Hello guys so I’ve been having these lower abdominal pains for about 2 years now and soon I’ve gotten back pains mostly lower and testicle pains mostly right. I recently went to get a endoscopy and colonoscopy and it showed nothing was wrong which amazed me cuz I was suffering with so much pain. I really don’t know what to do now cuz the pains are still there. Please help. Things that cause the pains and other pains: bloating/ unable to hold in pee for long/ frequent peeing before bed/ drinking a lot of water helps but not fix/ lower abdomen pain mostly right side. when stretching it and pressing it hurts. Please help in desperate need.
Please need help: bad pains in lower abdominal... - IBS Network
Please need help: bad pains in lower abdominal/back/testicles(mostly right) please help

Glad you got in for your colonoscopy sooner and it went smoothly but not good that the pains are still there!! And sounds like worsening...you seriously need to go back to doc and be referred to see someone else. Given its location and what its doing, clearly something is wrong but not in the bowel or stomach...sounds like it may be more centred in the urinal tracts. Cause clearly it’s not in the back or gastro side. Only advice can be given on here but a professional is who you need to see and push whoever you need to to get in to see the specialist! Cause something g is clearly not right and you need it found and diagnosed so you can be prescribed something to help ASAP! I wish I could offer more help but I’m in the dark on this one... do keep posted on how things progress and I really hope you find some relief somehow very soon...
Are you seeing a main doc/GP who can refer you onto someone specialising in the field or give you some thing to relieve it even temporarily??

Urologist seems Like the best choice. Thank you for ur concern and feedback much appreciated. How is your stomach?
Given your bladder troubles and where the pains are centred, and fact the other two areas have already been ruled out and checked, it’s the next logical choice. Get in to see them as soon as you can and push for a sooner appt, this can’t go on for much longer... I’ll be keeping fingers crossed and hope something improves!
Yeah going alright. Bout normal for IBS standards anyway. Think I’ve got a mixed ibs after the procedure, cause mostly C is going on but D now and then. The FODMAP diet does seem to be helping though so, progressing one step at a time ^^ But I’ll be right, you focus on getting yourself better!

That’s great to hear and thank you again
I'm sorry but I think the endoscopy and colonoscopy was absolutely unnecessary.
It's not your gut that makes you pee all the time.
It sounds like you have problem with your kidneys or prostate.
You should visited an urologist long time ago.
For the longest time I’ve been having these abdominal pains I have family thet have bacteria infections in their stomach so I thought for sure it was hereditary. Good to know that’s ruled out of the equation. Thx for the feedback though much appreciated
I'm not an expert but I don't think endoscopy can rule out bacteria infections. Anyway I really doubt your problem is in your stomach.
If I were you then I would ask for ultrasound of the kidneys because I think you have kidney stones.
I agree with everyone else about the urologist, but there is one teeny little thing you could try, eating live yogurt a couple of times a day. I have it on my Special K in a morning, and with either mashed banana or tinned fruit on an evening.
Not only has it helped with my IBS, though that could be partly due to a low fibre diet, as in no fruit/veg with skins or seeds. It has also helped with a urinary problem I have had for years, as in having to go to the loo frequently, but not doing very much when I get there.
I am not saying it is a cure all for everything, or that it works for everybody, we are all different. But there wouldn't be any harm in giving it a try. It certainly can't do you any harm, well unless to are allergic to the stuff of course.
Have you had a CT scan?