Ibs or lactose intolerance: Hi all I had cheese... - IBS Network

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Ibs or lactose intolerance

Cjc_woodworx profile image
42 Replies

Hi all I had cheese on toast this morning and about 30 minutes after startes to feel really nauseous and was nearly sick then for a couple of hours not been off the toilet but started to feel better. Does cheese trigger ibs or could it be lactose intolerance ? I don't want to Google because we all know what hapoens. Thankyou

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Cjc_woodworx profile image
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42 Replies
Eliana5 profile image

Have you Had a colonoscopy to rule anything out? Yes, most definately, most type of cheeses are difficult to digest, (except aged cheese) and can aggravate IBS or perhaps a general intolerance to dairy..perhaps Gluten. Maybe switch to Almond milk, coconut milk, soy mikk, or try aged cheeses. Keep a food journal, or you can try to follow LOWMAP diet. Best thing maybe is to get a "food intolerance test"..

Cjc_woodworx profile image
Cjc_woodworx in reply to Eliana5

Had nothing like that plus doctor doesn't think I need to have one because I haven't had blood passed through or anything like that

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to Cjc_woodworx

That's good..I hope you get to feeling better..keep us posted..

Cjc_woodworx profile image
Cjc_woodworx in reply to Eliana5

Not bad now just a stomach ache

blue19 profile image

Used to love cheese on toast but now can't have it as have the same symptoms so now avoid , I don't feel sick tho but have severe pain and on loo - as its dairy I avoid - used to have milk but thought I'm lactose intolerant too as always my ibs is more severe now have almond milk, I even avoid bread too as wheat can trigger too.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to blue19

Same here..deciding whether to buy Lactaid, Almond, soy or coconut milk. Also nuts..I love, but they are hard to digest I heard..

Nasturtion profile image
Nasturtion in reply to Eliana5

Hi Eliana,been experimenting last three days ,have totally avoided lactose,.so stomach pain went away and excessive flatulance and bloating went away too. Anyway had a head ache yesterday so took a brufen ,within half an hour felt really tight round upper stomach with pain in same place,checked brufen for ingredients out of curiosity ,low and behold they have lactose in.

Cjc_woodworx profile image
Cjc_woodworx in reply to Nasturtion

I been looking for triggers onions and after I stink of onion now cheddar slices also pork I go funny as well and aspartame in drinks I avoid

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to Nasturtion

Wow..I did not know this. I take Ibuprofen on an occassional basis..don't remember stomach cramping..although I did take one yesterday..and I did have lower abdominal cramping. Trying to look for "ingredients" on bottle..and all it says is "Ibuprofen 200mg" NSAID, non-steroidal. Trying to peel back label, as some ingredient are under a label, but not seeing anything or any label to peel back. I wonder if some brands have it, and others don't..or even if "Advil" has this. I will have to "Google"..where did you find the ingredients? Thanks for the info..

Nasturtion profile image
Nasturtion in reply to Eliana5

Hi ,think it depends what coating the brufen has on . Mine were coated in a like shiny coating. And i suppose the brand as well. Also this morning I've had just plain scrambled egg with a bit of lactose free milk and some granola which is thought was safe as it doesn't say in bold letters for allergens. Bloated all morning now,with flatulance. When I've checked the pkt ,it says in small letters ( may contain milk). So not sure if that means it does or does not. I'm confused now but too much of a coincidence don't you think.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to Nasturtion

Yes, I have a problem it seems with granola as well. Sometimes it tastes so good, I will just eat it dry..lol. I think it has a lot of fiber in it, and health benefits..but for some reason, don't digest it very well. For some reason I can eat a granola bar sometimes, but since it's sticky, can be difficult to digest. Seems like all the good, yummy stuff, bad for us. The only problem I don't have with dairy is yogurt, butter pecan ice cream, and soft serve ice cream..everything else..ranch dressing, milk, cheese, sour cream, whip cream..make me cramp..😳

Nasturtion profile image
Nasturtion in reply to Eliana5

Also Eliana you know if have recently been diagnosed with prolapses down below and pretty sure it have hernia in my tummy somewhere as well but reading up about lactose intolerance found that you can become intolerant to some things including lactose if you have had the likes of gastro bug and stomach trauma / injury,including hernias prolapses etc.

Nasturtion profile image
Nasturtion in reply to Nasturtion

Found the ingredients on leaflet in the box

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to Nasturtion

Wow..thanks! I did not know this. I did have a ruptured appendix removed, followed by back to back surgery when they saw cysts on my ovaries, my left ovary and tube was removed..

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to Nasturtion

Yes..had a digital rectal exam by colon surgeon about three months ago..she was very rude with me. But will try again if my insurance will pay in a few months..thank you! ☺🌹🐼

Nasturtion profile image
Nasturtion in reply to Eliana5

Found ingredients in leaflet in the box

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to Nasturtion

Aah..no wonder..I threw box away. The coating on mine is Brown..non-shiny..?

blue19 profile image
blue19 in reply to Eliana5

I've tried soy milk but that seems to give me cramps so almond milk or even lactose free milk seems to be the safe option

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to blue19

Thank you..☺🌹🐼..do you take the sweetened or unwseetened kind? I'm confused as to what to buy, I would be using it in cereal..

blue19 profile image
blue19 in reply to Eliana5

I have either roasted unsweetened or normal unsweetened , I have this on my cereal and a teaspoon of honey - I haven't tried the sweetened one

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to blue19

Okay..will try it..Thanks..

