Constant aching...: Hi everyone Well I’ve... - IBS Network

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Constant aching...

Lynikinz profile image
9 Replies

Hi everyone

Well I’ve suffered from ibs for over 20 years and I know it’s linked to anxiety and stress.

I usually suffer from ibs d but it’s more ibs c now. I took the York test for ibs and cut out yeast, milk, gluten and wheat and dried fruit as well as nuts. I can’t afford to lose weight and I have nausea sometimes trying to get a couple of mouthfuls of food down esp when out for a meal. I dread going out and have stopped going abroad or travelling on trains in case I need the loo. Since all this elimination diet which didn’t make any difference apart from bunging me up and I now suffer lots more pain when I’m hungry, before and after toilet and during day. Usually left side but while tum is a bit tender. I have colofac tabs which dr gave me a few months ago and I’ve had ct scan and colonoscopy which ruled out anything negative in feb. Just wondered if anyone else out there can give me a few pointers please. Sorry to moan. X

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Lynikinz profile image
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9 Replies
hazel1969 profile image

Oh bless you. I have had IBS for years. I find Colofac (mebeverine) a good help. Have taken for long time. Took 3 a day but mostly on 2 a day now. I went through tests etc. Nothing 'wrong' no sign of bowel disease? I had similar difficulties to you, lost weight, tried eating a small peeled apple before a meal to help digestive system get started. I still dont eat peels or anything I cant chew! I now make kefir and kombucha tea, consume daily to get probiotics, that helps greatly. I find that if I have no appetite the kombucha helps. Kefir I make from whole milk. Check out fermentation on web. If you have any questions, im happy to help I do know how debilitating this is. I am now 70 and just learned during this last year how to manage this illness.

Lynikinz profile image
Lynikinz in reply to hazel1969

Hi Hazel thank you for your reply. I have been a bit loath the take thecolofac again as it seems to bind me but I think I’ll have to as I can’t continue with this aching. I don’t know much about kefir and kombucha tea so I would love to find out more. I can’t tolerate milk tho so as long as it can be taken with something else that’s fine. Also what probiotic do you take?

You sound like a mind of information and I would appreciate your input

Thanks Lynn x

hazel1969 profile image
hazel1969 in reply to Lynikinz

I find that Colofac helps relax the muscle? When I feel the nagging ache I up my water intake, soak 3 dessertspoons of linseeds in fruit juice for about 3 hours, taken before bed, it makes a chewy kind of drink? Must drink plenty of fluids! Usually next day I would have movement and the sight of some whole seeds reassures me that my system is moving. If not I repeat each night until I have comfortable success. I personally up my mebeverine to 3 a day too and consume root vegetables, which suit me better than above ground veg.

I make continous brew method of Kombucha tea, which is full of probiotics, which I drink first thing in the morning and before my evening meal.

Kefir I started to make daily to obtain the other digestive enzymes I need to enable me to eat and digest food, as I have a hiatus hernia, which is gradually healing.

Apple cider vinegar 2 tablespoons in warm water with 2 teaspoons of honey is another remedy I use when I need instant relief from wind or muscle spasm, although I feel my IBS is well controlled just now.

I am now back up to my good weight with energy and ability back up to an acceptable level, so hope you can gain a little help and reassurance from my experience

Lynikinz profile image
Lynikinz in reply to hazel1969

Thank you Hazel I will look into this and may question you again if you don’t mind. Thank you again x

Lynikinz profile image


Yes sorry it was an intolerance test specific to ibs. I spoke to a nutritionist as well but there’s foods which I know I can’t eat because they cause cramping and pain. I tended to stick to a very bland diet which caused me to feel extremely low. The nutritionist said at the time I shouldn’t bother with he fodmap diet as I wouldn’t have much left to eat. I was also border line intolerant to egg whites and beef so enoughwas enough.I stopped the diet and as I said I find that things have really slowed down now.

It’s horrible not being able to eat a normal meal and constantly worrying whether you need the loo or if what you eat will cramp you. It seems like all the enjoyment of eating disappeared years ago.

Lynikinz profile image

Hi Little_toad

It was quite expensive there’s different ones so check on their website. If I remember rightly about 158 foods were tested but you have to have been eating them during the 6 months leading up to it. However I’m limited so you may get a false negative or positive for example. You really need to have a read up on the York test website or have a chat with an adviser. I was intolerant to wheat, yeast, gluten, cashews, also border line on beef and egg whites. The nutritionist told me not to take notice of the fodmap re ibs but not to eat any nuts or melon, apricots, etc etc. It is personal to each person so you can’t go on what other people have reported on their tests.

Perhaps you could ring them and have a chat.

Lulububs profile image


I can only tell u what helped me, i have had ibs c for all my life but i only got diagnosed about year ago... i did alergy tests and i was gluten and cowsmilk intolerant so i have given up all them and lowered sugar!

It has helped but i also i have seen a naturopath and been told to take probiotics, digestives enzymes and peppermint oil.... and they have helped massively! Also magnesium citrate tablets which help u poop everyday!

It works a treat. I also see a great chiro and physio as i get tight pelvic floor coz of the constant pain i had but now i have started all this the pain has gone by 70%.

U need to have good gut bacteria to help inflammation and digestive emzyme help u digest fats and carbs.

It will help u

Hiddenaway profile image

Speak to the dr about the nausea. My dr prescribed metocloporamide

Hi there,

I totally understand where you are. I have been there too.

In your expression "getting a couple of mouthfuls down" there is stress and fear, not pleasure and nourishment.

I no longer have that fear, and I no longer have IBS (I had it for over 25 years), just some food intolerance, but even that is gradually easing up.

I have set up a blog which may help you move forward called SickofIBS.

I would strongly recommend getting tested for dysbiosis (SIBO and Candida). The main symptoms of each are outlined in this article:

Hope this helps,


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