there can be an imbalance of good bacteria in the gut and with IBS my tummy is more sensitive. I'm going to try probiotic tablets for a while to see if it helps. It's a viscious cycle if I'm having tummy problems as then I'm automatically anxious which makes it worse and prolongs the recovery. I'm currently working on the anxiety side of things with counselling, self help books, meditation and Mindfullness. It's worth thinking about trying some counselling or meditation/Mindfullness to see if it helps x

Windyb profile image

Omg, this is me, as if I wrote the post. Still sucks although I'm not alone.

bizzywords profile image

I absolutely sympathise. My GP hinted that she thought mine could be psychological - I was really offended. I've had IBS since 2009 and get episodes at least once a month. I too was put on a course of anti-depressants which did actually work for me but I also gained loads of weight as they made me feel so hungry. I really don't like the idea of taking anti-depressants long term but, if I'm honest, when I'm in the middle of an attack I do wonder if I should go back on them. Likewise, my GP said that she could no longer help me and I'd have to get on with it. Thank goodness for forums like this - it's good to know I'm not alone.

Lisa_Always_Poorly profile image
Lisa_Always_Poorly in reply to bizzywords

May I ask what antis you were on please, I'm curious as I really need to gain weight as I keep losing my appetite!!

bizzywords profile image
bizzywords in reply to Lisa_Always_Poorly

I was on amytriptalene (I'm sure this spelling is not quite right!). It was good as it relaxed the bowel and I didn't have any IBS whilst on it, also, it helped me to sleep - unfortunately I was hungry all the time on it and put on loads of weight!

Lisa_Always_Poorly profile image
Lisa_Always_Poorly in reply to bizzywords

Arh, thanks. That's what I tried and it made me quite ill after just one tablet. Didn't take anymore and I've heard the others can cause nausea and vomiting which I avoid like the plague as I have a fear of sickness!!

bizzywords profile image
bizzywords in reply to Lisa_Always_Poorly

Oh me too - anything to avoid actually being sick. I also have really bad headaches with my IBS. I've had an attack today actually - I never have diarrohea with mine - I just pass lots of bowel movement over the course of about 4 or 5 hours (usually first thing in the morning) and feel really sick and drained afterwards followed by horrendous headache. I've had to take a co-codamol today as the headache was so bad. I wonder when or if it will ever end - it certainly takes over your life.

Lisa_Always_Poorly profile image
Lisa_Always_Poorly in reply to bizzywords

I found drinking more water helps with the headaches as I get them bad as well. Those ones that really thump in your head when you stand up and makes you feel dizzy.

Touch wood, I haven't had a proper diarrhoea attack for a couple of months now.. not sure what's causing that but I'm happy about it!! (Praying I haven't jinxed it now!!!)

IBS does certainly take over your life and it's just not taken seriously enough. I can't work because of it and can't claim any help because I don't have a disability!! The law is an arse!! (No pun intended 😂)

Wow, this is an extremely interesting post! I came off Amitriptyline several months ago in an attempt to detox from all the pills I was taking. I was given it for nerve pain and it worked really well so I was on it for years. Since coming off of it, I have had the worst problems with bloating, bowel and all of the above comments seem to relate to me!

This is new to me (my first post) and I'm learning a lot from everyone else's comments. My health has deteriorated drastically in the past few months and I am trying to find a way through it all. Stress and depression have been the biggest part of my life for the last five years and I am finally taking charge of my life again. I'm leaving the UK, moving to the middle of nowhere with my hubby and I'm going to try and improve my life in the hope that my health will improve with it. IBS is a bitch of a disease - my only 'luck' with regard to it, is that it has hit me in my mid-60's. How any of you who are so much younger can deal with it is beyond imagining.

Keep strong and thank you all for your valuable and informative comments.

Hi Caz, your message struck a chord with me. I think those who are younger than your lovely self have no choice but to deal with it, sadly. Why there is no cure for this yet is absolutely beyond me I think it's over looked by all the "more important health problems"...

Looking back I think I had it very mildly whilst growing up, but since having my daughter by caesarean 15 years ago it's been hell. My social life has died along with my health as IBS has managed to weed it's way into every part of my life.

My Dr doesn't know what to do with me anymore, I've exasperated all his knowledge apparently, and asks ME what I should do now?!😱 I don't know I'm not the one getting paid loads to help people get better. I'm just a patient coming to you for help!!

Caz, I do hope your move goes well, you settle into your new home quickly and most of all..your life improves! 😊

Best of luck! X

2806helen profile image

I can honestly say the fodmap diet really helps tho it is difficult to put into practice, especially when you are eating out or on holiday. I've also found a priobotic in tablet form really helpful

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