Hello! Anyone on here have experience with or have celiac? I have been having watery, pale diarrhea for 3 weeks now. The D lasts all day sometimes and I go anywhere from 5-11 times a day. I went to the ER today because I was also very nauseous and weak. They did blood tests and a cat scan of my abdomen. Everything came back fine. I’m not really sure where to go from here as I still feel pretty crappy. Any help would be appreciated!
Celiac Disease: Hello! Anyone on here have... - IBS Network
Celiac Disease
You might have a virus. I am not sure if that would show up in a blood test. There is a specific and fast test for celiac disease. If you don't feel better soon see your doctor. What you are going through sounds miserable.
The doctor at the ER prescribed me with antibiotics. I don’t want these to make the diarrhea worse though!
My son was diagnosed with coeliac disease last year, it took almost 4 years to get a diagnosis because he kept getting fobbed off by GP's and even a consultant. He had constant diarrhoea, and stomach pains but he did not lose weight as is often the case with coeliac.
I would suggest that you ask your GP for a blood test to detect coeliac antibodies and it is absolutely essential the you eat plenty of food containing gluten before you go for this blood test otherwise the test may throw up a false negative.
Even if you prove negative for antibodies it does not necessarily mean you don't have coeliac disease. Sometimes an endoscopy is the only thing that will conclusively prove that you have the disease.
My son had been getting worse for ages and your symptoms would suggest a more acute, as someone else has said, condition but I'm not medically trained so don't take my word for it.
One of the best places for information regarding coeliac disease is Coeliac uk which is a charity, they have a brilliant helpline that you can ring, they will let you know which questions to ask and which tests to request from your GP. They can also advise you with regard to your symptoms.
I hope you get some help, good luck.
CEBGSU: I don't have Celiac (was tested for it0, but I had chronic diarrhea for years and years. Going the same as you...5-10 times a day sometimes. It was awful. Anyway, I finally found a doctor who help me out! He's put me on a drug called "Welchol," and it has helped immensely! I no longer have diarrhea daily and my "movements" are totally back to normal! I was amazed at how quickly it cleared up. Now...maybe once every other month or so, I still have a "bout," but I can handle that. If you get a prescription, do not take more than 3 pills 2 a day..that's the max...that's what I am on. Good luck! I can feel your frustration!
*3 pills twice a day. Sorry!
As this is a drug primarily used to lower cholesterol and lower blood glucose levels in diabetics do you have any problems associated with those effects? I'm just interested.
Hi, knitwitty (I LOVE your moniker!! HA!) No..I have no problems with that at all. It works very well for me. Not worried about the cholesterol and blood glucose levels. I have a physicla every year..so my doctor will keep track of both. Take care!
You might have a virus or perhaps a bacterial infection that’s why you were prescribed the antibiotics. However, if in four days you’re not responding to your meds then it could be something else. During this time give your bowels a break and only eat a bland diet. Some of these illnesses get prolonged because your system doesn’t have a chance to recuperate if it’s being constantly irritated.
In the meantime for about a month, in addition to the bland diet You can try eliminating all glutens from your body without causing any further grief. Meaning don’t eat or drink any wheat based products (and other grains glutens , Oats are usually safe and soothing) . Check online for lists of foods with gluten to avoid and check food labels for hidden glutens.
Assuming your symptoms will improve anyway, then in a month or so try to bring back a judicious amount of only one food item at a time with gluten into your diet. If you begin to have your symptoms reoccur then seek further medical guidance and testing because you could have food allergies . Some can cause similar symptoms. Or You might have have non-coeliac gluten sensitivity.
Have you had the diarrhea episodes at other times in recent years? Do you have other symptoms? Coeliac is an autoimmune problem it often has other symptoms and wouldn’t be a one-off when it presents. If the problem continues, definitely ask for the coeliac test. As suggested by others prepare for the test by eating your normal diet that has glutens .
Good luck and hoping your problem has disappeared before you even have a chance to read this post.
Thank you for the response. Yes, this happened last summer for about 2 months. But I was not throwing up or nauseous. I feel absolutely terrible. I’m wondering if this is from my anxiety.