Hi everyone.
Have been awake most of the night with IBS symptoms when I stumbled across this site. I cannot believe there are so many sufferers as when I was diagnosed 6 years ago I thought I was being fobbed off to be honest.
I am so desperate for help and advice, I feel like I am going crazy. I have IBS C. I have almost constant abdominal pain, an intense nausea which is by far my worst symptom. It is like having food poisoning constantly which does not ease. It's accompanied by abdominal spasms, hot/cold sweats and a feeling that I have diorhea, but never do. I can be sat on the toilet for hours scared that (sorry to be graphic) that it will be coming out both ends but never does, if it did I'd get some relief. I cannot eat as it sets my symptoms off. I work full time and don't know how I get there most days. People are commenting on how 'bad' I look. My relationship with my partner is under strain and my children although sympathetic are fed up of seeing me Ill all the time. Sorry to have posted such a gloomy 1st post but am desperate for help and advice. Thank you