I know this is a bit tmi and I’m sorry but I used to get pains in my bottom mainly after going to the toilet which would last a couple of hours and then fade. It’s now gotten to the point where the pain is constant, like for instance I was woken up at 2am this morning and couldn’t sleep because the pains are so bad. I can’t sit up for long because it hurts so am often having to lie down. I get stabbing/shooting pains. I also bleed a lot after going to the toilet. I know this is tmi but does anyone else experience this? It’s so painful.
Constant pains: I know this is a bit tmi and I’m... - IBS Network
Constant pains
If you bleed after going to the toilet,I'm afraid you should see your GP.
I have seen my GP, every time they’ve been no help whatsoever even went to hospital concerning it 😩
Could you have a fissure? A few years ago I did, and my symptoms were the same as yours. There was a tear in my back passage and going to the toilet was fine, but a few hours later, the pain was horrific & could last for a few hours. It would wake me up if I was asleep, I used to be unable to be still or concentrate on anything until it subsided. If so, you will need to see a doctor I eventually had mine operated on after three years. It was the best thing I ever did. Solved it completely- good luck! 😀
It’s possible! I have had a doctor who told me it definitely wasn’t due to hemorroids so it’s definitely an option. I’ll go to the doctor ASAP, it’s extremely painful all day now to the point I’m in tears. Thank you for the advice💓
I have it now. Been to toilet and still feel I need to go. Have also had blood in the past.
How awful for you.....diarrhoea is bad enough pain in that area makes it worse......any rectal bleeding must be reported and investigated, but as a rule of thumb it is the dark or black blood that is the most worrying....bright red blood might be piles or a fissure or crack in the anus...BUT must repeat bleeding must be investigated...as for the pain, I am assuming the GP has advised painkillers.....just out of interest pain in that area is proctalgia....the algia part means pain.....retired nurse!
It’s bright red blood - I often get blood clots if that means anything? It’s a lot of blood and often bleeds for a while after going to the toilet.
The pain has gradually gotten worse as weeks have gone on. I am already on cocodamol for previous pains so luckily I have some form of pain medication.
Thank you for the advice 💓

Do you have a colon doctor you could see or a gastroenterologist? Sometimes I find it very helpful to go right to a specialist. Keep me posted.
I’ve recently moved so I’m actually waiting for my appointment to see a new gastro so at the moment I have no one to really turn to x

Yes, I understand. However, this seems urgent. When will you have this appt. with the new gastro.?
I have no idea. I got a letter last month saying they’d sent me a letter when I had an appointment. I’ve also been to the GP to push this along and also the hospital with no luck. So it’s a waiting game
I feel sorry for you. I have my own problems all day. For sleep take 1 Amitriptyline one hour before bed.Keep on battling . I have for 4 years - Horrible!!!!
I’m sorry you’re going through something, it’s awful. I hope things improve for you. I did use to take 2 amitriptyline at night but had to be taken off it for other meds for other health issues. I’m trying to keep the battle going ☹️
Sometimes, I get pain there too. I figure it's from sitting on the toilet a lot or muscle fatigue from "straining"..but if concerned, talk to your Gastroenterologist to see if you can get x-rays, or a cat scan/ultrasound done. The bleeding usually comes from either internal or external hemmorhoids. Sometimes, by "constant wiping and irritation" from Toilet paper. Maybe wet the toilet paper with warm water after a bowel movement or use "Tucks Pads" (very cooling and soothing) and maybe a cream..such as Proctosol, hemmorhoid suppositories, "Anusol" or a good Hydrocortisone cream after bowel movements. Some people even use "petroleum jelly" to act like a barrier from your anal area and stools. If that fails, try a ice pack for about 10 minutes and apply to area with a thin towel or washcloth..or try putting a "Sitzbath" that sits right on your toilet. The warm water will help with itching, bleeding and discomfort. If you see blood in your stools or your stools are "black and tarry" then please see a Gastroenterologist as soon as you can for colonoscopy to rule out anything serious.
Thanks for the advice. I already have hemorroids ruled out as the cause I don’t have any (A doctor also checked inside.) I do get blood in my stools and have for a while. Unfortunately, I’ve recently moved so I’m waiting for a new gastro appointment. Thank you for the tips though I will definitely take them in to account 💓

Hi, most everyone gets external hemmorhoids after bowel movements. If anyone tells you otherwise, not true. You may not have any, when you "see a Doctor" because, by then, they have no longer there. Hemmorhoids happen because they are essentially veins..almost like vericrose veins..that enlarge after you have bowel movements after a bout of constipation or diarrhea. You can just tell by feeling them. I would still try a good cream, either over the counter, or prescribed. Bleeding, most often just comes from external hemmorhoids (that disappear within a day or two).
yeah the bleeding doesn’t disappear it’s every day sometimes without me even going to the toilet. Thank you for the advice though I do appreciate it
You have had a lot of great advice and replies on here. Some I would take into consideration. I do hope you feel better soon..
I know? I haven’t said I haven’t I’ve thanked everyone for their advice. I don’t know where that comment has come from
Oh my goodness poor you I myself had a colonoscopy yesterday which eliminated some of the things the doctors thought it could be.
Seriously you need to see a doctor as soon as possible sounds so painful and must be wearing you down.
Please go I went to a and e weeks ago that’s when the doctors took me serious.
Now things are getting sorted.
It’s definitely dragging me down, I’m crying over the pain every day lol. I’m sorry you had to go through that but I’m glad things are better for you. I’ll definitely go to the GP. Thank you for the advice 💓