Hetty56 profile image
Hetty56 in reply to Eliana5

I use oat milk unsweetened with cereal and it's really nice

CRYSTAL11 profile image
CRYSTAL11 in reply to blue19

Have you tried lactose free cheese. They are lovely x

Nasturtion profile image
Nasturtion in reply to CRYSTAL11

Just trying lactose free milk at the minute,and avoiding everything else dairy till pay day lol. Love cheese,that has been one of my treats ,low carb and that with having diabetes 2.

blue19 profile image
blue19 in reply to CRYSTAL11

will have to try it, but its expensive

Hetty56 profile image
Hetty56 in reply to CRYSTAL11

I didn't know you could get it but I'm new to all this

Lulububs profile image


Yeh it sounds like lactose could b dairy? Do u eat any other dairy? Milk ? Coz obv there lactose in that to and most chocolate bars. Actually in most things... so if it only cheese id say not.

Maybe it was the toast ie gluten or yeast?

I cannot eat gluten or yeasty things it makes me ill.

Cjc_woodworx profile image
Cjc_woodworx in reply to Lulububs

Could of been the fat content cause I am ok with skimmed milk

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to Lulububs

It's difficult when you go to restaurants, I really like "Tuna Melts" (usually the cheese in it, does not bother me)..but restaurant's have a limited amount of what type of bread..so I never know. I end up ordering "Rye bread"..but they say, rye not good either..or white bread. I Then have to order wheat, because they don't use rye bread in Tuna Melts. Seems like you can't win..if something you think is good, it always has another ingredient that is not. Very confusing. RIP, Senator John McCain..a sad day.

Misslovely profile image

Hi Cjc_woodworx

Lactose is the sugars found in dairy products, you can buy Lactose free cheeses, spreads and milks so may be worth trying those to see if you react. If not it could be those sugars.

Do you keep a food diary? I did that until i found my triggers and i now manage my IBS fairly well, have only had a couple episodes in 18months!

Mariahthepenguin profile image

Hello I would recommend staying off dairy and keeping a food diary as this can determine whether more than one food this could be wheat or dairy products however within the food dairy you should start to notice patterns and if it is just foods that contain Dairy in then more than likely it is an intolerance rather than IBS

Cjc_woodworx profile image

I do keep a food diary. This is gonna be long winded so I do apologize I had ibs since I was 16 but about 4 years ago I was treated with i.v antibiotics for severe cellulitis in both my legs since then my ibs is more prominent I don't know if it was the medication. since then I was checked for masses and all of that not passing blood or anything. But I have started to get intolerances to certain things I never did before which has scared me a little I was at urgent care few months ago thinking of a bowel blockage or appendicitis because I get pain round that area then triggers health anxiety but turned out to be wind when the nurse pressed on my stomach (funny I know) and been checked for masses then but nothing.

Eliana5 profile image

It is frustrating, to be told it is "all in your head" or "nothing" when you know it's "something". I do agree that anxiety, stress and depression (even with me being on Psychiatric medication) can contribute a lot to pain and symptoms. I am looking into biofeedback, to try to calm fears, and irrational thoughts about my health..hoping it will improve my digestive health. It's frustrating to want answers and not get any from dismissive doctors. Just keep asking for tests, and try biofeedback, or other relaxation techniques like mindfulness.

Kimmiejo profile image

Cheese doesn’t bother me much any more I have IBS but for a while I was lactose in my later years so I got on a prebiotic and a pro biotic not lactose any more. I would guess lactose if it was me . My grandson is lactose he has tummy aches and diarrhea when he has milk or cheese.

Nasturtion profile image
Nasturtion in reply to Kimmiejo

Hi,can you answer this for me as i am quite confused. When it says just (milk ) in bold letters for allergens on food packages,does that mean it would contain lactose ? As some package ingredients has ( lactose ) ,in bold letters. Hope you undErstand.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to Nasturtion

Yes, it contains dairy..most likely milk..

Oscar79 profile image

If it was a hard mature cheese it’s unlikely to be lactose intolerance because it’s very low on lactose. Cheese had been known to trigger IBS

Nasturtion profile image

Hi everyone on this thread and whoever else reads it. Mother in law gave me an advert out of a newspaper yesterday about silicol gel ,looks amazing sounds amazing,four star ratings,really good reviews ,. It's a gel liguid you take before meals,three times a day. It coats the stomach and bacteria ,toxins and all stick to it and just pass out of the bowel.its about £10.00 a bottle of 200ml. And you take 15ml three times a day. You can get it off your doc on prescription. It's for stomach pain,abdominal discomfort,flatulance, reflux ,nausea,heartburn . The make is Saguna . Google it,it's worth a try. I am buying some today,will give it a go. Anything is worth trying.

Cjc_woodworx profile image
Cjc_woodworx in reply to Nasturtion

I have that but it turns my stools white I found when I taken it a couple of things you might want to know when you take it 1 it's unpleasant and 2 when you take it. It turns into a flour like consistency which makes you gag

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to Nasturtion

Thank you..☺👍


geegee233 profile image

Cheese on toast NO !I now eat mostly watery fruit for Breakfast mango grapes peaches melons!

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