Does anyone suffer sulphur burps? The burps which taste like egg and they give you heartburn? I suffered this yesterday and seem to once a month. I’m scared I have really bad, sinister stuff going on in my stomach but I’m scared of the outcome. I seem to have all the symptoms from Google’s stomach cancer which has freaked me out even more. I’m ruining my relationship and can’t lead a normal life cause I’m scared of what I can and can’t eat, going to the toilet in others houses and if I get these sulphur burps they will all smell them. I want to go out and meet my friends today but I feel under the weather. I can’t take this anymore x
Stomach cancer: Does anyone suffer sulphur... - IBS Network
Stomach cancer
Kate8433, please get to a gastro doctor ASAP. Demand an endoscope to look at your stomach and esophagus. If you are feeling 'full' after eating a small amount of food, please tell your doctor as well as alert her/him to the 'Sulphur' taste after you burp. My brother had the 'burnt' taste after he burped, and 2 years prior to his diagnosis had lost weight because he was 'full' after eating half a hamburger, sandwich, meal, etc. I conducted intense research on stomach cancer after his diagnosis and death and learned stomach cancer is caused by a bacteria ingest during childhood that lies dormant for decades. I contacted the CDC who confirmed what I researched and the person I spoke with told me what I found was true. When I asked the person at the CDC why a vaccine wasn't developed as this was a bacterial infection, I was told 'it is too costly to develop a vaccine as not enough people contract stomach cancer.' Needless to say, I was incensed by the comment. I have known 3 people who have contracted Stomach Cancer - one was a step-grandfather (no relation), my brother, and a sister-in-law misdiagnosed with Crohn's Disease. After my brother's weight loss, he then was tasting Sulphur when he burped, then he had stomach pain and was told it was an ulcer (another common misdiagnosis to stomach cancer). You may just have an ulcer, but if you do have an ulcer it needs to be treated. I wish you all the best of luck and hope you have nothing more than a bad reaction to something you are ingesting.