Trapped wind: Stomach been very rumbly and... - IBS Network

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Trapped wind

Booth29 profile image
16 Replies

Stomach been very rumbly and gurgly for a few days, a couple of nights ago woke up with discomfort in chest at bottom of ribs, took gaviscon and a peppermint tea, after which several burps and eventually discomfort eased. Panicked majorly, my main ibs symptoms are wind/ bloating but this was so sore, thought I was having heart attack. Have had trapped wind in chest before but not so bad. Has anyone else had this problem? Wondering if I should see GP just to make sure it’s nothing else, I stress over anything health related which doesn’t help 🙁

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Booth29 profile image
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16 Replies
Star1993 profile image

Have you ever tried bicarbonate soda (table spoon) mix in a glass of water. It does not taste great but is a great relief

Booth29 profile image
Booth29 in reply to Star1993

No but I’ll maybe give it a go. Gaviscon sometimes helps, but when I’m stressed it’s a vicious circle. Thanks

Eternity78 profile image
Eternity78 in reply to Star1993

may i know how does it work ?? by expelling the wind out of the body or by absorbing the gases internally ??

Had it a few weeks ago, used turmeric tea and ginger tea and it did the job.

Joany3 profile image

I get a lot of trapped wind you think your gonna have a heart attack I drink a load of cold water that breaks the wind try it

Supersonicwoman profile image

Get the GP to prescribe peptac for you - I take a spoonful before bed especially if having a big evening meal (which I do try to avoid) and it always gets rid of any wind and I do not have acid attacks, which I am prone to, waking up with BRASH in my mouth and nearly being sick with acid coming back up my windpipe (my endoscopy showed bad scarring on the inside of my gullet and I take Lansaprazole too on top of my IBS problem) so peptac always works for me - hope it will for you - and try tai chi to manage your stress - Dr Lam is very good.

sindia3b profile image
sindia3b in reply to Supersonicwoman

I have ibs I take lansoprazole and I have tried windeeze for trapped wind

Booth29 profile image

I take omeprazole for acid, but when my ibs is bad it doesn’t work as well. Got a docs appt next week, will see what he has to say. Hopefully things will settle down before then, and I can get my anxiety under control🤞🏼

Louisejpeebs profile image

I started taking activated charcoal tablets from Holland & barretts they really helped with my wind and bloating x

Nikkienoodle profile image


Yes I get painful trapped wind , I often feel like I’m having a heart attack too , I get it trapped under my ribs , it wakes me up and I panic , my stomach swells so much people have offered my seats on the bus 😳 which I take to save me explaining !

The only thing I’ve found that helps is peppermint xx

Booth29 profile image

I’ve got the activated charcoal tbs, just need to give them a go. Peppermint tea helps a bit. Know what you mean about the swollen stomach, it’s so embarrassing, I’ve got two sets of clothes as half don’t fit when it’s bad x

Booth29 profile image

Saw GP, didn’t put my mind at rest one bit! Was talking about pancreatic cancer amongst other things, that really freaked me out as my mum died from it some years ago, and my brother in law was diagnosed with it last year. Said to double my dose of omeprazole for a couple of weeks and to go back if no improvement. Didn’t examine me, told me I was overweight and I should try and do something about it, and weighed me. Came out feeling very anxious, that I’ve got something more serious wrong with me. Have had endoscopy, ct colonoscopy and ultrasound over last 3 yrs, plus blood tests, after having ibs symptoms for 10 plus yrs, and finally received ibs diagnosis this year. It’s just one thing after another, so fed up😢

mrhealthanxiety profile image
mrhealthanxiety in reply to Booth29

Hi Booth29, sorry to read what you were going through a few months back, did you ever manage to get to the bottom of it ?

Booth29 profile image
Booth29 in reply to mrhealthanxiety

Had an endoscopy where they found a small hiatus hernia. Also have gallstone, but Gp says could be either of these or ibs causing problems. So stressed at not knowing which, trying everything I can to help, watching diet etc. Do wonder if it’s the ibs though, very bloated and rumble all the time and pain moves from side to side in chest waist lower abdo and back. Who knows! 😥

Sweepy13 profile image
Sweepy13 in reply to Booth29


I had a similar frightening visit to a GP 2 years ago and ended up getting a abdominal CT all came back normal so I’d be asking your GP to refer you to a specialist and then ask for the CT if you open up about your fear they will help get you through it quickly

I work for the NHS and I know how scary things can be but I don’t think your GP has helped you

I have had IBS most of my adult life and the symptoms change and move as you accept one symptom it changes next time a new stress arrives

I have Colofac MR and on occasion I have nexium but find gaviscon helps with the indigestion, however there isn’t much that settles the feeling I get under my left rib and that’s what the CT was for thankfully all normal but still I worry 🙈 and so I feed my ibs

I do hope you get the answer you need to settle the awful worry and I’m sure you will

Take care 🤗

mrhealthanxiety profile image

Thanks quick reply - I had endo too and found Hiatus hernia and inflamed stomach lining (Gastritis)..... but have bad wind (sometimes trapped sometimes not) with lots of gurgling / rumbling but also have daily dull ache lower left side of my ab area (sometimes right side too).....back to docs Friday - my stomach U.S was clear..... also have bad health anxiety so doc will prob suggest that’s main reason 😞 wish you well and thanks again reply

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